mirror of
synced 2024-11-10 18:24:09 +03:00
Previously the display buffer markers would still fire events even after a display buffer was destroyed since they were not being unsubscribed from their underlying buffer marker which could still fire events in the case of an editor split on the same buffer. Closes #593
842 lines
40 KiB
842 lines
40 KiB
DisplayBuffer = require 'display-buffer'
Buffer = require 'text-buffer'
_ = require 'underscore'
describe "DisplayBuffer", ->
[displayBuffer, buffer, changeHandler, tabLength] = []
beforeEach ->
tabLength = 2
atom.activatePackage('javascript-tmbundle', sync: true)
buffer = project.bufferForPath('sample.js')
displayBuffer = new DisplayBuffer(buffer, { tabLength })
displayBuffer.on 'changed', changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy 'changeHandler'
afterEach ->
describe "when the buffer changes", ->
it "renders line numbers correctly", ->
originalLineCount = displayBuffer.getLineCount()
oneHundredLines = [0..100].join("\n")
buffer.insert([0,0], oneHundredLines)
expect(displayBuffer.getLineCount()).toBe 100 + originalLineCount
describe "soft wrapping", ->
beforeEach ->
describe "rendering of soft-wrapped lines", ->
describe "when the line is shorter than the max line length", ->
it "renders the line unchanged", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe buffer.lineForRow(0)
describe "when the line is empty", ->
it "renders the empty line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(13).text).toBe ''
describe "when there is a non-whitespace character at the max length boundary", ->
describe "when there is whitespace before the boundary", ->
it "wraps the line at the end of the first whitespace preceding the boundary", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(10).text).toBe ' return '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(11).text).toBe 'sort(left).concat(pivot).concat(sort(right));'
describe "when there is no whitespace before the boundary", ->
it "wraps the line exactly at the boundary since there's no more graceful place to wrap it", ->
buffer.change([[0, 0], [1, 0]], 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe 'abcdefghij'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe 'klmnopqrst'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe 'uvwxyz'
describe "when there is a whitespace character at the max length boundary", ->
it "wraps the line at the first non-whitespace character following the boundary", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toBe ' var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toBe 'right = [];'
describe "when the buffer changes", ->
describe "when buffer lines are updated", ->
describe "when whitespace is added after the max line length", ->
it "adds whitespace to the end of the current line and wraps an empty line", ->
fiftyCharacters = _.multiplyString("x", 50)
buffer.insert([0, 51], " ")
describe "when the update makes a soft-wrapped line shorter than the max line length", ->
it "rewraps the line and emits a change event", ->
buffer.delete([[6, 24], [6, 42]])
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(7).text).toBe ' current < pivot ? : right.push(current);'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(8).text).toBe ' }'
[[event]]= changeHandler.argsForCall
expect(event).toEqual(start: 7, end: 8, screenDelta: -1, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when the update causes a line to softwrap an additional time", ->
it "rewraps the line and emits a change event", ->
buffer.insert([6, 28], '1234567890')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(7).text).toBe ' current < pivot ? '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(8).text).toBe 'left1234567890.push(current) : '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(9).text).toBe 'right.push(current);'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(10).text).toBe ' }'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 7, end: 8, screenDelta: 1, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when buffer lines are inserted", ->
it "inserts / updates wrapped lines and emits a change event", ->
buffer.insert([6, 21], '1234567890 abcdefghij 1234567890\nabcdefghij')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(7).text).toBe ' current < pivot1234567890 abcdefghij '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(8).text).toBe '1234567890'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(9).text).toBe 'abcdefghij ? left.push(current) : '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(10).text).toBe 'right.push(current);'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 7, end: 8, screenDelta: 2, bufferDelta: 1)
describe "when buffer lines are removed", ->
it "removes lines and emits a change event", ->
buffer.change([[3, 21], [7, 5]], ';')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toBe ' var pivot = items;'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toBe ' return '
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).text).toBe 'sort(left).concat(pivot).concat(sort(right));'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(6).text).toBe ' };'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 3, end: 9, screenDelta: -6, bufferDelta: -4)
describe "position translation", ->
it "translates positions accounting for wrapped lines", ->
# before any wrapped lines
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 5])).toEqual([0, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([0, 5])).toEqual([0, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 29])).toEqual([0, 29])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([0, 29])).toEqual([0, 29])
