2021-08-18 12:55:00 +03:00

369 lines
9.9 KiB

const { Emitter, Range } = require('atom');
const Grim = require('grim');
const TextEditorComponent = require('./text-editor-component');
const dedent = require('dedent');
class TextEditorElement extends HTMLElement {
initialize(component) {
this.component = component;
return this;
get shadowRoot() {
The contents of \`atom-text-editor\` elements are no longer encapsulated
within a shadow DOM boundary. Please, stop using \`shadowRoot\` and access
the editor contents directly instead.
return this;
get rootElement() {
The contents of \`atom-text-editor\` elements are no longer encapsulated
within a shadow DOM boundary. Please, stop using \`rootElement\` and access
the editor contents directly instead.
return this;
constructor() {
this.emitter = new Emitter();
this.initialText = this.textContent;
if (this.tabIndex == null) this.tabIndex = -1;
this.addEventListener('focus', event =>
this.addEventListener('blur', event => this.getComponent().didBlur(event));
connectedCallback() {
disconnectedCallback() {
static get observedAttributes() {
return ['mini', 'placeholder-text', 'gutter-hidden', 'readonly'];
attributeChangedCallback(name, oldValue, newValue) {
if (this.component) {
switch (name) {
case 'mini':
this.getModel().update({ mini: newValue != null });
case 'placeholder-text':
this.getModel().update({ placeholderText: newValue });
case 'gutter-hidden':
this.getModel().update({ lineNumberGutterVisible: newValue == null });
case 'readonly':
this.getModel().update({ readOnly: newValue != null });
// Extended: Get a promise that resolves the next time the element's DOM
// is updated in any way.
// This can be useful when you've made a change to the model and need to
// be sure this change has been flushed to the DOM.
// Returns a {Promise}.
getNextUpdatePromise() {
return this.getComponent().getNextUpdatePromise();
getModel() {
return this.getComponent().props.model;
setModel(model) {
this.getComponent().update({ model });
updateModelFromAttributes() {
const props = { mini: this.hasAttribute('mini') };
if (this.hasAttribute('placeholder-text'))
props.placeholderText = this.getAttribute('placeholder-text');
if (this.hasAttribute('gutter-hidden'))
props.lineNumberGutterVisible = false;
if (this.initialText) this.getModel().setText(this.initialText);
onDidAttach(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-attach', callback);
onDidDetach(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-detach', callback);
measureDimensions() {
setWidth(width) {
this.style.width =
this.getComponent().getGutterContainerWidth() + width + 'px';
getWidth() {
return this.getComponent().getScrollContainerWidth();
setHeight(height) {
this.style.height = height + 'px';
getHeight() {
return this.getComponent().getScrollContainerHeight();
onDidChangeScrollLeft(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-scroll-left', callback);
onDidChangeScrollTop(callback) {
return this.emitter.on('did-change-scroll-top', callback);
// Deprecated: get the width of an `x` character displayed in this element.
// Returns a {Number} of pixels.
getDefaultCharacterWidth() {
return this.getComponent().getBaseCharacterWidth();
// Extended: get the width of an `x` character displayed in this element.
// Returns a {Number} of pixels.
getBaseCharacterWidth() {
return this.getComponent().getBaseCharacterWidth();
getMaxScrollTop() {
return this.getComponent().getMaxScrollTop();
getScrollHeight() {
return this.getComponent().getScrollHeight();
getScrollWidth() {
return this.getComponent().getScrollWidth();
getVerticalScrollbarWidth() {
return this.getComponent().getVerticalScrollbarWidth();
getHorizontalScrollbarHeight() {
return this.getComponent().getHorizontalScrollbarHeight();
getScrollTop() {
return this.getComponent().getScrollTop();
setScrollTop(scrollTop) {
const component = this.getComponent();
getScrollBottom() {
return this.getComponent().getScrollBottom();
setScrollBottom(scrollBottom) {
return this.getComponent().setScrollBottom(scrollBottom);
getScrollLeft() {
return this.getComponent().getScrollLeft();
setScrollLeft(scrollLeft) {
const component = this.getComponent();
getScrollRight() {
return this.getComponent().getScrollRight();
setScrollRight(scrollRight) {
return this.getComponent().setScrollRight(scrollRight);
// Essential: Scrolls the editor to the top.
scrollToTop() {
// Essential: Scrolls the editor to the bottom.
scrollToBottom() {
hasFocus() {
return this.getComponent().focused;
// Extended: Converts a buffer position to a pixel position.
