Corey Johnson & Nathan Sobo 51ec8b4ca2 💄
2012-05-30 15:57:03 -06:00

457 lines
18 KiB

Project = require 'project'
Buffer = require 'buffer'
fs = require 'fs'
describe 'Buffer', ->
[filePath, fileContents, buffer] = []
beforeEach ->
filePath = require.resolve('fixtures/sample.js')
fileContents = fs.read(filePath)
buffer = new Buffer(filePath)
describe 'constructor', ->
describe "when given a path", ->
describe "when a file exists for the path", ->
it "loads the contents of that file", ->
filePath = require.resolve 'fixtures/sample.txt'
buffer = new Buffer(filePath)
expect(buffer.getText()).toBe fs.read(filePath)
describe "when no file exists for the path", ->
it "creates an empty buffer", ->
filePath = "does-not-exist.txt"
buffer = new Buffer(filePath)
expect(buffer.getText()).toBe ""
describe "when no path is given", ->
it "creates an empty buffer", ->
buffer = new Buffer
expect(buffer.getText()).toBe ""
describe '.deserialize(state, project)', ->
project = null
beforeEach ->
project = new Project(fs.directory(filePath))
describe 'when the state has a path', ->
it 'use the project to open the path', ->
savedBuffer = project.open(filePath)
buffer = Buffer.deserialize(savedBuffer.serialize(), project)
expect(buffer).toBe savedBuffer
describe 'when the state has text (and no path)', ->
it 'creates a new buffer with the given text', ->
unsavedBuffer = project.open()
buffer = Buffer.deserialize(unsavedBuffer.serialize(), project)
expect(buffer).toBe unsavedBuffer
describe ".getLines()", ->
it "returns an array of lines in the text contents", ->
expect(buffer.getLines().length).toBe fileContents.split("\n").length
expect(buffer.getLines().join('\n')).toBe fileContents
describe ".change(range, string)", ->
changeHandler = null
beforeEach ->
changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler')
buffer.on 'change', changeHandler
describe "when used to insert (called with an empty range and a non-empty string)", ->
describe "when the given string has no newlines", ->
it "inserts the string at the location of the given range", ->
range = [[3, 4], [3, 4]]
buffer.change range, "foo"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " foovar pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " while(items.length > 0) {"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 4], [3, 7]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe ""
expect(event.newText).toBe "foo"
describe "when the given string has newlines", ->
it "inserts the lines at the location of the given range", ->
range = [[3, 4], [3, 4]]
buffer.change range, "foo\n\nbar\nbaz"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " foo"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe ""
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe "bar"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe "bazvar pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(7)).toBe " while(items.length > 0) {"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 4], [6, 3]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe ""
expect(event.newText).toBe "foo\n\nbar\nbaz"
describe "when used to remove (called with a non-empty range and an empty string)", ->
describe "when the range is contained within a single line", ->
it "removes the characters within the range", ->
range = [[3, 4], [3, 7]]
buffer.change range, ""
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " while(items.length > 0) {"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 4], [3, 4]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe "var"
expect(event.newText).toBe ""
describe "when the range spans 2 lines", ->
it "removes the characters within the range and joins the lines", ->
range = [[3, 16], [4, 4]]
buffer.change range, ""
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = while(items.length > 0) {"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " current = items.shift();"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 16], [3, 16]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe "items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];\n "
expect(event.newText).toBe ""
describe "when the range spans more than 2 lines", ->
it "removes the characters within the range, joining the first and last line and removing the lines in-between", ->
buffer.change [[3, 16], [11, 9]], ""
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = sort(Array.apply(this, arguments));"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe "};"
describe "when used to replace text with other text (called with non-empty range and non-empty string)", ->
it "replaces the old text with the new text", ->
range = [[3, 16], [11, 9]]
oldText = buffer.getTextInRange(range)
buffer.change range, "foo\nbar"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = foo"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe "barsort(Array.apply(this, arguments));"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe "};"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 16], [4, 3]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe oldText
expect(event.newText).toBe "foo\nbar"
describe ".setText(text)", ->
it "changes the entire contents of the buffer and emits a change event", ->
lastRow = buffer.getLastRow()
expectedPreRange = [[0,0], [lastRow, buffer.lineForRow(lastRow).length]]
changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler')
buffer.on 'change', changeHandler
newText = "I know you are.\nBut what am I?"
expect(buffer.getText()).toBe newText
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.newText).toBe newText
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual expectedPreRange
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[0, 0], [1, 14]]
describe ".save()", ->
describe "when the buffer has a path", ->
[filePath, buffer] = []
beforeEach ->
filePath = '/tmp/temp.txt'
fs.remove filePath if fs.exists(filePath)
buffer = new Buffer filePath
afterEach ->
fs.remove filePath if fs.exists(filePath)
it "saves the contents of the buffer to the path", ->
buffer.setText 'Buffer contents!'
expect(fs.read(filePath)).toEqual 'Buffer contents!'
