2023-03-20 16:44:32 -03:00

259 lines
8.7 KiB

const {Range} = require('atom')
const _ = require('underscore-plus')
const SelfClosingTags = require('./self-closing-tags')
const TAG_SELECTOR_REGEX = /(\b|\.)(meta\.tag|punctuation\.definition\.tag)/
const COMMENT_SELECTOR_REGEX = /(\b|\.)comment/
// Creates a regex to match opening tag with match[1] and closing tags with match[2]
// * tagNameRegexStr - a regex string describing how to match the tagname.
// Should not contain capturing match groups.
// Returns a {RegExp}.
const generateTagStartOrEndRegex = function (tagNameRegexStr) {
const notSelfClosingTagEnd = "(?:[^>\\/\"']|\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*')*>"
return new RegExp(`<(${tagNameRegexStr})${notSelfClosingTagEnd}|<\\/(${tagNameRegexStr})>`)
const tagStartOrEndRegex = generateTagStartOrEndRegex('\\w[-\\w]*(?:(?:\\:|\\.)\\w[-\\w]*)*')
// Helper to find the matching start/end tag for the start/end tag under the
// cursor in XML, HTML, etc. editors.
module.exports =
class TagFinder {
constructor (editor) {
// 1. Tag prefix
// 2. Closing tag (optional)
// 3. Tag name
// 4. Attributes (ids, classes, etc. - optional)
// 5. Tag suffix
// 6. Self-closing tag (optional)
this.editor = editor
this.tagPattern = /(<(\/)?)(.+?)(\s+.*?)?((\/)?>|$)/
this.wordRegex = /.*?(>|$)/
patternForTagName (tagName) {
tagName = _.escapeRegExp(tagName)
// 1. Start tag
// 2. Tag name
// 3. Attributes (optional)
// 4. Tag suffix
// 5. Self-closing tag (optional)
// 6. End tag
return new RegExp(`(<(${tagName})(\\s+[^>]*?)?((/)?>))|(</${tagName}[^>]*>)`, 'gi')
isRangeCommented (range) {
return this.scopesForPositionMatchRegex(range.start, COMMENT_SELECTOR_REGEX)
isCursorOnTag () {
return this.scopesForPositionMatchRegex(this.editor.getCursorBufferPosition(), TAG_SELECTOR_REGEX)
scopesForPositionMatchRegex (position, regex) {
const {tokenizedBuffer, buffer} = this.editor
const {grammar} = tokenizedBuffer
let column = 0
const line = tokenizedBuffer.tokenizedLineForRow(position.row)
if (line == null) { return false }
const lineLength = buffer.lineLengthForRow(position.row)
const scopeIds = line.openScopes.slice()
for (let i = 0; i < line.tags.length; i++) {
const tag = line.tags[i]
if (tag >= 0) {
const nextColumn = column + tag
if ((nextColumn > position.column) || (nextColumn === lineLength)) { break }
column = nextColumn
} else if ((tag & 1) === 1) {
} else {
return scopeIds.some(scopeId => regex.test(grammar.scopeForId(scopeId)))
findStartTag (tagName, endPosition, fullRange = false) {
const scanRange = new Range([0, 0], endPosition)
const pattern = this.patternForTagName(tagName)
let startRange = null
let unpairedCount = 0
this.editor.backwardsScanInBufferRange(pattern, scanRange, ({match, range, stop}) => {
if (this.isRangeCommented(range)) return
const [entireMatch, isStartTag, tagName, attributes, suffix, isSelfClosingTag, isEndTag] = match
if (isSelfClosingTag) return
if (isStartTag) {
if (unpairedCount < 0) {
startRange = range
if (!fullRange) {
// Move the start past the initial <
startRange.start = startRange.start.translate([0, 1])
// End right after the tag name
startRange.end = startRange.start.translate([0, tagName.length])
} else {
return startRange
findEndTag (tagName, startPosition, fullRange = false) {
const scanRange = new Range(startPosition, this.editor.buffer.getEndPosition())
const pattern = this.patternForTagName(tagName)
let endRange = null
let unpairedCount = 0
this.editor.scanInBufferRange(pattern, scanRange, ({match, range, stop}) => {
if (this.isRangeCommented(range)) return
const [entireMatch, isStartTag, tagName, attributes, suffix, isSelfClosingTag, isEndTag] = match
if (isSelfClosingTag) return
if (isStartTag) {
} else {
if (unpairedCount < 0) {
endRange = range
if (!fullRange) {
// Subtract </ and > from range
