2019-04-18 16:20:26 -04:00

407 lines
14 KiB

/* globals assert */
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs-plus')
const url = require('url')
const {EventEmitter} = require('events')
const temp = require('temp').track()
const {sandbox} = require('sinon')
const dedent = require('dedent')
const AtomWindow = require('../../src/main-process/atom-window')
const {emitterEventPromise} = require('../async-spec-helpers')
describe('AtomWindow', function () {
let sinon, app, service
beforeEach(function () {
sinon = sandbox.create()
app = new StubApplication(sinon)
service = new StubRecoveryService(sinon)
afterEach(function () {
describe('creating a real window', function () {
let resourcePath, windowInitializationScript, atomHome
let original
this.timeout(10 * 1000)
beforeEach(async function () {
original = {
ATOM_HOME: process.env.ATOM_HOME,
resourcePath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..')
windowInitializationScript = require.resolve(
path.join(resourcePath, 'src/initialize-application-window')
atomHome = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
temp.mkdir('launch-', (err, rootPath) => {
if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(rootPath) }
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const config = dedent`
automaticallyUpdate: false
telemetryConsent: "no"
showOnStartup: false
fs.writeFile(path.join(atomHome, 'config.cson'), config, {encoding: 'utf8'}, err => {
if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve() }
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
path.join(original.ATOM_HOME, 'compile-cache'),
path.join(atomHome, 'compile-cache'),
err => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve() } }
process.env.ATOM_HOME = atomHome
afterEach(async function () {
process.env.ATOM_HOME = original.ATOM_HOME
it('creates a real, properly configured BrowserWindow', async function () {
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
headless: true,
extra: 'extra-load-setting'
const {browserWindow} = w
assert.strictEqual(browserWindow.getTitle(), 'Atom')
const settings = JSON.parse(browserWindow.loadSettingsJSON)
assert.strictEqual(settings.userSettings, 'stub-config')
assert.strictEqual(settings.extra, 'extra-load-setting')
assert.strictEqual(settings.resourcePath, resourcePath)
assert.strictEqual(settings.atomHome, atomHome)
await emitterEventPromise(browserWindow, 'ready-to-show')
assert.strictEqual(browserWindow.webContents.getURL(), url.format({
protocol: 'file',
pathname: path.join(resourcePath, 'static/index.html'),
slashes: true
describe('launch behavior', function () {
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
it('sets titleBarStyle to "hidden" for a custom title bar on non-spec windows', function () {
app.config['core.titleBar'] = 'custom'
const {browserWindow: w0} = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow
assert.strictEqual(w0.options.titleBarStyle, 'hidden')
const {browserWindow: w1} = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow,
isSpec: true
it('sets titleBarStyle to "hiddenInset" for a custom inset title bar on non-spec windows', function () {
app.config['core.titleBar'] = 'custom-inset'
const {browserWindow: w0} = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow
assert.strictEqual(w0.options.titleBarStyle, 'hiddenInset')
const {browserWindow: w1} = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow,
isSpec: true
it('sets frame to "false" for a hidden title bar on non-spec windows', function () {
app.config['core.titleBar'] = 'hidden'
const {browserWindow: w0} = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow
const {browserWindow: w1} = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow,
isSpec: true
} else {
it('ignores title bar style settings', function () {
for (const value of ['custom', 'custom-inset', 'hidden']) {
app.config['core.titleBar'] = value
const {browserWindow} = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow
it('opens initial locations', async function () {
const locationsToOpen = [
pathToOpen: 'file.txt',
initialLine: 1,
initialColumn: 2,
mustBeDirectory: false,
forceAddToWindow: false,
hasWaitSession: false
pathToOpen: '/directory',
initialLine: null,
initialColumn: null,
mustBeDirectory: true,
forceAddToWindow: false,
hasWaitSession: false
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow, locationsToOpen })
const loadPromise = emitterEventPromise(w, 'window:loaded')
await loadPromise
assert.deepEqual(w.browserWindow.sent, [['message', 'open-locations', locationsToOpen]])
it('does not open an initial null location', async function () {
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow,
locationsToOpen: [{ pathToOpen: null }]
const loadPromise = emitterEventPromise(w, 'window:loaded')
await loadPromise
assert.lengthOf(w.browserWindow.sent, 0)
it('does not open initial locations in spec mode', async function () {
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow,
locationsToOpen: [{ pathToOpen: 'file.txt' }],
isSpec: true
const loadPromise = emitterEventPromise(w, 'window:loaded')
await loadPromise
assert.lengthOf(w.browserWindow.sent, 0)
it('focuses the webView for specs', function () {
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, {
browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow,
isSpec: true
describe('project root tracking', function () {
