mirror of
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{includeDeprecatedAPIs, deprecate} = require 'grim'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
path = require 'path'
{join} = path
Q = require 'q'
Serializable = require 'serializable'
{Emitter, Disposable, CompositeDisposable} = require 'event-kit'
Grim = require 'grim'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
Model = require './model'
TextEditor = require './text-editor'
PaneContainer = require './pane-container'
Pane = require './pane'
Panel = require './panel'
PanelElement = require './panel-element'
PanelContainer = require './panel-container'
PanelContainerElement = require './panel-container-element'
WorkspaceElement = require './workspace-element'
Task = require './task'
# Essential: Represents the state of the user interface for the entire window.
# An instance of this class is available via the `atom.workspace` global.
# Interact with this object to open files, be notified of current and future
# editors, and manipulate panes. To add panels, you'll need to use the
# {WorkspaceView} class for now until we establish APIs at the model layer.
# * `editor` {TextEditor} the new editor
module.exports =
class Workspace extends Model
constructor: (params) ->
unless Grim.includeDeprecatedAPIs
@paneContainer = params?.paneContainer
@fullScreen = params?.fullScreen ? false
@destroyedItemURIs = params?.destroyedItemURIs ? []
@emitter = new Emitter
@openers = []
@paneContainer ?= new PaneContainer()
@panelContainers =
top: new PanelContainer({location: 'top'})
left: new PanelContainer({location: 'left'})
right: new PanelContainer({location: 'right'})
bottom: new PanelContainer({location: 'bottom'})
modal: new PanelContainer({location: 'modal'})
@addOpener (filePath) ->
switch filePath
when 'atom://.atom/stylesheet'
when 'atom://.atom/keymap'
when 'atom://.atom/config'
when 'atom://.atom/init-script'
atom.views.addViewProvider Workspace, (model) ->
new WorkspaceElement().initialize(model)
atom.views.addViewProvider PanelContainer, (model) ->
new PanelContainerElement().initialize(model)
atom.views.addViewProvider Panel, (model) ->
new PanelElement().initialize(model)
# Called by the Serializable mixin during deserialization
deserializeParams: (params) ->
for packageName in params.packagesWithActiveGrammars ? []
params.paneContainer = PaneContainer.deserialize(params.paneContainer)
# Called by the Serializable mixin during serialization.
serializeParams: ->
paneContainer: @paneContainer.serialize()
fullScreen: atom.isFullScreen()
packagesWithActiveGrammars: @getPackageNamesWithActiveGrammars()
getPackageNamesWithActiveGrammars: ->
packageNames = []
addGrammar = ({includedGrammarScopes, packageName}={}) ->
return unless packageName
# Prevent cycles
return if packageNames.indexOf(packageName) isnt -1
for scopeName in includedGrammarScopes ? []
editors = @getTextEditors()
addGrammar(editor.getGrammar()) for editor in editors
if editors.length > 0
for grammar in atom.grammars.getGrammars() when grammar.injectionSelector
editorAdded: (editor) ->
@emit 'editor-created', editor if includeDeprecatedAPIs
installShellCommands: ->
subscribeToActiveItem: ->
atom.project.onDidChangePaths @updateWindowTitle
@observeActivePaneItem (item) =>
@activeItemSubscriptions = new CompositeDisposable
if typeof item?.onDidChangeTitle is 'function'
titleSubscription = item.onDidChangeTitle(@updateWindowTitle)
else if typeof item?.on is 'function'
titleSubscription = item.on('title-changed', @updateWindowTitle)
unless typeof titleSubscription?.dispose is 'function'
titleSubscription = new Disposable => item.off('title-changed', @updateWindowTitle)
if typeof item?.onDidChangeModified is 'function'
modifiedSubscription = item.onDidChangeModified(@updateDocumentEdited)
else if typeof item?.on? is 'function'
modifiedSubscription = item.on('modified-status-changed', @updateDocumentEdited)
unless typeof modifiedSubscription?.dispose is 'function'
modifiedSubscription = new Disposable => item.off('modified-status-changed', @updateDocumentEdited)
@activeItemSubscriptions.add(titleSubscription) if titleSubscription?