# on a wrapped line
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 5])).toEqual([3, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, 5])).toEqual([3, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 50])).toEqual([3, 50])
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 51])).toEqual([3, 50])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([4, 0])).toEqual([3, 51])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, 50])).toEqual([3, 50])
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 62])).toEqual([4, 11])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([4, 11])).toEqual([3, 62])
# following a wrapped line
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([4, 5])).toEqual([5, 5])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([5, 5])).toEqual([4, 5])
# clip screen position inputs before translating
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([-5, -5])).toEqual([0, 0])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([Infinity, Infinity])).toEqual([12, 2])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, -5])).toEqual([3, 0])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, Infinity])).toEqual([3, 50])
describe ".setSoftWrapColumn(length)", ->
it "changes the length at which lines are wrapped and emits a change event for all screen lines", ->
expect(tokensText displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).tokens).toBe 'left = [], right = [];'
expect(tokensText displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).tokens).toBe ' while(items.length > 0) {'
expect(tokensText displayBuffer.lineForRow(12).tokens).toBe 'sort(left).concat(pivot).concat(sort(rig'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 0, end: 15, screenDelta: 3, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "primitive folding", ->
beforeEach ->
buffer = project.bufferForPath('two-hundred.txt')
displayBuffer = new DisplayBuffer(buffer, { tabLength })
displayBuffer.on 'changed', changeHandler
describe "when folds are created and destroyed", ->
describe "when a fold spans multiple lines", ->
it "replaces the lines spanned by the fold with a placeholder that references the fold object", ->
fold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 7)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.fold).toBe fold
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line5.text).toBe '8'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 4, end: 7, screenDelta: -3, bufferDelta: 0)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line5.text).toBe '5'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 4, end: 4, screenDelta: 3, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when a fold spans a single line", ->
it "renders a fold placeholder for the folded line but does not skip any lines", ->
fold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 4)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.fold).toBe fold
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line5.text).toBe '5'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 4, end: 4, screenDelta: 0, bufferDelta: 0)
# Line numbers don't actually change, but it's not worth the complexity to have this
# be false for single line folds since they are so rare
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line5.text).toBe '5'
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 4, end: 4, screenDelta: 0, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when a fold is nested within another fold", ->
it "does not render the placeholder for the inner fold until the outer fold is destroyed", ->
innerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(6, 7)
outerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 8)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.fold).toBe outerFold
expect(line4.text).toMatch /4-+/
expect(line5.text).toMatch /9-+/
[line4, line5, line6, line7] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 7)
expect(line4.text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(line5.text).toBe '5'
expect(line6.fold).toBe innerFold
expect(line6.text).toBe '6'
expect(line7.text).toBe '8'
it "allows the outer fold to start at the same location as the inner fold", ->
innerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 6)
outerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 8)
[line4, line5] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(4, 5)
expect(line4.fold).toBe outerFold
expect(line4.text).toMatch /4-+/
expect(line5.text).toMatch /9-+/
describe "when creating a fold where one already exists", ->
it "returns existing fold and does't create new fold", ->
fold = displayBuffer.createFold(0,10)
expect(displayBuffer.findMarkers(class: 'fold').length).toBe 1
newFold = displayBuffer.createFold(0,10)
expect(newFold).toBe fold
expect(displayBuffer.findMarkers(class: 'fold').length).toBe 1
describe "when a fold is created inside an existing folded region", ->
it "creates/destroys the fold, but does not trigger change event", ->
outerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(0, 10)
innerFold = displayBuffer.createFold(2, 5)
[line0, line1] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(0, 1)
expect(line0.fold).toBe outerFold
[line0, line1] = displayBuffer.linesForRows(0, 1)
expect(line0.fold).toBe outerFold
describe "when there is another display buffer pointing to the same buffer", ->
it "does not create folds in the other display buffer", ->
otherDisplayBuffer = new DisplayBuffer(buffer, { tabLength })
displayBuffer.createFold(2, 4)
expect(otherDisplayBuffer.foldsStartingAtBufferRow(2).length).toBe 0
describe "when the buffer changes", ->
[fold1, fold2] = []
beforeEach ->
fold1 = displayBuffer.createFold(2, 4)
fold2 = displayBuffer.createFold(6, 8)
describe "when the old range surrounds a fold", ->
beforeEach ->
buffer.change([[1, 0], [5, 1]], 'party!')
