Nathan Sobo dc7a4a8168 Increase wait time in spec
This kinda sucks, but it’s not the end of the world.
2015-10-07 15:25:06 -05:00

83 lines
3.3 KiB

path = require 'path'
MenuManager = require '../src/menu-manager'
describe "MenuManager", ->
menu = null
beforeEach ->
menu = new MenuManager(
resourcePath: atom.getLoadSettings().resourcePath
keymapManager: atom.keymaps
packageManager: atom.packages
describe "::add(items)", ->
it "can add new menus that can be removed with the returned disposable", ->
disposable = menu.add [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "B", command: "b"}]}]
expect(menu.template).toEqual [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "B", command: "b"}]}]
expect(menu.template).toEqual []
it "can add submenu items to existing menus that can be removed with the returned disposable", ->
disposable1 = menu.add [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "B", command: "b"}]}]
disposable2 = menu.add [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "C", submenu: [{label: "D", command: 'd'}]}]}]
disposable3 = menu.add [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "C", submenu: [{label: "E", command: 'e'}]}]}]
expect(menu.template).toEqual [{
label: "A",
submenu: [
{label: "B", command: "b"},
{label: "C", submenu: [{label: 'D', command: 'd'}, {label: 'E', command: 'e'}]}
expect(menu.template).toEqual [{
label: "A",
submenu: [
{label: "B", command: "b"},
{label: "C", submenu: [{label: 'D', command: 'd'}]}
expect(menu.template).toEqual [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "B", command: "b"}]}]
expect(menu.template).toEqual []
it "does not add duplicate labels to the same menu", ->
originalItemCount = menu.template.length
menu.add [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "B", command: "b"}]}]
menu.add [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "B", command: "b"}]}]
expect(menu.template[originalItemCount]).toEqual {label: "A", submenu: [{label: "B", command: "b"}]}
describe "::update()", ->
it "sends the current menu template and associated key bindings to the browser process", ->
spyOn(menu, 'sendToBrowserProcess')
menu.add [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "B", command: "b"}]}]
atom.keymaps.add 'test', 'atom-workspace': 'ctrl-b': 'b'
waits 1
runs -> expect(menu.sendToBrowserProcess.argsForCall[0][1]['b']).toEqual ['ctrl-b']
it "omits key bindings that are mapped to unset! in any context", ->
# it would be nice to be smarter about omitting, but that would require a much
# more dynamic interaction between the currently focused element and the menu
spyOn(menu, 'sendToBrowserProcess')
menu.add [{label: "A", submenu: [{label: "B", command: "b"}]}]
atom.keymaps.add 'test', 'atom-workspace': 'ctrl-b': 'b'
atom.keymaps.add 'test', 'atom-text-editor': 'ctrl-b': 'unset!'
waits 50
runs -> expect(menu.sendToBrowserProcess.argsForCall[0][1]['b']).toBeUndefined()
it "updates the application menu when a keymap is reloaded", ->
spyOn(menu, 'update')
keymapPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'packages', 'package-with-keymaps', 'keymaps', 'keymap-1.cson')