@activeItemSubscriptions.add(modifiedSubscription) if modifiedSubscription?
# Updates the application's title and proxy icon based on whichever file is
# open.
updateWindowTitle: =>
appName = 'Atom'
projectPaths = atom.project?.getPaths() ? []
if item = @getActivePaneItem()
itemPath = item.getPath?()
itemTitle = item.getTitle?()
projectPath = _.find projectPaths, (projectPath) ->
itemPath is projectPath or itemPath?.startsWith(projectPath + path.sep)
itemTitle ?= "untitled"
projectPath ?= projectPaths[0]
if item? and projectPath?
document.title = "#{itemTitle} - #{projectPath} - #{appName}"
atom.setRepresentedFilename(itemPath ? projectPath)
else if projectPath?
document.title = "#{projectPath} - #{appName}"
document.title = "#{itemTitle} - #{appName}"
# On OS X, fades the application window's proxy icon when the current file
# has been modified.
updateDocumentEdited: =>
modified = @getActivePaneItem()?.isModified?() ? false
Section: Event Subscription
# Essential: Invoke the given callback with all current and future text
# editors in the workspace.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called with current and future text editors.
# * `editor` An {TextEditor} that is present in {::getTextEditors} at the time
# of subscription or that is added at some later time.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeTextEditors: (callback) ->
callback(textEditor) for textEditor in @getTextEditors()
@onDidAddTextEditor ({textEditor}) -> callback(textEditor)
# Essential: Invoke the given callback with all current and future panes items
# in the workspace.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called with current and future pane items.
# * `item` An item that is present in {::getPaneItems} at the time of
# subscription or that is added at some later time.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observePaneItems: (callback) -> @paneContainer.observePaneItems(callback)
# Essential: Invoke the given callback when the active pane item changes.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called when the active pane item changes.
# * `item` The active pane item.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeActivePaneItem: (callback) -> @paneContainer.onDidChangeActivePaneItem(callback)
# Essential: Invoke the given callback with the current active pane item and
# with all future active pane items in the workspace.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called when the active pane item changes.
# * `item` The current active pane item.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeActivePaneItem: (callback) -> @paneContainer.observeActivePaneItem(callback)
# Essential: Invoke the given callback whenever an item is opened. Unlike
# {::onDidAddPaneItem}, observers will be notified for items that are already
# present in the workspace when they are reopened.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called whenever an item is opened.
# * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
# * `uri` {String} representing the opened URI. Could be `undefined`.
# * `item` The opened item.
# * `pane` The pane in which the item was opened.
# * `index` The index of the opened item on its pane.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidOpen: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-open', callback
# Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane is added to the workspace.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called panes are added.
# * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
# * `pane` The added pane.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddPane: (callback) -> @paneContainer.onDidAddPane(callback)
# Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane is destroyed in the
# workspace.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called panes are destroyed.
# * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
# * `pane` The destroyed pane.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidDestroyPane: (callback) -> @paneContainer.onDidDestroyPane(callback)
# Extended: Invoke the given callback with all current and future panes in the
# workspace.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called with current and future panes.
# * `pane` A {Pane} that is present in {::getPanes} at the time of
# subscription or that is added at some later time.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observePanes: (callback) -> @paneContainer.observePanes(callback)
# Extended: Invoke the given callback when the active pane changes.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called when the active pane changes.