it "removes the fold and replaces the selection with the new text", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe "0"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "party!"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 1, end: 3, screenDelta: -2, bufferDelta: -4)
describe "when the changes is subsequently undone", ->
it "restores destroyed folds", ->
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe '2'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toBe '5'
describe "when the old range surrounds two nested folds", ->
it "removes both folds and replaces the selection with the new text", ->
displayBuffer.createFold(2, 9)
buffer.change([[1, 0], [10, 0]], 'goodbye')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe "0"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "goodbye10"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe "11"
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 1, end: 3, screenDelta: -2, bufferDelta: -9)
describe "when multiple changes happen above the fold", ->
it "repositions folds correctly", ->
buffer.delete([[1, 1], [2, 0]])
buffer.insert([0, 1], "\nnew")
expect(fold1.getStartRow()).toBe 2
expect(fold1.getEndRow()).toBe 4
describe "when the old range precedes lines with a fold", ->
describe "when the new range precedes lines with a fold", ->
it "updates the buffer and re-positions subsequent folds", ->
buffer.change([[0, 0], [1, 1]], 'abc')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe "abc"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 0, end: 1, screenDelta: -1, bufferDelta: -1)
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(0).text).toBe "abc"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "2"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch /^4-+/
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toBe "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(6).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 1, end: 1, screenDelta: 2, bufferDelta: 0)
describe "when the old range straddles the beginning of a fold", ->
it "destroys the fold", ->
buffer.change([[1, 1], [3, 0]], "a\nb\nc\nd\n")
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe '1a'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe 'b'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toBe 'c'
describe "when the old range follows a fold", ->
it "re-positions the screen ranges for the change event based on the preceding fold", ->
buffer.change([[10, 0], [11, 0]], 'abc')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "1"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toBe "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 6, end: 7, screenDelta: -1, bufferDelta: -1)
describe "when the old range is inside a fold", ->
describe "when the end of the new range precedes the end of the fold", ->
it "updates the fold and ensures the change is present when the fold is destroyed", ->
buffer.insert([3, 0], '\n')
expect(fold1.getStartRow()).toBe 2
expect(fold1.getEndRow()).toBe 5
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "1"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe "2"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 2, end: 2, screenDelta: 0, bufferDelta: 1)
describe "when the end of the new range exceeds the end of the fold", ->
it "expands the fold to contain all the inserted lines", ->
buffer.change([[3, 0], [4, 0]], 'a\nb\nc\nd\n')
expect(fold1.getStartRow()).toBe 2
expect(fold1.getEndRow()).toBe 7
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "1"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe "2"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 2, end: 2, screenDelta: 0, bufferDelta: 3)
describe "when the old range straddles the end of the fold", ->
describe "when the end of the new range precedes the end of the fold", ->
it "destroys the fold", ->
buffer.change([[3, 0], [6, 0]], 'a\n')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe '2'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toBe 'a'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toBe '6'
describe "when the old range is contained to a single line in-between two folds", ->
it "re-renders the line with the placeholder and re-positions the second fold", ->
buffer.insert([5, 0], 'abc\n')
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe "1"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).fold).toBe fold1
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(3).text).toMatch "abc"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(4).text).toBe "5"
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(5).fold).toBe fold2
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(6).text).toMatch /^9-+/
expect(changeHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(start: 3, end: 3, screenDelta: 1, bufferDelta: 1)
describe "position translation", ->
it "translates positions to account for folded lines and characters and the placeholder", ->
fold = displayBuffer.createFold(4, 7)
# preceding fold: identity
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 0])).toEqual [3, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([4, 0])).toEqual [4, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([3, 0])).toEqual [3, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([4, 0])).toEqual [4, 0]
