2015-04-13 18:03:14 -07:00

251 lines
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{Emitter, Disposable, CompositeDisposable} = require 'event-kit'
{calculateSpecificity, validateSelector} = require 'clear-cut'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
{$} = require './space-pen-extensions'
SequenceCount = 0
# Public: Associates listener functions with commands in a
# context-sensitive way using CSS selectors. You can access a global instance of
# this class via `atom.commands`, and commands registered there will be
# presented in the command palette.
# The global command registry facilitates a style of event handling known as
# *event delegation* that was popularized by jQuery. Atom commands are expressed
# as custom DOM events that can be invoked on the currently focused element via
# a key binding or manually via the command palette. Rather than binding
# listeners for command events directly to DOM nodes, you instead register
# command event listeners globally on `atom.commands` and constrain them to
# specific kinds of elements with CSS selectors.
# As the event bubbles upward through the DOM, all registered event listeners
# with matching selectors are invoked in order of specificity. In the event of a
# specificity tie, the most recently registered listener is invoked first. This
# mirrors the "cascade" semantics of CSS. Event listeners are invoked in the
# context of the current DOM node, meaning `this` always points at
# `event.currentTarget`. As is normally the case with DOM events,
# `stopPropagation` and `stopImmediatePropagation` can be used to terminate the
# bubbling process and prevent invocation of additional listeners.
# ## Example
# Here is a command that inserts the current date in an editor:
# ```coffee
# atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor',
# 'user:insert-date': (event) ->
# editor = @getModel()
# editor.insertText(new Date().toLocaleString())
# ```
module.exports =
class CommandRegistry
constructor: (@rootNode) ->
@registeredCommands = {}
@selectorBasedListenersByCommandName = {}
@inlineListenersByCommandName = {}
@emitter = new Emitter
destroy: ->
for commandName of @registeredCommands
window.removeEventListener(commandName, @handleCommandEvent, true)
# Public: Add one or more command listeners associated with a selector.
# ## Arguments: Registering One Command
# * `target` A {String} containing a CSS selector or a DOM element. If you
# pass a selector, the command will be globally associated with all matching
# elements. The `,` combinator is not currently supported. If you pass a
# DOM element, the command will be associated with just that element.
# * `commandName` A {String} containing the name of a command you want to
# handle such as `user:insert-date`.
# * `callback` A {Function} to call when the given command is invoked on an
# element matching the selector. It will be called with `this` referencing
# the matching DOM node.
# * `event` A standard DOM event instance. Call `stopPropagation` or
# `stopImmediatePropagation` to terminate bubbling early.
# ## Arguments: Registering Multiple Commands
# * `target` A {String} containing a CSS selector or a DOM element. If you
# pass a selector, the commands will be globally associated with all
# matching elements. The `,` combinator is not currently supported.
# If you pass a DOM element, the command will be associated with just that
# element.
# * `commands` An {Object} mapping command names like `user:insert-date` to
# listener {Function}s.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to remove the
# added command handler(s).
add: (target, commandName, callback) ->
if typeof commandName is 'object'
commands = commandName
disposable = new CompositeDisposable
for commandName, callback of commands
disposable.add @add(target, commandName, callback)
return disposable
if typeof target is 'string'
@addSelectorBasedListener(target, commandName, callback)
@addInlineListener(target, commandName, callback)
addSelectorBasedListener: (selector, commandName, callback) ->
@selectorBasedListenersByCommandName[commandName] ?= []
listenersForCommand = @selectorBasedListenersByCommandName[commandName]
listener = new SelectorBasedListener(selector, callback)
new Disposable =>
listenersForCommand.splice(listenersForCommand.indexOf(listener), 1)
delete @selectorBasedListenersByCommandName[commandName] if listenersForCommand.length is 0
addInlineListener: (element, commandName, callback) ->
@inlineListenersByCommandName[commandName] ?= new WeakMap
listenersForCommand = @inlineListenersByCommandName[commandName]
unless listenersForElement = listenersForCommand.get(element)
listenersForElement = []
listenersForCommand.set(element, listenersForElement)
listener = new InlineListener(callback)
new Disposable ->
listenersForElement.splice(listenersForElement.indexOf(listener), 1)
