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synced 2024-11-11 04:48:44 +03:00
To make https://github.com/atom-community/atom/pull/386 reviewable, that pr will be separated into many simpler prs. This is one of them. This first commit does the following: - update package.json - update package-lock.json using `./script/build` which also seems to update `apm/package-lock.json` - update packages/README.md - clone all language packages. Specifically: - `mkdir packages/language-<all of them>` - `cd packages/about` - For all languages: - `cd ../language-<>` - `git clone language-<>` - Move all files except `.git` from `language-<>/language-<>` to `language-<>` - delete `language-<>/language-<>` Since at first I accidentally updated `dependencies` then `packageDependencies`, it appears that since the versions of language-c, language-css, language-go, language-javascript, and language-sass don't match, `dependencies` was reset for those versions. [Those repos just happen to be precisely the ones that have tree-sitter v19](https://github.com/icecream17/atom-update-backlog/blob/main/Languages.md), (sans language-sass), which [currently breaks atom](https://github.com/atom/atom/issues/22129). So even though their repos are now in `packages`, **I've decided to not use them**. This is done by updating `packageDependencies` only for non-breaking languages.
122 lines
4.5 KiB
122 lines
4.5 KiB
'#!/usr/bin/env python':
'prefix': 'env'
'body': '#!/usr/bin/env python\n'
'#!/usr/bin/env python3':
'prefix': 'env3'
'body': '#!/usr/bin/env python3\n'
'# coding=utf-8':
'prefix': 'enc'
'body': '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n'
'prefix': 'im'
'body': 'import ${1:package/module}'
'prefix': 'fim'
'body': 'from ${1:package/module} import ${2:names}'
'Assert Equal':
'prefix': 'ase'
'body': 'self.assertEqual(${1:expected}, ${2:actual}${3:, \'${4:message}\'})$0'
'Assert Not Equal':
'prefix': 'asne'
'body': 'self.assertNotEqual(${1:expected}, ${2:actual}${3:, \'${4:message}\'})$0'
'Assert Raises':
'prefix': 'asr'
'body': 'self.assertRaises(${1:exception}, ${2:callable})$0'
'Assert True':
'prefix': 'ast'
'body': 'self.assertTrue(${1:actual}${2:, \'${3:message}\'})$0'
'Assert False':
'prefix': 'asf'
'body': 'self.assertFalse(${1:actual}${2:, \'${3:message}\'})$0'
'Assert Is':
'prefix': 'asi'
'body': 'self.assertIs(${1:expected}, ${2:actual}${3:, \'${4:message}\'})$0'
'Assert Is Not':
'prefix': 'asint'
'body': 'self.assertIsNot(${1:expected}, ${2:actual}${3:, \'${4:message}\'})$0'
'Assert Is None':
'prefix': 'asino'
'body': 'self.assertIsNone(${1:actual}${2:, \'${3:message}\'})$0'
'Assert Is Not None':
'prefix': 'asinno'
'body': 'self.assertIsNotNone(${1:actual}${2:, \'${3:message}\'})$0'
'Assert In':
'prefix': 'asin'
'body': 'self.assertIn(${1:needle}, ${2:haystack}${3:, \'${4:message}\'})$0'
'Assert Not In':
'prefix': 'asni'
'body': 'self.assertNotIn(${1:needle}, ${2:haystack}${3:, \'${4:message}\'})$0'
'prefix': 'as'
'body': 'self.assert_(${1:boolean expression}${2:, \'${3:message}\'})$0'
'Fail (a test)':
'prefix': 'fail'
'body': 'self.fail(\'${1:message}\')$0'
'New Class':
'prefix': 'class'
'body': 'class ${1:ClassName}(${2:object}):\n\t"""${3:docstring for $1.}"""\n\n\tdef __init__(self, ${4:arg}):\n\t\t${5:super($1, self).__init__()}\n\t\tself.arg = arg\n\t\t$0'
'New Method':
'prefix': 'defs'
'body': 'def ${1:mname}(self, ${2:arg}):\n\t${3:pass}'
'New Function':
'prefix': 'def'
'body': 'def ${1:fname}(${2:arg}):\n\t${3:pass}'
'New Property':
'prefix': 'property'
'body': 'def ${1:foo}():\n doc = "${2:The $1 property.}"\n def fget(self):\n ${3:return self._$1}\n def fset(self, value):\n ${4:self._$1 = value}\n def fdel(self):\n ${5:del self._$1}\n return locals()\n$1 = property(**$1())$0'
'prefix': 'if'
'body': 'if ${1:condition}:\n\t${2:pass}'
'prefix': 'for'
'body': 'for ${1:value} in ${2:variable}:\n\t${3:pass}'
'prefix': 'while'
'body': 'while ${1:condition}:\n\t${2:pass}'
'with statement':
'prefix': 'with'
'body': 'with ${1:expression} as ${2:target}:\n\t${3:pass}'
'prefix': 'tryef'
'body': 'try:\n\t${1:pass}\nexcept${2: ${3:Exception} as ${4:e}}:\n\t${5:raise}\nelse:\n\t${6:pass}\nfinally:\n\t${7:pass}'
'prefix': 'trye'
'body': 'try:\n\t${1:pass}\nexcept ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:\n\t${4:raise $3}\nelse:\n\t${5:pass}'
'prefix': 'tryf'
'body': 'try:\n\t${1:pass}\nexcept ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:\n\t${4:raise $3}\nfinally:\n\t${5:pass}'
'prefix': 'try'
'body': 'try:\n\t${1:pass}\nexcept ${2:Exception} as ${3:e}:\n\t${4:raise $3}'
'List Comprehension':
'prefix': 'lc'
'body': '[${1:value} for ${2:value} in ${3:variable}]'
'List Comprehension If Else':
'prefix': 'lcie'
'body': '[${1:value} if ${2:condition} else ${3:value} for ${4:value} in ${5:variable}]'
'Dictionary Comprehension':
'prefix': 'dc'
'body': '{${1:key}: ${2:value} for ${3:key}, ${4:value} in ${5:variable}}'
'Set Comprehension':
'prefix': 'sc'
'body': '{${1:value} for ${2:value} in ${3:variable}}'
'PDB set trace':
'prefix': 'pdb'
'body': 'import pdb; pdb.set_trace()'
'iPDB set trace':
'prefix': 'ipdb'
'body': 'import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()'
'rPDB set trace':
'prefix': 'rpdb'
'body': 'import rpdb2; rpdb2.start_embedded_debugger(\'${1:debug_password}\')$0'
'PuDB set trace':
'prefix': 'pudb'
'body': 'import pudb; pudb.set_trace()'
'prefix': '__'
'body': '__${1:init}__'
'if __name__ == \'__main__\'':
'prefix': 'ifmain'
'body': 'if __name__ == \'__main__\':\n\t${1:main()}$0'