endRange = range.translate([0, 2], [0, -1])
return endRange
findStartEndTags (fullRange = false) {
let ranges = {}
const endPosition = this.editor.getLastCursor().getCurrentWordBufferRange({wordRegex: this.wordRegex}).end
this.editor.backwardsScanInBufferRange(this.tagPattern, [[0, 0], endPosition], ({match, range, stop}) => {
const [entireMatch, prefix, isClosingTag, tagName, attributes, suffix, isSelfClosingTag] = Array.from(match)
let startRange = range
if (!fullRange) {
if (range.start.row === range.end.row) {
// Move the start past the initial <
startRange.start = startRange.start.translate([0, prefix.length])
// End right after the tag name
startRange.end = startRange.start.translate([0, tagName.length])
} else {
startRange = Range.fromObject([range.start.translate([0, prefix.length]), [range.start.row, Infinity]])
let endRange
if (isSelfClosingTag) {
endRange = startRange
} else if (isClosingTag) {
endRange = this.findStartTag(tagName, startRange.start, fullRange)
} else {
endRange = this.findEndTag(tagName, startRange.end, fullRange)
if (startRange && endRange) ranges = {startRange, endRange}
return ranges
findMatchingTags () {
return (this.isCursorOnTag() && this.findStartEndTags()) || {}
// Parses a fragment of html returning the stack (i.e., an array) of open tags
// fragment - the fragment of html to be analysed
// stack - an array to be populated (can be non-empty)
// matchExpr - a RegExp describing how to match opening/closing tags
// the opening/closing descriptions must be captured subexpressions
// so that the code can refer to match[1] to check if an opening
// tag has been found, and to match[2] to check if a closing tag
// has been found
// cond - a condition to be checked at each iteration. If the function
// returns false the processing is immediately interrupted. When
// called the current stack is provided to the function.
// Returns an array of strings. Each string is a tag that is still to be closed
// (the most recent non closed tag is at the end of the array).
parseFragment (fragment, stack, matchExpr, cond) {
let match = fragment.match(matchExpr)
while (match && cond(stack)) {
if (SelfClosingTags.indexOf(match[1]) === -1) {
const topElem = stack[stack.length - 1]
if (match[2] && (topElem === match[2])) {
} else if (match[1]) {
fragment = fragment.substr(match.index + match[0].length)
match = fragment.match(matchExpr)
return stack
// Parses the given fragment of html code returning the last unclosed tag.
// fragment - a string containing a fragment of html code.
// Returns an array of strings. Each string is a tag that is still to be closed
// (the most recent non closed tag is at the end of the array).
tagsNotClosedInFragment (fragment) {
return this.parseFragment(fragment, [], tagStartOrEndRegex, () => true)
// Parses the given fragment of html code and returns true if the given tag
// has a matching closing tag in it. If tag is reopened and reclosed in the
// given fragment then the end point of that pair does not count as a matching
// closing tag.
tagDoesNotCloseInFragment (tags, fragment) {
if (tags.length === 0) { return false }
let stack = tags
const stackLength = stack.length
const tag = tags[tags.length - 1]
const escapedTag = _.escapeRegExp(tag)
stack = this.parseFragment(fragment, stack, generateTagStartOrEndRegex(escapedTag), s =>
s.length >= stackLength || s[s.length - 1] === tag
return (stack.length > 0) && (stack[stack.length - 1] === tag)
// Parses preFragment and postFragment returning the last open tag in
// preFragment that is not closed in postFragment.
// Returns a tag name or null if it can't find it.
closingTagForFragments (preFragment, postFragment) {
const tags = this.tagsNotClosedInFragment(preFragment)
const tag = tags[tags.length - 1]
if (this.tagDoesNotCloseInFragment(tags, postFragment)) {
return tag
} else {
return null