# * `pane` A {Pane} that is the current return value of {::getActivePane}.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidChangeActivePane: (callback) -> @paneContainer.onDidChangeActivePane(callback)
# Extended: Invoke the given callback with the current active pane and when
# the active pane changes.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called with the current and future active#
# panes.
# * `pane` A {Pane} that is the current return value of {::getActivePane}.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
observeActivePane: (callback) -> @paneContainer.observeActivePane(callback)
# Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane item is added to the
# workspace.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called when pane items are added.
# * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
# * `item` The added pane item.
# * `pane` {Pane} containing the added item.
# * `index` {Number} indicating the index of the added item in its pane.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddPaneItem: (callback) -> @paneContainer.onDidAddPaneItem(callback)
# Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane item is about to be
# destroyed, before the user is prompted to save it.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called before pane items are destroyed.
# * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
# * `item` The item to be destroyed.
# * `pane` {Pane} containing the item to be destroyed.
# * `index` {Number} indicating the index of the item to be destroyed in
# its pane.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose` can be called to unsubscribe.
onWillDestroyPaneItem: (callback) -> @paneContainer.onWillDestroyPaneItem(callback)
# Extended: Invoke the given callback when a pane item is destroyed.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called when pane items are destroyed.
# * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
# * `item` The destroyed item.
# * `pane` {Pane} containing the destroyed item.
# * `index` {Number} indicating the index of the destroyed item in its
# pane.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidDestroyPaneItem: (callback) -> @paneContainer.onDidDestroyPaneItem(callback)
# Extended: Invoke the given callback when a text editor is added to the
# workspace.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called panes are added.
# * `event` {Object} with the following keys:
# * `textEditor` {TextEditor} that was added.
# * `pane` {Pane} containing the added text editor.
# * `index` {Number} indicating the index of the added text editor in its
# pane.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidAddTextEditor: (callback) ->
@onDidAddPaneItem ({item, pane, index}) ->
callback({textEditor: item, pane, index}) if item instanceof TextEditor
Section: Opening
# Essential: Opens the given URI in Atom asynchronously.
# If the URI is already open, the existing item for that URI will be
# activated. If no URI is given, or no registered opener can open
# the URI, a new empty {TextEditor} will be created.
# * `uri` (optional) A {String} containing a URI.
# * `options` (optional) {Object}
# * `initialLine` A {Number} indicating which row to move the cursor to
# initially. Defaults to `0`.
# * `initialColumn` A {Number} indicating which column to move the cursor to
# initially. Defaults to `0`.
# * `split` Either 'left' or 'right'. If 'left', the item will be opened in
# leftmost pane of the current active pane's row. If 'right', the
# item will be opened in the rightmost pane of the current active pane's row.
# * `activatePane` A {Boolean} indicating whether to call {Pane::activate} on
# containing pane. Defaults to `true`.
# * `searchAllPanes` A {Boolean}. If `true`, the workspace will attempt to
# activate an existing item for the given URI on any pane.
# If `false`, only the active pane will be searched for
# an existing item for the same URI. Defaults to `false`.
# Returns a promise that resolves to the {TextEditor} for the file URI.
open: (uri, options={}) ->
searchAllPanes = options.searchAllPanes
split = options.split
uri = atom.project.resolvePath(uri)
pane = @paneContainer.paneForURI(uri) if searchAllPanes
pane ?= switch split
when 'left'
when 'right'
@openURIInPane(uri, pane, options)
# Open Atom's license in the active pane.
openLicense: ->
@open(join(atom.getLoadSettings().resourcePath, 'LICENSE.md'))
# Synchronously open the given URI in the active pane. **Only use this method
# in specs. Calling this in production code will block the UI thread and
# everyone will be mad at you.**
# * `uri` A {String} containing a URI.
# * `options` An optional options {Object}
# * `initialLine` A {Number} indicating which row to move the cursor to
# initially. Defaults to `0`.
# * `initialColumn` A {Number} indicating which column to move the cursor to
# initially. Defaults to `0`.
# * `activatePane` A {Boolean} indicating whether to call {Pane::activate} on
# the containing pane. Defaults to `true`.
openSync: (uri='', options={}) ->
# TODO: Remove deprecated changeFocus option
if includeDeprecatedAPIs and options.changeFocus?