it "fires beforeSave and afterSave events around the call to fs.write", ->
events = []
beforeSave1 = -> events.push('beforeSave1')
beforeSave2 = -> events.push('beforeSave2')
afterSave1 = -> events.push('afterSave1')
afterSave2 = -> events.push('afterSave2')
buffer.on 'before-save', beforeSave1
buffer.on 'before-save', beforeSave2
spyOn(fs, 'write').andCallFake -> events.push 'fs.write'
buffer.on 'after-save', afterSave1
buffer.on 'after-save', afterSave2
expect(events).toEqual ['beforeSave1', 'beforeSave2', 'fs.write', 'afterSave1', 'afterSave2']
describe "when the buffer no path", ->
it "throws an exception", ->
buffer = new Buffer
expect(-> buffer.save()).toThrow()
describe ".saveAs(path)", ->
filePath = null
beforeEach ->
filePath = require.resolve('fixtures') + '/temp.txt'
afterEach ->
fs.remove filePath
it "saves the contents of the buffer to the path", ->
buffer = new Buffer()
eventHandler = jasmine.createSpy('eventHandler')
buffer.on 'path-change', eventHandler
buffer.setText 'Buffer contents!'
expect(fs.read(filePath)).toEqual 'Buffer contents!'
describe ".getTextInRange(range)", ->
describe "when range is empty", ->
it "returns an empty string", ->
range = [[1,1], [1,1]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe ""
describe "when range spans one line", ->
it "returns characters in range", ->
range = [[2,8], [2,13]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe "items"
lineLength = buffer.lineForRow(2).length
range = [[2,0], [2,lineLength]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
describe "when range spans multiple lines", ->
it "returns characters in range (including newlines)", ->
lineLength = buffer.lineForRow(2).length
range = [[2,0], [3,0]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;\n"
lineLength = buffer.lineForRow(2).length
range = [[2,10], [4,10]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe "ems.length <= 1) return items;\n var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];\n while("
describe ".scanInRange(range, regex, fn)", ->
describe "when given a regex with no global flag", ->
it "calls the iterator with the first match for the given regex in the given range", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/, [[4,0], [6,44]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 1
expect(ranges.length).toBe 1
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
describe "when given a regex with a global flag", ->
it "calls the iterator with each match for the given regex in the given range", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 3
expect(ranges.length).toBe 3
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
expect(matches[1][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[1][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
expect(matches[2][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[2][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
describe "when the last regex match exceeds the end of the range", ->
describe "when the portion of the match within the range also matches the regex", ->
it "calls the iterator with the truncated match", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(r*)/g, [[4,0], [6,9]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 2
expect(ranges.length).toBe 2
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'curr'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,10]]
expect(matches[1][0]).toBe 'cur'
expect(matches[1][1]).toBe 'r'
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,9]]
describe "when the portion of the match within the range does not matches the regex", ->
it "calls the iterator with the truncated match", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(r*)e/g, [[4,0], [6,9]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 1
expect(ranges.length).toBe 1
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'curre'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,11]]
describe "when the iterator calls the 'replace' control function with a replacement string", ->
it "replaces each occurrence of the regex match with the string", ->
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { replace }) ->
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[6,30], [6,37]]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe ' foo = items.shift();'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe ' foo < pivot ? left.push(foo) : right.push(current);'
it "allows the match to be replaced with the empty string", ->
buffer.scanInRange /current/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { replace }) ->
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe ' = items.shift();'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe ' < pivot ? left.push() : right.push(current);'
describe "when the iterator calls the 'stop' control function", ->
it "stops the traversal", ->
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { stop }) ->
stop() if ranges.length == 2
expect(ranges.length).toBe 2
describe "backwardsScanInRange(range, regex, fn)", ->
describe "when given a regex with no global flag", ->
it "calls the iterator with the last match for the given regex in the given range", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/, [[4,0], [6,44]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 1
expect(ranges.length).toBe 1
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
describe "when given a regex with a global flag", ->
it "calls the iterator with each match for the given regex in the given range, starting with the last match", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 3
expect(ranges.length).toBe 3
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
expect(matches[1][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[1][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
expect(matches[2][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[2][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
describe "when the iterator calls the 'replace' control function with a replacement string", ->
it "replaces each occurrence of the regex match with the string", ->
ranges = []
buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { replace }) ->
replace("foo") unless range.start.isEqual([6,6])
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe ' foo = items.shift();'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe ' current < pivot ? left.push(foo) : right.push(current);'
describe "when the iterator calls the 'stop' control function", ->
it "stops the traversal", ->
ranges = []
buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { stop }) ->
stop() if ranges.length == 2
expect(ranges.length).toBe 2
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
describe ".characterIndexForPosition(position)", ->
it "returns the total number of charachters that precede the given position", ->
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([0, 0])).toBe 0
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([0, 1])).toBe 1
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([0, 29])).toBe 29
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([1, 0])).toBe 30
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([2, 0])).toBe 61
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([12, 2])).toBe 408
describe ".positionForCharacterIndex(position)", ->
it "returns the position based on charachter index", ->
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(0)).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(1)).toEqual [0, 1]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(29)).toEqual [0, 29]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(30)).toEqual [1, 0]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(61)).toEqual [2, 0]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(408)).toEqual [12, 2]
describe "path-change event", ->
it "emits path-change event when path is changed", ->
eventHandler = jasmine.createSpy('eventHandler')
buffer.on 'path-change', eventHandler