it('knows when it has no roots', function () {
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow })
it('is initialized from directories in the initial locationsToOpen', function () {
const locationsToOpen = [
{ pathToOpen: 'file.txt', exists: true, isFile: true },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0', exists: true, isDirectory: true },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory1', exists: true, isDirectory: true },
{ pathToOpen: 'new-file.txt' },
{ pathToOpen: null }
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow, locationsToOpen })
assert.deepEqual(w.projectRoots, ['directory0', 'directory1'])
assert.deepEqual(w.loadSettings.initialProjectRoots, ['directory0', 'directory1'])
it('is updated by setProjectRoots', function () {
const locationsToOpen = [
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0', exists: true, isDirectory: true }
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow, locationsToOpen })
assert.deepEqual(w.projectRoots, ['directory0'])
assert.deepEqual(w.loadSettings.initialProjectRoots, ['directory0'])
w.setProjectRoots(['directory1', 'directory0', 'directory2'])
assert.deepEqual(w.projectRoots, ['directory0', 'directory1', 'directory2'])
assert.deepEqual(w.loadSettings.initialProjectRoots, ['directory0', 'directory1', 'directory2'])
it('never reports that it owns the empty path', function () {
const locationsToOpen = [
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0', exists: true, isDirectory: true },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory1', exists: true, isDirectory: true },
{ pathToOpen: null }
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow, locationsToOpen })
assert.isFalse(w.containsLocation({pathToOpen: null}))
it('discovers an exact path match', function () {
const locationsToOpen = [
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0', exists: true, isDirectory: true },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory1', exists: true, isDirectory: true }
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow, locationsToOpen })
assert.isTrue(w.containsLocation({pathToOpen: 'directory0'}))
assert.isFalse(w.containsLocation({pathToOpen: 'directory2'}))
it('discovers the path of a file within any project root', function () {
const locationsToOpen = [
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0', exists: true, isDirectory: true },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory1', exists: true, isDirectory: true }
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow, locationsToOpen })
pathToOpen: path.join('directory0/file-0.txt'), exists: true, isFile: true
pathToOpen: path.join('directory0/deep/file-0.txt'), exists: true, isFile: true
pathToOpen: path.join('directory2/file-9.txt'), exists: true, isFile: true
pathToOpen: path.join('directory2/deep/file-9.txt'), exists: true, isFile: true
it('reports that it owns nonexistent paths within a project root', function () {
const locationsToOpen = [
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0', exists: true, isDirectory: true },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory1', exists: true, isDirectory: true }
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow, locationsToOpen })
assert.isTrue(w.containsLocation({ pathToOpen: path.join('directory0/file-1.txt'), exists: false }))
assert.isTrue(w.containsLocation({ pathToOpen: path.join('directory1/subdir/file-0.txt'), exists: false }))
it('never reports that it owns directories within a project root', function () {
const locationsToOpen = [
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0', exists: true, isDirectory: true },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory1', exists: true, isDirectory: true }
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow, locationsToOpen })
pathToOpen: path.join('directory0/subdir-0'), exists: true, isDirectory: true
it('checks a full list of paths and reports if it owns all of them', function () {
const locationsToOpen = [
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0', exists: true, isDirectory: true },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory1', exists: true, isDirectory: true }
const w = new AtomWindow(app, service, { browserWindowConstructor: StubBrowserWindow, locationsToOpen })
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0' },
{ pathToOpen: path.join('directory1/file-0.txt'), exists: true, isFile: true }
{ pathToOpen: 'directory2' },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory0' }
{ pathToOpen: 'directory2' },
{ pathToOpen: 'directory1' }
class StubApplication {
constructor (sinon) {
this.config = {
'core.titleBar': 'native',
get: key => this.config[key] || null
this.configFile = {
get () { return 'stub-config' }
this.removeWindow = sinon.spy()
this.saveCurrentWindowOptions = sinon.spy()
class StubRecoveryService {
constructor (sinon) {
this.didCloseWindow = sinon.spy()
this.didCrashWindow = sinon.spy()
class StubBrowserWindow extends EventEmitter {
constructor (options) {
this.options = options
this.sent = []
this.behavior = {
focusOnWebView: false
this.webContents = new EventEmitter()
this.webContents.send = (...args) => { this.sent.push(args) }
this.webContents.setVisualZoomLevelLimits = () => {}
loadURL () {}
focusOnWebView () {
this.behavior.focusOnWebView = true