# inside of fold: translate to the start of the fold
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([4, 35])).toEqual [4, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([5, 5])).toEqual [4, 0]
# following fold
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([8, 0])).toEqual [5, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([11, 2])).toEqual [8, 2]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([5, 0])).toEqual [8, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([9, 2])).toEqual [12, 2]
# clip screen positions before translating
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([-5, -5])).toEqual([0, 0])
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([Infinity, Infinity])).toEqual([200, 0])
# after fold is destroyed
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([8, 0])).toEqual [8, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([11, 2])).toEqual [11, 2]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([5, 0])).toEqual [5, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([9, 2])).toEqual [9, 2]
describe ".destroyFoldsContainingBufferRow(row)", ->
it "destroys all folds containing the given row", ->
displayBuffer.createFold(2, 4)
displayBuffer.createFold(2, 6)
displayBuffer.createFold(7, 8)
displayBuffer.createFold(1, 9)
displayBuffer.createFold(11, 12)
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe '1'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe '10'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(1).text).toBe '1'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(2).text).toBe '2'
expect(displayBuffer.lineForRow(8).text).toMatch /^9-+/
describe ".clipScreenPosition(screenPosition, wrapBeyondNewlines: false, wrapAtSoftNewlines: false, skipAtomicTokens: false)", ->
beforeEach ->
it "allows valid positions", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([4, 5])).toEqual [4, 5]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([4, 11])).toEqual [4, 11]
it "disallows negative positions", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([-1, -1])).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([-1, 10])).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, -1])).toEqual [0, 0]
it "disallows positions beyond the last row", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([1000, 0])).toEqual [15, 2]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([1000, 1000])).toEqual [15, 2]
describe "when wrapBeyondNewlines is false (the default)", ->
it "wraps positions beyond the end of hard newlines to the end of the line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([1, 10000])).toEqual [1, 30]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([4, 30])).toEqual [4, 11]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([4, 1000])).toEqual [4, 11]
describe "when wrapBeyondNewlines is true", ->
it "wraps positions past the end of hard newlines to the next line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 29], wrapBeyondNewlines: true)).toEqual [0, 29]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 30], wrapBeyondNewlines: true)).toEqual [1, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 1000], wrapBeyondNewlines: true)).toEqual [1, 0]
it "wraps positions in the middle of fold lines to the next screen line", ->
displayBuffer.createFold(3, 5)
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 5], wrapBeyondNewlines: true)).toEqual [4, 0]
describe "when wrapAtSoftNewlines is false (the default)", ->
it "clips positions at the end of soft-wrapped lines to the character preceding the end of the line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 50])).toEqual [3, 50]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 51])).toEqual [3, 50]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 58])).toEqual [3, 50]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 1000])).toEqual [3, 50]
describe "when wrapAtSoftNewlines is true", ->
it "wraps positions at the end of soft-wrapped lines to the next screen line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 50], wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)).toEqual [3, 50]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 51], wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)).toEqual [4, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 58], wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)).toEqual [4, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([3, 1000], wrapAtSoftNewlines: true)).toEqual [4, 0]
describe "when skipAtomicTokens is false (the default)", ->
it "clips screen positions in the middle of atomic tab characters to the beginning of the character", ->
buffer.insert([0, 0], '\t')
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 0])).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 1])).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, tabLength])).toEqual [0, tabLength]
describe "when skipAtomicTokens is true", ->
it "clips screen positions in the middle of atomic tab characters to the end of the character", ->
buffer.insert([0, 0], '\t')
