David Wilson 7b7fd7b264 Remove listeners for specific events in Task class
This change is necessary for Electron 3 to a bug in Node.js 10.2.x which causes
the `removeAllListeners` method to no longer remove all listeners for any event
name when no argument is passed:


This issue has been fixed in Node.js 10.3.0+ so we will have to remove this
workaround when we move to Electron 4.0 to avoid future event handler leaks.
2019-01-18 15:13:24 -08:00

166 lines
5.4 KiB

_ = require 'underscore-plus'
ChildProcess = require 'child_process'
{Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
Grim = require 'grim'
# Extended: Run a node script in a separate process.
# Used by the fuzzy-finder and [find in project](https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/src/scan-handler.coffee).
# For a real-world example, see the [scan-handler](https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/master/src/scan-handler.coffee)
# and the [instantiation of the task](https://github.com/atom/atom/blob/4a20f13162f65afc816b512ad7201e528c3443d7/src/project.coffee#L245).
# ## Examples
# In your package code:
# ```coffee
# {Task} = require 'atom'
# task = Task.once '/path/to/task-file.coffee', parameter1, parameter2, ->
# console.log 'task has finished'
# task.on 'some-event-from-the-task', (data) =>
# console.log data.someString # prints 'yep this is it'
# ```
# In `'/path/to/task-file.coffee'`:
# ```coffee
# module.exports = (parameter1, parameter2) ->
# # Indicates that this task will be async.
# # Call the `callback` to finish the task
# callback = @async()
# emit('some-event-from-the-task', {someString: 'yep this is it'})
# callback()
# ```
module.exports =
class Task
# Public: A helper method to easily launch and run a task once.
# * `taskPath` The {String} path to the CoffeeScript/JavaScript file which
# exports a single {Function} to execute.
# * `args` The arguments to pass to the exported function.
# Returns the created {Task}.
@once: (taskPath, args...) ->
task = new Task(taskPath)
task.once 'task:completed', -> task.terminate()
# Called upon task completion.
# It receives the same arguments that were passed to the task.
# If subclassed, this is intended to be overridden. However if {::start}
# receives a completion callback, this is overridden.
callback: null
# Public: Creates a task. You should probably use {.once}
# * `taskPath` The {String} path to the CoffeeScript/JavaScript file that
# exports a single {Function} to execute.
constructor: (taskPath) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
compileCachePath = require('./compile-cache').getCacheDirectory()
taskPath = require.resolve(taskPath)
env = Object.assign({}, process.env, {userAgent: navigator.userAgent})
@childProcess = ChildProcess.fork require.resolve('./task-bootstrap'), [compileCachePath, taskPath], {env, silent: true}
@on "task:log", -> console.log(arguments...)
@on "task:warn", -> console.warn(arguments...)
@on "task:error", -> console.error(arguments...)
@on "task:deprecations", (deprecations) ->
Grim.addSerializedDeprecation(deprecation) for deprecation in deprecations
@on "task:completed", (args...) => @callback?(args...)
# Routes messages from the child to the appropriate event.
handleEvents: ->
@childProcess.on 'message', ({event, args}) =>
@emitter.emit(event, args) if @childProcess?
# Catch the errors that happened before task-bootstrap.
if @childProcess.stdout?
@childProcess.stdout.on 'data', (data) -> console.log data.toString()
if @childProcess.stderr?
@childProcess.stderr.on 'data', (data) -> console.error data.toString()
# Public: Starts the task.
# Throws an error if this task has already been terminated or if sending a
# message to the child process fails.
# * `args` The arguments to pass to the function exported by this task's script.
# * `callback` (optional) A {Function} to call when the task completes.
start: (args..., callback) ->
throw new Error('Cannot start terminated process') unless @childProcess?
if _.isFunction(callback)
@callback = callback
@send({event: 'start', args})
# Public: Send message to the task.
# Throws an error if this task has already been terminated or if sending a
# message to the child process fails.
# * `message` The message to send to the task.
send: (message) ->
if @childProcess?
throw new Error('Cannot send message to terminated process')
# Public: Call a function when an event is emitted by the child process
# * `eventName` The {String} name of the event to handle.
# * `callback` The {Function} to call when the event is emitted.
# Returns a {Disposable} that can be used to stop listening for the event.
on: (eventName, callback) -> @emitter.on eventName, (args) -> callback(args...)
once: (eventName, callback) ->
disposable = @on eventName, (args...) ->
# Public: Forcefully stop the running task.
# No more events are emitted once this method is called.
terminate: ->
return false unless @childProcess?
@childProcess = null
# Public: Cancel the running task and emit an event if it was canceled.
# Returns a {Boolean} indicating whether the task was terminated.
cancel: ->
didForcefullyTerminate = @terminate()
if didForcefullyTerminate