listenersForCommand.delete(element) if listenersForElement.length is 0
# Public: Find all registered commands matching a query.
# * `params` An {Object} containing one or more of the following keys:
# * `target` A DOM node that is the hypothetical target of a given command.
# Returns an {Array} of {Object}s containing the following keys:
# * `name` The name of the command. For example, `user:insert-date`.
# * `displayName` The display name of the command. For example,
# `User: Insert Date`.
# * `jQuery` Present if the command was registered with the legacy
# `$::command` method.
findCommands: ({target}) ->
commandNames = new Set
commands = []
currentTarget = target
for name, listeners of @inlineListenersByCommandName
if listeners.has(currentTarget) and not commandNames.has(name)
commands.push({name, displayName: _.humanizeEventName(name)})
for commandName, listeners of @selectorBasedListenersByCommandName
for listener in listeners
if currentTarget.webkitMatchesSelector?(listener.selector)
unless commandNames.has(commandName)
name: commandName
displayName: _.humanizeEventName(commandName)
break if currentTarget is window
currentTarget = currentTarget.parentNode ? window
# Public: Simulate the dispatch of a command on a DOM node.
# This can be useful for testing when you want to simulate the invocation of a
# command on a detached DOM node. Otherwise, the DOM node in question needs to
# be attached to the document so the event bubbles up to the root node to be
# processed.
# * `target` The DOM node at which to start bubbling the command event.
# * `commandName` {String} indicating the name of the command to dispatch.
dispatch: (target, commandName, detail) ->
event = new CustomEvent(commandName, {bubbles: true, detail})
eventWithTarget = Object.create event,
target: value: target
preventDefault: value: ->
stopPropagation: value: ->
stopImmediatePropagation: value: ->
onWillDispatch: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'will-dispatch', callback
getSnapshot: ->
snapshot = {}
for commandName, listeners of @selectorBasedListenersByCommandName
snapshot[commandName] = listeners.slice()
restoreSnapshot: (snapshot) ->
@selectorBasedListenersByCommandName = {}
for commandName, listeners of snapshot
@selectorBasedListenersByCommandName[commandName] = listeners.slice()
handleCommandEvent: (originalEvent) =>
propagationStopped = false
immediatePropagationStopped = false
matched = false
currentTarget = originalEvent.target
syntheticEvent = Object.create originalEvent,
eventPhase: value: Event.BUBBLING_PHASE
currentTarget: get: -> currentTarget
preventDefault: value: ->
stopPropagation: value: ->
propagationStopped = true
stopImmediatePropagation: value: ->
propagationStopped = true
immediatePropagationStopped = true
abortKeyBinding: value: ->
@emitter.emit 'will-dispatch', syntheticEvent
listeners = @inlineListenersByCommandName[originalEvent.type]?.get(currentTarget) ? []
if currentTarget.webkitMatchesSelector?
selectorBasedListeners =
(@selectorBasedListenersByCommandName[originalEvent.type] ? [])
.filter (listener) -> currentTarget.webkitMatchesSelector(listener.selector)
.sort (a, b) -> a.compare(b)
listeners = listeners.concat(selectorBasedListeners)
matched = true if listeners.length > 0
for listener in listeners
break if immediatePropagationStopped
listener.callback.call(currentTarget, syntheticEvent)
break if currentTarget is window
break if propagationStopped
currentTarget = currentTarget.parentNode ? window
commandRegistered: (commandName) ->
unless @registeredCommands[commandName]
window.addEventListener(commandName, @handleCommandEvent, true)
@registeredCommands[commandName] = true
class SelectorBasedListener
constructor: (@selector, @callback) ->
@specificity = calculateSpecificity(@selector)
@sequenceNumber = SequenceCount++
compare: (other) ->
other.specificity - @specificity or
other.sequenceNumber - @sequenceNumber
class InlineListener
constructor: (@callback) ->