steven nguyen 477b075db5 ➡️ Migrate all language packages
To make https://github.com/atom-community/atom/pull/386 reviewable,
that pr will be separated into many simpler prs. This is one of them.

This first commit does the following:
- update package.json
- update package-lock.json using `./script/build` which also seems to update `apm/package-lock.json`
- update packages/README.md
- clone all language packages. Specifically:
    - `mkdir packages/language-<all of them>`
    - `cd packages/about`
    - For all languages:
        - `cd ../language-<>`
        - `git clone language-<>`
        - Move all files except `.git` from `language-<>/language-<>`
          to `language-<>`
        - delete `language-<>/language-<>`

Since at first I accidentally updated `dependencies` then
`packageDependencies`, it appears that since the versions of language-c,
language-css, language-go, language-javascript, and language-sass don't
match, `dependencies` was reset for those versions.

[Those repos just happen to be precisely the ones that have tree-sitter v19](https://github.com/icecream17/atom-update-backlog/blob/main/Languages.md), (sans language-sass),
which [currently breaks atom](https://github.com/atom/atom/issues/22129). So even though their repos are now
in `packages`, **I've decided to not use them**.

This is done by updating `packageDependencies` only for non-breaking
2022-06-25 19:58:57 +00:00

90 lines
2.7 KiB

'Array Comprehension':
'prefix': 'fora'
'body': 'for ${1:name} in ${2:array}\n ${0:# body...}'
'Function (bound)':
'prefix': 'bfun'
'body': '(${1:args}) =>\n ${0:# body...}'
'prefix': 'cla'
'body': 'class ${1:ClassName}${2: extends ${3:Ancestor}}\n\n ${4:constructor: (${5:args}) ->\n ${6:# body...}}\n $7'
'Else if':
'prefix': 'elif'
'body': 'else if ${1:condition}\n ${0:# body...}'
'prefix': 'fun'
'body': '(${1:args}) ->\n ${0:# body...}\n\n'
'If .. Else':
'prefix': 'ife'
'body': 'if ${1:condition}\n ${2:# body...}\nelse\n ${3:# body...}'
'prefix': 'if'
'body': 'if ${1:condition}\n ${0:# body...}'
'Object comprehension':
'prefix': 'foro'
'body': 'for ${1:key}, ${2:value} of ${3:Object}\n ${0:# body...}'
'Range comprehension (exclusive)':
'prefix': 'forrex'
'body': 'for ${1:name} in [${2:start}...${3:finish}]${4: by ${5:step}}\n ${0:# body...}'
'Range comprehension (inclusive)':
'prefix': 'forr'
'body': 'for ${1:name} in [${2:start}..${3:finish}]${4: by ${5:step}}\n ${0:# body...}'
'prefix': 'swi'
'body': 'switch ${1:object}\n when ${2:value}\n ${0:# body...}'
'Ternary If':
'prefix': 'ifte'
'body': 'if ${1:condition} then ${2:value} else ${3:other}'
'Try .. Catch':
'prefix': 'try'
'body': 'try\n $1\ncatch ${2:error}\n $3'
'prefix': 'unl'
'body': '${1:action} unless ${2:condition}'
'prefix': '/3'
'body': '# $1\n# -------------------------\n$0'
'prefix': 'log'
'body': 'console.log $0'
'prefix': 'warn'
'body': 'console.warn $0'
'prefix': 'error'
'body': 'console.error $0'
'prefix': 'req'
'body': '${1:sys} $3= require \'${2:${1:sys}}\'$4'
'Describe block':
'prefix': 'de',
'body': 'describe "${1:description}", ->\n ${2:body}'
'It block':
'prefix': 'i',
'body': 'it "$1", ->\n $2'
'Before each':
'prefix': 'be',
'body': 'beforeEach ->\n $1'
'After each':
'prefix': 'af',
'body': 'afterEach ->\n $1'
'prefix': 'ex',
'body': 'expect($1).to$2'
'Range array':
'prefix': 'ra',
'body': '[[$1, $2], [$3, $4]]'
'Point array':
'prefix': 'pt',
'body': '[$1, $2]'
'Key-value pair':
'prefix': 'kv',
'body': '${1:\'${2:key}\'}: ${3:value}'
'Create Jasmine spy':
'prefix': 'spy',
'body': 'jasmine.createSpy(\'${1:description}\')$2'
'.string.quoted.double.coffee:not(.string .source), .string.quoted.double.heredoc.coffee:not(.string .source)':
'Interpolated Code':
'prefix': '#'
'body': '#{$1}$2'