Nathan Sobo 76b9982e04 Emit stylesheet-added/removed from ThemeManager w/ CSSStyleSheet objects
This enables subscribers to detect not just that stylesheets have
changed, but specifically how they have changed. This is used by the
React editor component to only refresh scrollbars when a stylesheet
that actually contains selectors for scrollbar elements is added or
2014-05-09 11:33:04 -06:00

216 lines
7.3 KiB

path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
{Emitter} = require 'emissary'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
Q = require 'q'
{$} = require './space-pen-extensions'
Package = require './package'
{File} = require 'pathwatcher'
# Public: Handles loading and activating available themes.
# An instance of this class is always available as the `atom.themes` global.
module.exports =
class ThemeManager
constructor: ({@packageManager, @resourcePath, @configDirPath}) ->
@lessCache = null
@packageManager.registerPackageActivator(this, ['theme'])
getAvailableNames: ->
# TODO: Maybe should change to list all the available themes out there?
# Public: Get an array of all the loaded theme names.
getLoadedNames: ->
theme.name for theme in @getLoadedThemes()
# Public: Get an array of all the active theme names.
getActiveNames: ->
theme.name for theme in @getActiveThemes()
# Public: Get an array of all the active themes.
getActiveThemes: ->
pack for pack in @packageManager.getActivePackages() when pack.isTheme()
# Public: Get an array of all the loaded themes.
getLoadedThemes: ->
pack for pack in @packageManager.getLoadedPackages() when pack.isTheme()
activatePackages: (themePackages) -> @activateThemes()
# Get the enabled theme names from the config.
# Returns an array of theme names in the order that they should be activated.
getEnabledThemeNames: ->
themeNames = atom.config.get('core.themes') ? []
themeNames = [themeNames] unless _.isArray(themeNames)
themeNames = themeNames.filter (themeName) ->
themeName and typeof themeName is 'string'
# Reverse so the first (top) theme is loaded after the others. We want
# the first/top theme to override later themes in the stack.
activateThemes: ->
deferred = Q.defer()
# atom.config.observe runs the callback once, then on subsequent changes.
atom.config.observe 'core.themes', =>
@refreshLessCache() # Update cache for packages in core.themes config
promises = []
for themeName in @getEnabledThemeNames()
if @packageManager.resolvePackagePath(themeName)
console.warn("Failed to activate theme '#{themeName}' because it isn't installed.")
Q.all(promises).then =>
@refreshLessCache() # Update cache again now that @getActiveThemes() is populated
deactivateThemes: ->
@packageManager.deactivatePackage(pack.name) for pack in @getActiveThemes()
refreshLessCache: ->
# Public: Set the list of enabled themes.
# enabledThemeNames - An {Array} of {String} theme names.
setEnabledThemes: (enabledThemeNames) ->
atom.config.set('core.themes', enabledThemeNames)
getImportPaths: ->
activeThemes = @getActiveThemes()
if activeThemes.length > 0
themePaths = (theme.getStylesheetsPath() for theme in activeThemes when theme)
themePaths = []
for themeName in @getEnabledThemeNames()
if themePath = @packageManager.resolvePackagePath(themeName)
themePaths.push(path.join(themePath, Package.stylesheetsDir))
themePaths.filter (themePath) -> fs.isDirectorySync(themePath)
# Public: Returns the {String} path to the user's stylesheet under ~/.atom
getUserStylesheetPath: ->
stylesheetPath = fs.resolve(path.join(@configDirPath, 'styles'), ['css', 'less'])
if fs.isFileSync(stylesheetPath)
path.join(@configDirPath, 'styles.less')
unwatchUserStylesheet: ->
@userStylesheetFile = null
@removeStylesheet(@userStylesheetPath) if @userStylesheetPath?
loadUserStylesheet: ->
userStylesheetPath = @getUserStylesheetPath()
return unless fs.isFileSync(userStylesheetPath)
@userStylesheetPath = userStylesheetPath
@userStylesheetFile = new File(userStylesheetPath)
@userStylesheetFile.on 'contents-changed moved removed', =>
userStylesheetContents = @loadStylesheet(userStylesheetPath)
@applyStylesheet(userStylesheetPath, userStylesheetContents, 'userTheme')
loadBaseStylesheets: ->
reloadBaseStylesheets: ->
if nativeStylesheetPath = fs.resolveOnLoadPath(process.platform, ['css', 'less'])
stylesheetElementForId: (id, htmlElement=$('html')) ->
htmlElement.find("""head style[id="#{id}"]""")
resolveStylesheet: (stylesheetPath) ->
if path.extname(stylesheetPath).length > 0
fs.resolveOnLoadPath(stylesheetPath, ['css', 'less'])
# Public: Resolve and apply the stylesheet specified by the path.
# This supports both CSS and LESS stylsheets.
# stylesheetPath - A {String} path to the stylesheet that can be an absolute
# path or a relative path that will be resolved against the
# load path.
# Returns the absolute path to the required stylesheet.
requireStylesheet: (stylesheetPath, type = 'bundled', htmlElement) ->
if fullPath = @resolveStylesheet(stylesheetPath)
content = @loadStylesheet(fullPath)
@applyStylesheet(fullPath, content, type = 'bundled', htmlElement)
throw new Error("Could not find a file at path '#{stylesheetPath}'")
loadStylesheet: (stylesheetPath) ->
if path.extname(stylesheetPath) is '.less'
fs.readFileSync(stylesheetPath, 'utf8')
loadLessStylesheet: (lessStylesheetPath) ->
unless @lessCache?
LessCompileCache = require './less-compile-cache'
@lessCache = new LessCompileCache({@resourcePath, importPaths: @getImportPaths()})
catch e
console.error """
Error compiling less stylesheet: #{lessStylesheetPath}
Line number: #{e.line}
stringToId: (string) ->
string.replace(/\\/g, '/')
removeStylesheet: (stylesheetPath) ->
fullPath = @resolveStylesheet(stylesheetPath) ? stylesheetPath
element = @stylesheetElementForId(@stringToId(fullPath))
if element.length > 0
stylesheet = element[0].sheet
@emit 'stylesheet-removed', stylesheet
@emit 'stylesheets-changed'
applyStylesheet: (path, text, type = 'bundled', htmlElement=$('html')) ->
styleElement = @stylesheetElementForId(@stringToId(path), htmlElement)
if styleElement.length
@emit 'stylesheet-removed', styleElement[0].sheet
styleElement = $("<style class='#{type}' id='#{@stringToId(path)}'>#{text}</style>")
if htmlElement.find("head style.#{type}").length
htmlElement.find("head style.#{type}:last").after(styleElement)
@emit 'stylesheet-added', styleElement[0].sheet
@emit 'stylesheets-changed'