// * `bufferPosition` A {Point}-like object that represents a buffer position.
// Be aware that calling this method with a column that does not translate
// to column 0 on screen could cause a synchronous DOM update in order to
// measure the requested horizontal pixel position if it isn't already
// cached.
// Returns an {Object} with two values: `top` and `left`, representing the
// pixel position.
pixelPositionForBufferPosition(bufferPosition) {
const screenPosition = this.getModel().screenPositionForBufferPosition(
return this.getComponent().pixelPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition);
// Extended: Converts a screen position to a pixel position.
// * `screenPosition` A {Point}-like object that represents a buffer position.
// Be aware that calling this method with a non-zero column value could
// cause a synchronous DOM update in order to measure the requested
// horizontal pixel position if it isn't already cached.
// Returns an {Object} with two values: `top` and `left`, representing the
// pixel position.
pixelPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition) {
screenPosition = this.getModel().clipScreenPosition(screenPosition);
return this.getComponent().pixelPositionForScreenPosition(screenPosition);
screenPositionForPixelPosition(pixelPosition) {
return this.getComponent().screenPositionForPixelPosition(pixelPosition);
pixelRectForScreenRange(range) {
range = Range.fromObject(range);
const start = this.pixelPositionForScreenPosition(range.start);
const end = this.pixelPositionForScreenPosition(range.end);
const lineHeight = this.getComponent().getLineHeight();
return {
top: start.top,
left: start.left,
height: end.top + lineHeight - start.top,
width: end.left - start.left
pixelRangeForScreenRange(range) {
range = Range.fromObject(range);
return {
start: this.pixelPositionForScreenPosition(range.start),
end: this.pixelPositionForScreenPosition(range.end)
getComponent() {
if (!this.component) {
this.component = new TextEditorComponent({
element: this,
mini: this.hasAttribute('mini'),
updatedSynchronously: this.updatedSynchronously,
readOnly: this.hasAttribute('readonly')
return this.component;
setUpdatedSynchronously(updatedSynchronously) {
this.updatedSynchronously = updatedSynchronously;
if (this.component)
this.component.updatedSynchronously = updatedSynchronously;
return updatedSynchronously;
isUpdatedSynchronously() {
return this.component
? this.component.updatedSynchronously
: this.updatedSynchronously;
// Experimental: Invalidate the passed block {Decoration}'s dimensions,
// forcing them to be recalculated and the surrounding content to be adjusted
// on the next animation frame.
// * {blockDecoration} A {Decoration} representing the block decoration you
// want to update the dimensions of.
invalidateBlockDecorationDimensions() {
setFirstVisibleScreenRow(row) {
getFirstVisibleScreenRow() {
return this.getModel().getFirstVisibleScreenRow();
getLastVisibleScreenRow() {
return this.getModel().getLastVisibleScreenRow();
getVisibleRowRange() {
return this.getModel().getVisibleRowRange();
intersectsVisibleRowRange(startRow, endRow) {
return !(
endRow <= this.getFirstVisibleScreenRow() ||
this.getLastVisibleScreenRow() <= startRow
selectionIntersectsVisibleRowRange(selection) {
const { start, end } = selection.getScreenRange();
return this.intersectsVisibleRowRange(start.row, end.row + 1);
setFirstVisibleScreenColumn(column) {
return this.getModel().setFirstVisibleScreenColumn(column);
getFirstVisibleScreenColumn() {
return this.getModel().getFirstVisibleScreenColumn();
static createTextEditorElement() {
return document.createElement('atom-text-editor');
window.customElements.define('atom-text-editor', TextEditorElement);
module.exports = TextEditorElement;