Corey Johnson & Nathan Sobo 1ed76383ac 💄
2012-11-05 16:02:36 -07:00

39 lines
2.0 KiB

fs = require('fs')
TextMateBundle = require 'text-mate-bundle'
describe "TextMateBundle", ->
describe ".getPreferenceInScope(scope, preferenceName)", ->
it "returns the preference by the given name in the given scope or undefined if there isn't one", ->
expect(TextMateBundle.getPreferenceInScope('source.coffee', 'decreaseIndentPattern')).toBe '^\\s*(\\}|\\]|else|catch|finally)$'
expect(TextMateBundle.getPreferenceInScope('source.coffee', 'shellVariables')).toBeDefined()
describe ".getPreferencesByScopeSelector()", ->
it "logs warning, but does not raise errors if a preference can't be parsed", ->
bundlePath = fs.join(require.resolve('fixtures'), "test.tmbundle")
spyOn(console, 'warn')
bundle = new TextMateBundle(bundlePath)
expect(-> bundle.getPreferencesByScopeSelector()).not.toThrow()
describe ".constructor(bundlePath)", ->
it "logs warning, but does not raise errors if a grammar can't be parsed", ->
bundlePath = fs.join(require.resolve('fixtures'), "test.tmbundle")
spyOn(console, 'warn')
expect(-> new TextMateBundle(bundlePath)).not.toThrow()
describe ".grammarForFilePath(filePath)", ->
it "uses the filePath's extension to load the correct grammar", ->
expect(TextMateBundle.grammarForFilePath("file.js").name).toBe "JavaScript"
it "uses the filePath's base name if there is no extension", ->
expect(TextMateBundle.grammarForFilePath("Rakefile").name).toBe "Ruby"
it "uses the filePath's shebang line if the grammar cannot be determined by the extension or basename", ->
filePath = require.resolve("fixtures/shebang")
expect(TextMateBundle.grammarForFilePath(filePath).name).toBe "Ruby"
it "uses plain text if no grammar can be found", ->
filePath = require.resolve("this-is-not-a-real-file")
expect(TextMateBundle.grammarForFilePath(filePath).name).toBe "Plain Text"