deprecate("The `changeFocus` option has been renamed to `activatePane`")
options.activatePane = options.changeFocus
delete options.changeFocus
{initialLine, initialColumn} = options
activatePane = options.activatePane ? true
uri = atom.project.resolvePath(uri)
item = @getActivePane().itemForURI(uri)
if uri
item ?= opener(uri, options) for opener in @getOpeners() when not item
item ?= atom.project.openSync(uri, {initialLine, initialColumn})
@getActivePane().activate() if activatePane
openURIInPane: (uri, pane, options={}) ->
# TODO: Remove deprecated changeFocus option
if includeDeprecatedAPIs and options.changeFocus?
deprecate("The `changeFocus` option has been renamed to `activatePane`")
options.activatePane = options.changeFocus
delete options.changeFocus
activatePane = options.activatePane ? true
if uri?
item = pane.itemForURI(uri)
item ?= opener(uri, options) for opener in @getOpeners() when not item
item ?= atom.project.open(uri, options)
catch error
switch error.code
atom.notifications.addWarning("#{error.message} Large file support is being tracked at [atom/atom#307](https://github.com/atom/atom/issues/307).")
when 'EACCES'
atom.notifications.addWarning("Permission denied '#{error.path}'")
when 'EPERM', 'EBUSY'
atom.notifications.addWarning("Unable to open '#{error.path}'", detail: error.message)
throw error
return Q()
.then (item) =>
if not pane
pane = new Pane(items: [item])
@paneContainer.root = pane
pane.activate() if activatePane
if options.initialLine? or options.initialColumn?
item.setCursorBufferPosition?([options.initialLine, options.initialColumn])
index = pane.getActiveItemIndex()
@emit "uri-opened" if includeDeprecatedAPIs
@emitter.emit 'did-open', {uri, pane, item, index}
# Public: Asynchronously reopens the last-closed item's URI if it hasn't already been
# reopened.
# Returns a promise that is resolved when the item is opened
reopenItem: ->
if uri = @destroyedItemURIs.pop()
# Public: Register an opener for a uri.
# An {TextEditor} will be used if no openers return a value.
# ## Examples
# ```coffee
# atom.workspace.addOpener (uri) ->
# if path.extname(uri) is '.toml'
# return new TomlEditor(uri)
# ```
# * `opener` A {Function} to be called when a path is being opened.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to remove the
# opener.
addOpener: (opener) ->
if includeDeprecatedAPIs
packageName = @getCallingPackageName()
wrappedOpener = (uri, options) ->
item = opener(uri, options)
if item? and typeof item.getUri is 'function' and typeof item.getURI isnt 'function'
Grim.deprecate("Pane item with class `#{item.constructor.name}` should implement `::getURI` instead of `::getUri`.", {packageName})
if item? and typeof item.on is 'function' and typeof item.onDidChangeTitle isnt 'function'
Grim.deprecate("If you would like your pane item with class `#{item.constructor.name}` to support title change behavior, please implement a `::onDidChangeTitle()` method. `::on` methods for items are no longer supported. If not, ignore this message.", {packageName})
if item? and typeof item.on is 'function' and typeof item.onDidChangeModified isnt 'function'
Grim.deprecate("If you would like your pane item with class `#{item.constructor.name}` to support modified behavior, please implement a `::onDidChangeModified()` method. If not, ignore this message. `::on` methods for items are no longer supported.", {packageName})
new Disposable => _.remove(@openers, wrappedOpener)
new Disposable => _.remove(@openers, opener)
