2023-03-20 23:05:47 -03:00

294 lines
9.3 KiB

describe "Perl 6 grammar", ->
grammar = null
beforeEach ->
waitsForPromise ->
runs ->
grammar = atom.grammars.grammarForScopeName("source.perl6")
it "parses the grammar", ->
expect(grammar.scopeName).toBe "source.perl6"
describe "identifiers", ->
it "should match simple scalar identifiers", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('$a')
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: '$a', scopes: [
it "should match simple array identifiers", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('@a')
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: '@a', scopes: [
it "should match simple hash identifiers", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('%a')
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: '%a', scopes: [
it "should match simple hash identifiers", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('&a')
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: '&a', scopes: [
it "should match unicode identifiers", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('$cööl-páttérn')
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: '$cööl-páttérn', scopes: [
it "should match identifiers with multiple dashes which can contain other keywords", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('start-from-here')
expect(tokens.length).toEqual 1
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: 'start-from-here', scopes: [
it "should match identifiers with dash which can contain other keywords", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('start-here')
expect(tokens.length).toEqual 1
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: 'start-here', scopes: [
it "should match identifiers with dash which can contain other keywords", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('is-required')
expect(tokens.length).toEqual 1
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: 'is-required', scopes: [
it "should match identifiers with dash which can contain other keywords", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('is-utf8')
expect(tokens.length).toEqual 1
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: 'is-utf8', scopes: [
it "should match identifiers with a dangling match", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('is-')
expect(tokens.length).toEqual 2
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: 'is', scopes: [
expect(tokens[1]).toEqual value: '-', scopes: [
it "should not match scalar identifiers with a dash followed by a number", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('$foo-1')
expect(tokens.length).toEqual 2
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: '$foo', scopes: [
expect(tokens[1]).toEqual value: '-1', scopes: [
describe "strings", ->
it "should tokenize simple strings", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine('"abc"')
expect(tokens.length).toEqual 3
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: '"', scopes: [
expect(tokens[1]).toEqual value: 'abc', scopes: [
expect(tokens[2]).toEqual value: '"', scopes: [
describe "modules", ->
it "should parse package declarations", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine("class Johnny's::Super-Cool::cööl-páttérn::Module")
expect(tokens.length).toEqual 3
expect(tokens[0]).toEqual value: 'class', scopes: [
value: ' '
scopes: [
value: 'Johnny\'s::Super-Cool::cööl-páttérn::Module'
scopes: [
describe "comments", ->
it "should parse comments", ->
{tokens} = grammar.tokenizeLine("# this is the comment")
expect(tokens.length).toEqual 3
value: '#'
scopes: [
value: ' this is the comment',
scopes: [
describe "firstLineMatch", ->
it "recognises interpreter directives", ->
valid = """
#!perl6 -w
#! perl6 -w
#!/usr/sbin/perl6 foo
#!/usr/bin/perl6 foo=bar/
#!/usr/sbin/perl6 foo bar baz
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
#!/usr/bin/env bin/perl6
#!/usr/bin/perl6 --script=usr/bin
#! /usr/bin/env A=003 B=149 C=150 D=xzd E=base64 F=tar G=gz H=head I=tail perl6
#!\t/usr/bin/env --foo=bar perl6 --quu=quux
#! /usr/bin/perl6
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
for line in valid.split /\n/
invalid = """
#! pearl6
#!/bin/perl 6
#! /usr/binperl6
#!\t/usr/bin/env --perl6=bar
for line in invalid.split /\n/
it "recognises the Perl6 pragma", ->
line = "use v6;"
it "recognises Emacs modelines", ->
modelines = """
/* -*-perl6-*- */
// -*- PERL6 -*-
/* -*- mode:perl6 -*- */
// -*- font:bar;mode:Perl6 -*-
// -*- font:bar;mode:Perl6;foo:bar; -*-
// -*-font:mode;mode:perl6-*-
" -*-foo:bar;mode:Perl6;bar:foo-*- ";
" -*-font-mode:foo;mode:Perl6;foo-bar:quux-*-"
"-*-font:x;foo:bar; mode : pErL6;bar:foo;foooooo:baaaaar;fo:ba;-*-";
"-*- font:x;foo : bar ; mode : pErL6 ; bar : foo ; foooooo:baaaaar;fo:ba-*-";
for line in modelines.split /\n/
invalid = """
/* --*perl6-*- */
/* -*-- perl6 -*-
/* -*- -- perl6 -*-
/* -*- perl6 -;- -*-
// -*- iPERL6 -*-
// -*- perl 6 -*-
// -*- perl6-stuff -*-
/* -*- model:perl6 -*-
/* -*- indent-mode:perl6 -*-
// -*- font:mode;Perl6 -*-
// -*- mode: -*- Perl6
// -*- mode: grok-with-perl6 -*-
// -*-font:mode;mode:perl6--*-
for line in invalid.split /\n/
it "recognises Vim modelines", ->
valid = """
vim: se filetype=perl6:
# vim: se ft=perl6:
# vim: set ft=perl6:
# vim: set filetype=Perl6:
# vim: ft=perl6
# vim: syntax=pERl6
# vim: se syntax=PERL6:
# ex: syntax=perl6
# vim:ft=perl6
# vim600: ft=perl6
# vim>600: set ft=perl6:
# vi:noai:sw=3 ts=6 ft=perl6
# vi::::::::::noai:::::::::::: ft=perl6
# vim:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4:noexpandtab:ft=perl6
# vi:: noai : : : : sw =3 ts =6 ft =perl6
# vim: ts=4: pi sts=4: ft=perl6: noexpandtab: sw=4:
# vim: ts=4 sts=4: ft=perl6 noexpandtab:
# vim:noexpandtab sts=4 ft=perl6 ts=4
# vim:noexpandtab:ft=perl6
# vim:ts=4:sts=4 ft=perl6:noexpandtab:\x20
# vim:noexpandtab titlestring=hi\|there\\\\ ft=perl6 ts=4
for line in valid.split /\n/
invalid = """
ex: se filetype=perl6:
_vi: se filetype=perl6:
vi: se filetype=perl6
# vim set ft=perl6o
# vim: soft=perl6
# vim: hairy-syntax=perl6:
# vim set ft=perl6:
# vim: setft=perl6:
# vim: se ft=perl6 backupdir=tmp
# vim: set ft=perl6 set cmdheight=1
# vim:noexpandtab sts:4 ft:perl6 ts:4
# vim:noexpandtab titlestring=hi\\|there\\ ft=perl6 ts=4
# vim:noexpandtab titlestring=hi\\|there\\\\\\ ft=perl6 ts=4
for line in invalid.split /\n/
# Local variables:
# mode: CoffeeScript
# End: