2013-09-20 10:02:20 -07:00

301 lines
12 KiB

{Range} = require 'telepath'
_ = require './underscore-extensions'
{OnigRegExp} = require 'oniguruma'
EventEmitter = require './event-emitter'
Subscriber = require './subscriber'
### Internal ###
module.exports =
class LanguageMode
_.extend @prototype, EventEmitter
_.extend @prototype, Subscriber
buffer: null
grammar: null
editSession: null
currentGrammarScore: null
### Internal ###
destroy: ->
### Public ###
# Sets up a `LanguageMode` for the given {EditSession}.
# editSession - The {EditSession} to associate with
constructor: (@editSession) ->
@buffer = @editSession.buffer
# Wraps the lines between two rows in comments.
# If the language doesn't have comment, nothing happens.
# startRow - The row {Number} to start at
# endRow - The row {Number} to end at
# Returns an {Array} of the commented {Ranges}.
toggleLineCommentsForBufferRows: (start, end) ->
scopes = @editSession.scopesForBufferPosition([start, 0])
properties = syntax.propertiesForScope(scopes, "editor.commentStart")[0]
return unless properties
commentStartString = _.valueForKeyPath(properties, "editor.commentStart")
commentEndString = _.valueForKeyPath(properties, "editor.commentEnd")
return unless commentStartString
buffer = @editSession.buffer
commentStartRegexString = _.escapeRegExp(commentStartString).replace(/(\s+)$/, '($1)?')
commentStartRegex = new OnigRegExp("^(\\s*)(#{commentStartRegexString})")
shouldUncomment = commentStartRegex.test(buffer.lineForRow(start))
if commentEndString
if shouldUncomment
commentEndRegexString = _.escapeRegExp(commentEndString).replace(/^(\s+)/, '($1)?')
commentEndRegex = new OnigRegExp("(#{commentEndRegexString})(\\s*)$")
startMatch = commentStartRegex.search(buffer.lineForRow(start))
endMatch = commentEndRegex.search(buffer.lineForRow(end))
if startMatch and endMatch
buffer.transact ->
columnStart = startMatch[1].length
columnEnd = columnStart + startMatch[2].length
buffer.change([[start, columnStart], [start, columnEnd]], "")
endLength = buffer.lineLengthForRow(end) - endMatch[2].length
endColumn = endLength - endMatch[1].length
buffer.change([[end, endColumn], [end, endLength]], "")
buffer.transact ->
buffer.insert([start, 0], commentStartString)
buffer.insert([end, buffer.lineLengthForRow(end)], commentEndString)
if shouldUncomment and start isnt end
shouldUncomment = [start+1..end].every (row) ->
line = buffer.lineForRow(row)
not line or commentStartRegex.test(line)
if shouldUncomment
for row in [start..end]
if match = commentStartRegex.search(buffer.lineForRow(row))
columnStart = match[1].length
columnEnd = columnStart + match[2].length
buffer.change([[row, columnStart], [row, columnEnd]], "")
indent = @minIndentLevelForRowRange(start, end)
indentString = @editSession.buildIndentString(indent)
for row in [start..end]
buffer.change([[row, 0], [row, indentString.length]], indentString + commentStartString)
# Folds all the foldable lines in the buffer.
foldAll: ->
for currentRow in [0..@buffer.getLastRow()]
[startRow, endRow] = @rowRangeForFoldAtBufferRow(currentRow) ? []
continue unless startRow?
@editSession.createFold(startRow, endRow)
# Unfolds all the foldable lines in the buffer.
unfoldAll: ->
for row in [@buffer.getLastRow()..0]
fold.destroy() for fold in @editSession.displayBuffer.foldsStartingAtBufferRow(row)
# Fold all comment and code blocks at a given indentLevel
# indentLevel - A {Number} indicating indentLevel; 0 based.
foldAllAtIndentLevel: (indentLevel) ->
for currentRow in [0..@buffer.getLastRow()]
[startRow, endRow] = @rowRangeForFoldAtBufferRow(currentRow) ? []
continue unless startRow?
# assumption: startRow will always be the min indent level for the entire range
if @editSession.indentationForBufferRow(startRow) == indentLevel
@editSession.createFold(startRow, endRow)
# Given a buffer row, creates a fold at it.
# bufferRow - A {Number} indicating the buffer row
# Returns the new {Fold}.
foldBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
for currentRow in [bufferRow..0]
[startRow, endRow] = @rowRangeForFoldAtBufferRow(currentRow) ? []
continue unless startRow? and startRow <= bufferRow <= endRow
fold = @editSession.displayBuffer.largestFoldStartingAtBufferRow(startRow)
return @editSession.createFold(startRow, endRow) unless fold
# Given a buffer row, this unfolds it.
# bufferRow - A {Number} indicating the buffer row
unfoldBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
# Find the row range for a fold at a given bufferRow. Will handle comments
# and code.
# bufferRow - A {Number} indicating the buffer row
# Returns an {Array} of the [startRow, endRow]. Returns null if no range.
rowRangeForFoldAtBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
rowRange = @rowRangeForCommentAtBufferRow(bufferRow)
rowRange ?= @rowRangeForCodeFoldAtBufferRow(bufferRow)
rowRangeForCommentAtBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
return unless @editSession.displayBuffer.tokenizedBuffer.lineForScreenRow(bufferRow).isComment()
startRow = bufferRow
for currentRow in [bufferRow-1..0]
break if @buffer.isRowBlank(currentRow)
break unless @editSession.displayBuffer.tokenizedBuffer.lineForScreenRow(currentRow).isComment()
startRow = currentRow
endRow = bufferRow
for currentRow in [bufferRow+1..@buffer.getLastRow()]
break if @buffer.isRowBlank(currentRow)
break unless @editSession.displayBuffer.tokenizedBuffer.lineForScreenRow(currentRow).isComment()
endRow = currentRow
return [startRow, endRow] if startRow isnt endRow
rowRangeForCodeFoldAtBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
return null unless @doesBufferRowStartFold(bufferRow)
startIndentLevel = @editSession.indentationForBufferRow(bufferRow)
scopes = @editSession.scopesForBufferPosition([bufferRow, 0])
for row in [(bufferRow + 1)..@editSession.getLastBufferRow()]
continue if @editSession.isBufferRowBlank(row)
indentation = @editSession.indentationForBufferRow(row)
if indentation <= startIndentLevel
includeRowInFold = indentation == startIndentLevel and @foldEndRegexForScopes(scopes)?.search(@editSession.lineForBufferRow(row))
foldEndRow = row if includeRowInFold
foldEndRow = row
[bufferRow, foldEndRow]
doesBufferRowStartFold: (bufferRow) ->
return false if @editSession.isBufferRowBlank(bufferRow)
nextNonEmptyRow = @editSession.nextNonBlankBufferRow(bufferRow)
return false unless nextNonEmptyRow?
@editSession.indentationForBufferRow(nextNonEmptyRow) > @editSession.indentationForBufferRow(bufferRow)
# Find a row range for a 'paragraph' around specified bufferRow.
# Right now, a paragraph is a block of text bounded by and empty line or a
# block of text that is not the same type (comments next to source code).
rowRangeForParagraphAtBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
return unless /\w/.test(@editSession.lineForBufferRow(bufferRow))
isRowComment = (row) =>
if isRowComment(bufferRow)
isOriginalRowComment = true
range = @rowRangeForCommentAtBufferRow(bufferRow)
[firstRow, lastRow] = range or [bufferRow, bufferRow]
isOriginalRowComment = false
[firstRow, lastRow] = [0, @editSession.getLastBufferRow()-1]
startRow = bufferRow
while startRow > firstRow
break if isRowComment(startRow - 1) != isOriginalRowComment
break unless /\w/.test(@editSession.lineForBufferRow(startRow - 1))
endRow = bufferRow
lastRow = @editSession.getLastBufferRow()
while endRow < lastRow
break if isRowComment(endRow + 1) != isOriginalRowComment
break unless /\w/.test(@editSession.lineForBufferRow(endRow + 1))
new Range([startRow, 0], [endRow, @editSession.lineLengthForBufferRow(endRow)])
# Given a buffer row, this returns a suggested indentation level.
# The indentation level provided is based on the current {LanguageMode}.
# bufferRow - A {Number} indicating the buffer row
# Returns a {Number}.
suggestedIndentForBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
currentIndentLevel = @editSession.indentationForBufferRow(bufferRow)
scopes = @editSession.scopesForBufferPosition([bufferRow, 0])
return currentIndentLevel unless increaseIndentRegex = @increaseIndentRegexForScopes(scopes)
currentLine = @buffer.lineForRow(bufferRow)
precedingRow = if bufferRow > 0 then bufferRow - 1 else null
return currentIndentLevel unless precedingRow?
precedingLine = @buffer.lineForRow(precedingRow)
desiredIndentLevel = @editSession.indentationForBufferRow(precedingRow)
desiredIndentLevel += 1 if increaseIndentRegex.test(precedingLine) and not @editSession.isBufferRowCommented(precedingRow)
return desiredIndentLevel unless decreaseIndentRegex = @decreaseIndentRegexForScopes(scopes)
desiredIndentLevel -= 1 if decreaseIndentRegex.test(currentLine)
Math.max(desiredIndentLevel, 0)
# Calculate a minimum indent level for a range of lines excluding empty lines.
# startRow - The row {Number} to start at
# endRow - The row {Number} to end at
# Returns a {Number} of the indent level of the block of lines.
minIndentLevelForRowRange: (startRow, endRow) ->
indents = (@editSession.indentationForBufferRow(row) for row in [startRow..endRow] when not @editSession.isBufferRowBlank(row))
indents = [0] unless indents.length
# Indents all the rows between two buffer row numbers.
# startRow - The row {Number} to start at
# endRow - The row {Number} to end at
autoIndentBufferRows: (startRow, endRow) ->
@autoIndentBufferRow(row) for row in [startRow..endRow]
# Given a buffer row, this indents it.
# bufferRow - The row {Number}
autoIndentBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
indentLevel = @suggestedIndentForBufferRow(bufferRow)
@editSession.setIndentationForBufferRow(bufferRow, indentLevel)
# Given a buffer row, this decreases the indentation.
# bufferRow - The row {Number}
autoDecreaseIndentForBufferRow: (bufferRow) ->
scopes = @editSession.scopesForBufferPosition([bufferRow, 0])
increaseIndentRegex = @increaseIndentRegexForScopes(scopes)
decreaseIndentRegex = @decreaseIndentRegexForScopes(scopes)
return unless increaseIndentRegex and decreaseIndentRegex
line = @buffer.lineForRow(bufferRow)
return unless decreaseIndentRegex.test(line)
currentIndentLevel = @editSession.indentationForBufferRow(bufferRow)
return if currentIndentLevel is 0
precedingRow = @buffer.previousNonBlankRow(bufferRow)
return unless precedingRow?
precedingLine = @buffer.lineForRow(precedingRow)
desiredIndentLevel = @editSession.indentationForBufferRow(precedingRow)
desiredIndentLevel -= 1 unless increaseIndentRegex.test(precedingLine)
if desiredIndentLevel >= 0 and desiredIndentLevel < currentIndentLevel
@editSession.setIndentationForBufferRow(bufferRow, desiredIndentLevel)
tokenizeLine: (line, stack, firstLine) ->
{tokens, stack} = @grammar.tokenizeLine(line, stack, firstLine)
increaseIndentRegexForScopes: (scopes) ->
if increaseIndentPattern = syntax.getProperty(scopes, 'editor.increaseIndentPattern')
new OnigRegExp(increaseIndentPattern)
decreaseIndentRegexForScopes: (scopes) ->
if decreaseIndentPattern = syntax.getProperty(scopes, 'editor.decreaseIndentPattern')
new OnigRegExp(decreaseIndentPattern)
foldEndRegexForScopes: (scopes) ->
if foldEndPattern = syntax.getProperty(scopes, 'editor.foldEndPattern')
new OnigRegExp(foldEndPattern)