getOpeners: ->
Section: Pane Items
# Essential: Get all pane items in the workspace.
# Returns an {Array} of items.
getPaneItems: ->
# Essential: Get the active {Pane}'s active item.
# Returns an pane item {Object}.
getActivePaneItem: ->
# Essential: Get all text editors in the workspace.
# Returns an {Array} of {TextEditor}s.
getTextEditors: ->
@getPaneItems().filter (item) -> item instanceof TextEditor
# Essential: Get the active item if it is an {TextEditor}.
# Returns an {TextEditor} or `undefined` if the current active item is not an
# {TextEditor}.
getActiveTextEditor: ->
activeItem = @getActivePaneItem()
activeItem if activeItem instanceof TextEditor
# Save all pane items.
saveAll: ->
confirmClose: (options) ->
# Save the active pane item.
# If the active pane item currently has a URI according to the item's
# `.getURI` method, calls `.save` on the item. Otherwise
# {::saveActivePaneItemAs} # will be called instead. This method does nothing
# if the active item does not implement a `.save` method.
saveActivePaneItem: ->
# Prompt the user for a path and save the active pane item to it.
# Opens a native dialog where the user selects a path on disk, then calls
# `.saveAs` on the item with the selected path. This method does nothing if
# the active item does not implement a `.saveAs` method.
saveActivePaneItemAs: ->
# Destroy (close) the active pane item.
# Removes the active pane item and calls the `.destroy` method on it if one is
# defined.
destroyActivePaneItem: ->
Section: Panes
# Extended: Get all panes in the workspace.
# Returns an {Array} of {Pane}s.
getPanes: ->
# Extended: Get the active {Pane}.
# Returns a {Pane}.
getActivePane: ->
# Extended: Make the next pane active.
activateNextPane: ->
# Extended: Make the previous pane active.
activatePreviousPane: ->
# Extended: Get the first {Pane} with an item for the given URI.
# * `uri` {String} uri
# Returns a {Pane} or `undefined` if no pane exists for the given URI.
paneForURI: (uri) ->
# Extended: Get the {Pane} containing the given item.
# * `item` Item the returned pane contains.
# Returns a {Pane} or `undefined` if no pane exists for the given item.
paneForItem: (item) ->
# Destroy (close) the active pane.
destroyActivePane: ->
# Destroy the active pane item or the active pane if it is empty.
destroyActivePaneItemOrEmptyPane: ->
if @getActivePaneItem()? then @destroyActivePaneItem() else @destroyActivePane()
# Increase the editor font size by 1px.
increaseFontSize: ->
atom.config.set("editor.fontSize", atom.config.get("editor.fontSize") + 1)
# Decrease the editor font size by 1px.
decreaseFontSize: ->
fontSize = atom.config.get("editor.fontSize")
atom.config.set("editor.fontSize", fontSize - 1) if fontSize > 1
# Restore to a default editor font size.
resetFontSize: ->
# Removes the item's uri from the list of potential items to reopen.
itemOpened: (item) ->
if typeof item.getURI is 'function'
uri = item.getURI()
else if typeof item.getUri is 'function'
uri = item.getUri()
if uri?
_.remove(@destroyedItemURIs, uri)
# Adds the destroyed item's uri to the list of items to reopen.
didDestroyPaneItem: ({item}) =>
if typeof item.getURI is 'function'
uri = item.getURI()
else if typeof item.getUri is 'function'
uri = item.getUri()
if uri?
# Called by Model superclass when destroyed
destroyed: ->
Section: Panels
Panels are used to display UI related to an editor window. They are placed at one of the four
edges of the window: left, right, top or bottom. If there are multiple panels on the same window
edge they are stacked in order of priority: higher priority is closer to the center, lower
priority towards the edge.
*Note:* If your panel changes its size throughout its lifetime, consider giving it a higher
priority, allowing fixed size panels to be closer to the edge. This allows control targets to
remain more static for easier targeting by users that employ mice or trackpads. (See
[atom/atom#4834](https://github.com/atom/atom/issues/4834) for discussion.)
# Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items at the bottom of the editor window.
getBottomPanels: ->
# Essential: Adds a panel item to the bottom of the editor window.
# * `options` {Object}
# * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
# a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
# latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
# * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
# (default: true)
# * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
# forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
# Returns a {Panel}
addBottomPanel: (options) ->
@addPanel('bottom', options)
# Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items to the left of the editor window.
getLeftPanels: ->
# Essential: Adds a panel item to the left of the editor window.
# * `options` {Object}
# * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
# a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
# latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
# * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
# (default: true)
# * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
# forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
# Returns a {Panel}
addLeftPanel: (options) ->
@addPanel('left', options)
# Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items to the right of the editor window.
getRightPanels: ->
# Essential: Adds a panel item to the right of the editor window.
# * `options` {Object}
# * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
# a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
# latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
# * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
# (default: true)
# * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
# forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
# Returns a {Panel}
addRightPanel: (options) ->
@addPanel('right', options)
# Essential: Get an {Array} of all the panel items at the top of the editor window.
getTopPanels: ->
# Essential: Adds a panel item to the top of the editor window above the tabs.
# * `options` {Object}
# * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
# a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
# latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
# * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
# (default: true)
# * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
# forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
# Returns a {Panel}
addTopPanel: (options) ->
@addPanel('top', options)
# Essential: Get an {Array} of all the modal panel items
getModalPanels: ->
# Essential: Adds a panel item as a modal dialog.
# * `options` {Object}
# * `item` Your panel content. It can be DOM element, a jQuery element, or
# a model with a view registered via {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider}. We recommend the
# latter. See {ViewRegistry::addViewProvider} for more information.
# * `visible` (optional) {Boolean} false if you want the panel to initially be hidden
# (default: true)
# * `priority` (optional) {Number} Determines stacking order. Lower priority items are
# forced closer to the edges of the window. (default: 100)
# Returns a {Panel}
addModalPanel: (options={}) ->
@addPanel('modal', options)
# Essential: Returns the {Panel} associated with the given item. Returns
# `null` when the item has no panel.
# * `item` Item the panel contains
panelForItem: (item) ->
for location, container of @panelContainers
panel = container.panelForItem(item)
return panel if panel?
getPanels: (location) ->
addPanel: (location, options) ->
options ?= {}
@panelContainers[location].addPanel(new Panel(options))
Section: Searching and Replacing
# Public: Performs a search across all the files in the workspace.
# * `regex` {RegExp} to search with.
# * `options` (optional) {Object} (default: {})
# * `paths` An {Array} of glob patterns to search within
# * `iterator` {Function} callback on each file found
# Returns a `Promise`.
scan: (regex, options={}, iterator) ->
if _.isFunction(options)
iterator = options
options = {}
deferred = Q.defer()
searchOptions =
ignoreCase: regex.ignoreCase
inclusions: options.paths
includeHidden: true
excludeVcsIgnores: atom.config.get('core.excludeVcsIgnoredPaths')
exclusions: atom.config.get('core.ignoredNames')
follow: atom.config.get('core.followSymlinks')
task = Task.once require.resolve('./scan-handler'), atom.project.getPaths(), regex.source, searchOptions, ->
task.on 'scan:result-found', (result) ->
iterator(result) unless atom.project.isPathModified(result.filePath)
task.on 'scan:file-error', (error) ->
iterator(null, error)
if _.isFunction(options.onPathsSearched)
task.on 'scan:paths-searched', (numberOfPathsSearched) ->
for buffer in atom.project.getBuffers() when buffer.isModified()
filePath = buffer.getPath()
continue unless atom.project.contains(filePath)
matches = []