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 0], skipAtomicTokens: true)).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, 1], skipAtomicTokens: true)).toEqual [0, tabLength]
expect(displayBuffer.clipScreenPosition([0, tabLength], skipAtomicTokens: true)).toEqual [0, tabLength]
describe ".screenPositionForBufferPosition(bufferPosition, options)", ->
it "clips the specified buffer position", ->
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 2])).toEqual [0, 2]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 100000])).toEqual [0, 29]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([100000, 0])).toEqual [12, 2]
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([100000, 100000])).toEqual [12, 2]
describe "position translation in the presence of hard tabs", ->
it "correctly translates positions on either side of a tab", ->
expect(displayBuffer.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 1])).toEqual [0, 2]
expect(displayBuffer.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([0, 2])).toEqual [0, 1]
describe ".getMaxLineLength()", ->
it "returns the length of the longest screen line", ->
expect(displayBuffer.getMaxLineLength()).toBe 65
buffer.delete([[6, 0], [6, 65]])
expect(displayBuffer.getMaxLineLength()).toBe 62
describe ".destroy()", ->
it "unsubscribes all display buffer markers from their underlying buffer marker (regression)", ->
marker = displayBuffer.markBufferPosition([12, 2])
expect(marker.bufferMarker.subscriptionCount()).toBe 0
expect( -> buffer.insert([12, 2], '\n')).not.toThrow()
describe "markers", ->
beforeEach ->
displayBuffer.createFold(4, 7)
describe "marker creation and manipulation", ->
it "allows markers to be created in terms of both screen and buffer coordinates", ->
marker1 = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
marker2 = displayBuffer.markBufferRange([[8, 4], [8, 10]])
expect(marker1.getBufferRange()).toEqual [[8, 4], [8, 10]]
expect(marker2.getScreenRange()).toEqual [[5, 4], [5, 10]]
it "emits a 'marker-created' event on the DisplayBuffer whenever a marker is created", ->
displayBuffer.on 'marker-created', markerCreatedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("markerCreatedHandler")
marker1 = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
marker2 = buffer.markRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
it "allows marker head and tail positions to be manipulated in both screen and buffer coordinates", ->
marker = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
marker.setHeadScreenPosition([5, 4])
marker.setTailBufferPosition([5, 4])
expect(marker.getBufferRange()).toEqual [[5, 4], [8, 4]]
marker.setHeadBufferPosition([5, 4])
marker.setTailScreenPosition([5, 4])
expect(marker.getBufferRange()).toEqual [[5, 4], [8, 4]]
it "returns whether a position changed when it is assigned", ->
marker = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[0, 0], [0, 0]])
expect(marker.setHeadScreenPosition([5, 4])).toBeTruthy()
expect(marker.setHeadScreenPosition([5, 4])).toBeFalsy()
expect(marker.setHeadBufferPosition([1, 0])).toBeTruthy()
expect(marker.setHeadBufferPosition([1, 0])).toBeFalsy()
expect(marker.setTailScreenPosition([5, 4])).toBeTruthy()
expect(marker.setTailScreenPosition([5, 4])).toBeFalsy()
expect(marker.setTailBufferPosition([1, 0])).toBeTruthy()
expect(marker.setTailBufferPosition([1, 0])).toBeFalsy()
describe "marker change events", ->
[markerChangedHandler, marker] = []
beforeEach ->
marker = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
marker.on 'changed', markerChangedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("markerChangedHandler")
it "triggers the 'changed' event whenever the markers head's screen position changes in the buffer or on screen", ->
marker.setHeadScreenPosition([8, 20])
expect(markerChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [8, 20]
newHeadBufferPosition: [11, 20]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: false
valid: true
buffer.insert([11, 0], '...')
expect(markerChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [8, 20]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [11, 20]
newHeadScreenPosition: [8, 23]
newHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: true
valid: true
expect(markerChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [8, 23]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
newHeadScreenPosition: [11, 23]
newHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [8, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: false
valid: true
displayBuffer.createFold(4, 7)
expect(markerChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [11, 23]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
newHeadScreenPosition: [8, 23]
newHeadBufferPosition: [11, 23]
oldTailScreenPosition: [8, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: false
valid: true
it "triggers the 'changed' event whenever the marker tail's position changes in the buffer or on screen", ->
marker.setTailScreenPosition([8, 20])
expect(markerChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
newHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [8, 20]
newTailBufferPosition: [11, 20]
bufferChanged: false
valid: true
buffer.insert([11, 0], '...')
