Corey Johnson a866d53e96 SpacePen's constructor doesn't default first arg to an empty object
If you want your view's initialize, class or content argument to default to an empty object, do it yourself!
2012-05-16 10:35:00 -07:00

202 lines
6.0 KiB

# Modified from 13570cdf3a32bd9f484b2fd838f64e957716fca -- add require `jquery`
$ = jQuery = require('jquery')
elements =
'a abbr address article aside audio b bdi bdo blockquote body button
canvas caption cite code colgroup datalist dd del details dfn div dl dt em
fieldset figcaption figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 head header hgroup
html i iframe ins kbd label legend li map mark menu meter nav noscript object
ol optgroup option output p pre progress q rp rt ruby s samp script section
select small span strong style sub summary sup table tbody td textarea tfoot
th thead time title tr u ul video area base br col command embed hr img input
keygen link meta param source track wbrk'.split /\s+/
voidElements =
'area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param
source track wbr'.split /\s+/
events =
'blur change click dblclick error focus input keydown
keypress keyup load mousedown mousemove mouseout mouseover
mouseup resize scroll select submit unload'.split /\s+/
idCounter = 0
class View extends jQuery
@builderStack: []
elements.forEach (tagName) ->
View[tagName] = (args...) -> @currentBuilder.tag(tagName, args...)
@subview: (name, view) ->
@currentBuilder.subview(name, view)
@text: (string) -> @currentBuilder.text(string)
@raw: (string) -> @currentBuilder.raw(string)
@pushBuilder: ->
builder = new Builder
@currentBuilder = builder
@popBuilder: ->
@currentBuilder = @builderStack[@builderStack.length - 2]
@buildHtml: (fn) ->
[html, postProcessingSteps] = @popBuilder().buildHtml()
@render: (fn) ->
[html, postProcessingSteps] = @buildHtml(fn)
div = document.createElement('div')
div.innerHTML = html
fragment = $(div.childNodes)
step(fragment) for step in postProcessingSteps
constructor: (args...) ->
# args[0] ?= {}
[html, postProcessingSteps] = @constructor.buildHtml -> @content(args...)
jQuery.fn.init.call(this, html)
@constructor = jQuery # sadly, jQuery assumes this.constructor == jQuery in pushStack
throw new Error("View markup must have a single root element") if this.length != 1
@find('*').andSelf().data('view', this)
@attr('callAttachHooks', true)
step(this) for step in postProcessingSteps
buildHtml: (params) ->
@constructor.builder = new Builder
[html, postProcessingSteps] = @constructor.builder.buildHtml()
@constructor.builder = null
wireOutlets: (view) ->
@find('[outlet]').each ->
element = $(this)
outlet = element.attr('outlet')
view[outlet] = element
element.attr('outlet', null)
bindEventHandlers: (view) ->
for eventName in events
selector = "[#{eventName}]"
elements = view.find(selector).add(view.filter(selector))
elements.each ->
element = $(this)
methodName = element.attr(eventName)
element.on eventName, (event) -> view[methodName](event, element)
class Builder
constructor: ->
@document = []
@postProcessingSteps = []
buildHtml: ->
[@document.join(''), @postProcessingSteps]
tag: (name, args...) ->
options = @extractOptions(args)
@openTag(name, options.attributes)
if name in voidElements
if (options.text? or options.content?)
throw new Error("Self-closing tag #{name} cannot have text or content")
@text(options.text) if options.text
openTag: (name, attributes) ->
attributePairs =
for attributeName, value of attributes
attributesString =
if attributePairs.length
" " + attributePairs.join(" ")
@document.push "<#{name}#{attributesString}>"
closeTag: (name) ->
@document.push "</#{name}>"
text: (string) ->
escapedString = string
.replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
.replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
.replace(/'/g, '&#39;')
.replace(/</g, '&lt;')
.replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
@document.push escapedString
raw: (string) ->
@document.push string
subview: (outletName, subview) ->
subviewId = "subview-#{++idCounter}"
@tag 'div', id: subviewId
@postProcessingSteps.push (view) ->
view[outletName] = subview
subview.parentView = view
extractOptions: (args) ->
options = {}
for arg in args
type = typeof(arg)
if type is "function"
options.content = arg
else if type is "string" or type is "number"
options.text = arg.toString()
options.attributes = arg
jQuery.fn.view = -> this.data('view')
# Trigger attach event when views are added to the DOM
callAttachHook = (element) ->
return unless element
onDom = element.parents?('html').length > 0
elementsWithHooks = []
elementsWithHooks.push(element[0]) if element.attr?('callAttachHooks')
elementsWithHooks = elementsWithHooks.concat(element.find?('[callAttachHooks]').toArray() ? []) if onDom
parent = element
for element in elementsWithHooks
view = $(element).view()
for methodName in ['append', 'prepend', 'after', 'before']
do (methodName) ->
originalMethod = $.fn[methodName]
jQuery.fn[methodName] = (args...) ->
flatArgs = [].concat args...
result = originalMethod.apply(this, flatArgs)
callAttachHook arg for arg in flatArgs
for methodName in ['prependTo', 'appendTo', 'insertAfter', 'insertBefore']
do (methodName) ->
originalMethod = $.fn[methodName]
jQuery.fn[methodName] = (args...) ->
result = originalMethod.apply(this, args)
(exports ? this).View = View
(exports ? this).$$ = (fn) -> View.render.call(View, fn)
(exports ? this).$$$ = (fn) -> View.buildHtml.call(View, fn)[0]