buffer.scan regex, (match) -> matches.push match
iterator {filePath, matches} if matches.length > 0
promise = deferred.promise
promise.cancel = ->
# Public: Performs a replace across all the specified files in the project.
# * `regex` A {RegExp} to search with.
# * `replacementText` Text to replace all matches of regex with
# * `filePaths` List of file path strings to run the replace on.
# * `iterator` A {Function} callback on each file with replacements:
# * `options` {Object} with keys `filePath` and `replacements`
# Returns a `Promise`.
replace: (regex, replacementText, filePaths, iterator) ->
deferred = Q.defer()
openPaths = (buffer.getPath() for buffer in atom.project.getBuffers())
outOfProcessPaths = _.difference(filePaths, openPaths)
inProcessFinished = not openPaths.length
outOfProcessFinished = not outOfProcessPaths.length
checkFinished = ->
deferred.resolve() if outOfProcessFinished and inProcessFinished
unless outOfProcessFinished.length
flags = 'g'
flags += 'i' if regex.ignoreCase
task = Task.once require.resolve('./replace-handler'), outOfProcessPaths, regex.source, flags, replacementText, ->
outOfProcessFinished = true
task.on 'replace:path-replaced', iterator
task.on 'replace:file-error', (error) -> iterator(null, error)
for buffer in atom.project.getBuffers()
continue unless buffer.getPath() in filePaths
replacements = buffer.replace(regex, replacementText, iterator)
iterator({filePath: buffer.getPath(), replacements}) if replacements
inProcessFinished = true
if includeDeprecatedAPIs
paneContainer: null
fullScreen: false
destroyedItemURIs: -> []
Object.defineProperty Workspace::, 'activePaneItem',
get: ->
Grim.deprecate "Use ::getActivePaneItem() instead of the ::activePaneItem property"
Object.defineProperty Workspace::, 'activePane',
get: ->
Grim.deprecate "Use ::getActivePane() instead of the ::activePane property"
StackTraceParser = require 'stacktrace-parser'
Workspace::getCallingPackageName = ->
error = new Error
stack = StackTraceParser.parse(error.stack)
packagePaths = @getPackagePathsByPackageName()
for i in [0...stack.length]
stackFramePath = stack[i].file
# Empty when it was run from the dev console
return unless stackFramePath
for packageName, packagePath of packagePaths
continue if stackFramePath is 'node.js'
relativePath = path.relative(packagePath, stackFramePath)
return packageName unless /^\.\./.test(relativePath)
Workspace::getPackagePathsByPackageName = ->
packagePathsByPackageName = {}
for pack in atom.packages.getLoadedPackages()
packagePath = pack.path
if packagePath.indexOf('.atom/dev/packages') > -1 or packagePath.indexOf('.atom/packages') > -1
packagePath = fs.realpathSync(packagePath)
packagePathsByPackageName[pack.name] = packagePath
Workspace::eachEditor = (callback) ->
deprecate("Use Workspace::observeTextEditors instead")
callback(editor) for editor in @getEditors()
@subscribe this, 'editor-created', (editor) -> callback(editor)
Workspace::getEditors = ->
deprecate("Use Workspace::getTextEditors instead")
editors = []
for pane in @paneContainer.getPanes()
editors.push(item) for item in pane.getItems() when item instanceof TextEditor
Workspace::on = (eventName) ->
switch eventName
when 'editor-created'
deprecate("Use Workspace::onDidAddTextEditor or Workspace::observeTextEditors instead.")
when 'uri-opened'
deprecate("Use Workspace::onDidOpen or Workspace::onDidAddPaneItem instead. https://atom.io/docs/api/latest/Workspace#instance-onDidOpen")
deprecate("Subscribing via ::on is deprecated. Use documented event subscription methods instead.")
Workspace::reopenItemSync = ->
deprecate("Use Workspace::reopenItem instead")
if uri = @destroyedItemURIs.pop()
Workspace::registerOpener = (opener) ->
Grim.deprecate("Call Workspace::addOpener instead")
Workspace::unregisterOpener = (opener) ->
Grim.deprecate("Call .dispose() on the Disposable returned from ::addOpener instead")
_.remove(@openers, opener)
Workspace::getActiveEditor = ->
Grim.deprecate "Call ::getActiveTextEditor instead"
Workspace::paneForUri = (uri) ->
deprecate("Use ::paneForURI instead.")