expect(markerChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
newHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
oldTailScreenPosition: [8, 20]
oldTailBufferPosition: [11, 20]
newTailScreenPosition: [8, 23]
newTailBufferPosition: [11, 23]
bufferChanged: true
valid: true
it "triggers the 'changed' event whenever the marker is invalidated or revalidated", ->
expect(markerChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
newHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: true
valid: false
expect(markerChangedHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toEqual {
oldHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
oldHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
newHeadScreenPosition: [5, 10]
newHeadBufferPosition: [8, 10]
oldTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
oldTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
newTailScreenPosition: [5, 4]
newTailBufferPosition: [8, 4]
bufferChanged: true
valid: true
it "does not call the callback for screen changes that don't change the position of the marker", ->
displayBuffer.createFold(10, 11)
it "updates markers before emitting buffer change events, but does not notify their observers until the change event", ->
marker2 = displayBuffer.markBufferRange([[8, 1], [8, 1]])
marker2.on 'changed', marker2ChangedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("marker2ChangedHandler")
displayBuffer.on 'changed', changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("changeHandler").andCallFake -> onDisplayBufferChange()
# New change ----
onDisplayBufferChange = ->
# calls change handler first
# but still updates the markers
expect(marker.getScreenRange()).toEqual [[5, 7], [5, 13]]
expect(marker.getHeadScreenPosition()).toEqual [5, 13]
expect(marker.getTailScreenPosition()).toEqual [5, 7]
buffer.change([[8, 0], [8, 2]], ".....")
# Undo change ----
marker3 = displayBuffer.markBufferRange([[8, 1], [8, 2]])
marker3.on 'changed', marker3ChangedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("marker3ChangedHandler")
onDisplayBufferChange = ->
# calls change handler first
# but still updates the markers
expect(marker.getScreenRange()).toEqual [[5, 4], [5, 10]]
expect(marker.getHeadScreenPosition()).toEqual [5, 10]
expect(marker.getTailScreenPosition()).toEqual [5, 4]
# Redo change ----
onDisplayBufferChange = ->
# calls change handler first
# but still updates the markers
expect(marker.getScreenRange()).toEqual [[5, 7], [5, 13]]
expect(marker.getHeadScreenPosition()).toEqual [5, 13]
expect(marker.getTailScreenPosition()).toEqual [5, 7]
it "updates the position of markers before emitting change events that aren't caused by a buffer change", ->
displayBuffer.on 'changed', changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy("changeHandler").andCallFake ->
# calls change handler first
# but still updates the markers
expect(marker.getScreenRange()).toEqual [[8, 4], [8, 10]]
expect(marker.getHeadScreenPosition()).toEqual [8, 10]
expect(marker.getTailScreenPosition()).toEqual [8, 4]
describe ".findMarkers(attributes)", ->
it "allows the startBufferRow and endBufferRow to be specified", ->
marker1 = displayBuffer.markBufferRange([[0, 0], [3, 0]], class: 'a')
marker2 = displayBuffer.markBufferRange([[0, 0], [5, 0]], class: 'a')
marker3 = displayBuffer.markBufferRange([[9, 0], [10, 0]], class: 'b')
expect(displayBuffer.findMarkers(class: 'a', startBufferRow: 0)).toEqual [marker2, marker1]
expect(displayBuffer.findMarkers(class: 'a', startBufferRow: 0, endBufferRow: 3)).toEqual [marker1]
expect(displayBuffer.findMarkers(endBufferRow: 10)).toEqual [marker3]
describe "marker destruction", ->
it "allows markers to be destroyed", ->
marker = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
it "emits 'destroyed' events when markers are destroyed", ->
destroyedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("destroyedHandler")
marker = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
marker.on 'destroyed', destroyedHandler
marker2 = displayBuffer.markScreenRange([[5, 4], [5, 10]])
marker2.on 'destroyed', destroyedHandler