2015-06-03 09:19:57 -07:00

99 lines
3.6 KiB

path = require 'path'
CSON = require 'season'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
normalizePackageData = require 'normalize-package-data'
semver = require 'semver'
OtherPlatforms = ['darwin', 'freebsd', 'linux', 'sunos', 'win32'].filter (platform) -> platform isnt process.platform
module.exports = (grunt) ->
{spawn, rm} = require('./task-helpers')(grunt)
getMenu = (appDir) ->
menusPath = path.join(appDir, 'menus')
menuPath = path.join(menusPath, "#{process.platform}.json")
menu = CSON.readFileSync(menuPath) if fs.isFileSync(menuPath)
rm menusPath
getKeymaps = (appDir) ->
keymapsPath = path.join(appDir, 'keymaps')
keymaps = {}
for keymapPath in fs.listSync(keymapsPath, ['.json'])
name = path.basename(keymapPath, path.extname(keymapPath))
continue unless OtherPlatforms.indexOf(name) is -1
keymap = CSON.readFileSync(keymapPath)
keymaps[path.basename(keymapPath)] = keymap
rm keymapsPath
grunt.registerTask 'compile-packages-slug', 'Add bundled package metadata information to the main package.json file', ->
appDir = fs.realpathSync(grunt.config.get('atom.appDir'))
modulesDirectory = path.join(appDir, 'node_modules')
packages = {}
invalidPackages = false
for moduleDirectory in fs.listSync(modulesDirectory)
continue if path.basename(moduleDirectory) is '.bin'
metadataPath = path.join(moduleDirectory, 'package.json')
metadata = grunt.file.readJSON(metadataPath)
continue unless metadata?.engines?.atom?
reportPackageError = (msg) ->
invalidPackages = true
grunt.log.error("#{metadata.name}: #{msg}")
normalizePackageData metadata, reportPackageError, true
if metadata.repository?.type is 'git'
metadata.repository.url = metadata.repository.url?.replace(/^git\+/, '')
moduleCache = metadata._atomModuleCache ? {}
rm metadataPath
_.remove(moduleCache.extensions?['.json'] ? [], 'package.json')
for property in ['_from', '_id', 'dist', 'readme', 'readmeFilename']
delete metadata[property]
pack = {metadata, keymaps: {}, menus: {}}
if metadata.main
mainPath = require.resolve(path.resolve(moduleDirectory, metadata.main))
pack.main = path.relative(appDir, mainPath)
keymapsPath = path.join(moduleDirectory, 'keymaps')
for keymapPath in fs.listSync(keymapsPath, ['.cson', '.json'])
relativePath = path.relative(appDir, keymapPath)
pack.keymaps[relativePath] = CSON.readFileSync(keymapPath)
rm keymapPath
rm keymapsPath if fs.listSync(keymapsPath).length is 0
menusPath = path.join(moduleDirectory, 'menus')
for menuPath in fs.listSync(menusPath, ['.cson', '.json'])
relativePath = path.relative(appDir, menuPath)
pack.menus[relativePath] = CSON.readFileSync(menuPath)
rm menuPath
rm menusPath if fs.listSync(menusPath).length is 0
packages[metadata.name] = pack
for extension, paths of moduleCache.extensions
delete moduleCache.extensions[extension] if paths.length is 0
metadata = grunt.file.readJSON(path.join(appDir, 'package.json'))
metadata._atomPackages = packages
metadata._atomMenu = getMenu(appDir)
metadata._atomKeymaps = getKeymaps(appDir)
metadata._deprecatedPackages = require('../deprecated-packages')
for name, {version} of metadata._deprecatedPackages
if version and not semver.validRange(version)
invalidPackages = true
grunt.log.error("Invalid range: #{version} (#{name})")
grunt.file.write(path.join(appDir, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(metadata))
not invalidPackages