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First step in removing the coupling of Editor and Buffer. Editor should get all information about the active buffer from the activeEditSession.
454 lines
18 KiB
454 lines
18 KiB
Project = require 'project'
Buffer = require 'buffer'
fs = require 'fs'
describe 'Buffer', ->
[filePath, fileContents, buffer] = []
beforeEach ->
filePath = require.resolve('fixtures/sample.js')
fileContents = fs.read(filePath)
buffer = new Buffer(filePath)
describe 'constructor', ->
describe "when given a path", ->
describe "when a file exists for the path", ->
it "loads the contents of that file", ->
filePath = require.resolve 'fixtures/sample.txt'
buffer = new Buffer(filePath)
expect(buffer.getText()).toBe fs.read(filePath)
describe "when no file exists for the path", ->
it "creates an empty buffer", ->
filePath = "does-not-exist.txt"
buffer = new Buffer(filePath)
expect(buffer.getText()).toBe ""
describe "when no path is given", ->
it "creates an empty buffer", ->
buffer = new Buffer
expect(buffer.getText()).toBe ""
describe "path-change event", ->
it "emits path-change event when path is changed", ->
eventHandler = jasmine.createSpy('eventHandler')
buffer.on 'path-change', eventHandler
describe ".isModified()", ->
it "returns true when user changes buffer", ->
buffer.insert([0,0], "hi")
expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true
it "returns false after modified buffer is saved", ->
filePath = "/tmp/atom-tmp-file"
buffer = new Buffer(filePath)
expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe false
buffer.insert([0,0], "hi")
expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe true
expect(buffer.isModified()).toBe false
describe ".getLines()", ->
it "returns an array of lines in the text contents", ->
expect(buffer.getLines().length).toBe fileContents.split("\n").length
expect(buffer.getLines().join('\n')).toBe fileContents
describe ".change(range, string)", ->
changeHandler = null
beforeEach ->
changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler')
buffer.on 'change', changeHandler
describe "when used to insert (called with an empty range and a non-empty string)", ->
describe "when the given string has no newlines", ->
it "inserts the string at the location of the given range", ->
range = [[3, 4], [3, 4]]
buffer.change range, "foo"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " foovar pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " while(items.length > 0) {"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 4], [3, 7]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe ""
expect(event.newText).toBe "foo"
describe "when the given string has newlines", ->
it "inserts the lines at the location of the given range", ->
range = [[3, 4], [3, 4]]
buffer.change range, "foo\n\nbar\nbaz"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " foo"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe ""
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe "bar"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe "bazvar pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(7)).toBe " while(items.length > 0) {"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 4], [6, 3]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe ""
expect(event.newText).toBe "foo\n\nbar\nbaz"
describe "when used to remove (called with a non-empty range and an empty string)", ->
describe "when the range is contained within a single line", ->
it "removes the characters within the range", ->
range = [[3, 4], [3, 7]]
buffer.change range, ""
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " while(items.length > 0) {"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 4], [3, 4]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe "var"
expect(event.newText).toBe ""
describe "when the range spans 2 lines", ->
it "removes the characters within the range and joins the lines", ->
range = [[3, 16], [4, 4]]
buffer.change range, ""
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = while(items.length > 0) {"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " current = items.shift();"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 16], [3, 16]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe "items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];\n "
expect(event.newText).toBe ""
describe "when the range spans more than 2 lines", ->
it "removes the characters within the range, joining the first and last line and removing the lines in-between", ->
buffer.change [[3, 16], [11, 9]], ""
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = sort(Array.apply(this, arguments));"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe "};"
describe "when used to replace text with other text (called with non-empty range and non-empty string)", ->
it "replaces the old text with the new text", ->
range = [[3, 16], [11, 9]]
oldText = buffer.getTextInRange(range)
buffer.change range, "foo\nbar"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = foo"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe "barsort(Array.apply(this, arguments));"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe "};"
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual range
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[3, 16], [4, 3]]
expect(event.oldText).toBe oldText
expect(event.newText).toBe "foo\nbar"
describe ".setText(text)", ->
it "changes the entire contents of the buffer and emits a change event", ->
lastRow = buffer.getLastRow()
expectedPreRange = [[0,0], [lastRow, buffer.lineForRow(lastRow).length]]
changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler')
buffer.on 'change', changeHandler
newText = "I know you are.\nBut what am I?"
expect(buffer.getText()).toBe newText
[event] = changeHandler.argsForCall[0]
expect(event.newText).toBe newText
expect(event.oldRange).toEqual expectedPreRange
expect(event.newRange).toEqual [[0, 0], [1, 14]]
describe ".save()", ->
describe "when the buffer has a path", ->
[filePath, buffer] = []
beforeEach ->
filePath = '/tmp/temp.txt'
fs.remove filePath if fs.exists(filePath)
buffer = new Buffer filePath
afterEach ->
fs.remove filePath if fs.exists(filePath)
it "saves the contents of the buffer to the path", ->
buffer.setText 'Buffer contents!'
expect(fs.read(filePath)).toEqual 'Buffer contents!'
it "fires beforeSave and afterSave events around the call to fs.write", ->
events = []
beforeSave1 = -> events.push('beforeSave1')
beforeSave2 = -> events.push('beforeSave2')
afterSave1 = -> events.push('afterSave1')
afterSave2 = -> events.push('afterSave2')
buffer.on 'before-save', beforeSave1
buffer.on 'before-save', beforeSave2
spyOn(fs, 'write').andCallFake -> events.push 'fs.write'
buffer.on 'after-save', afterSave1
buffer.on 'after-save', afterSave2
expect(events).toEqual ['beforeSave1', 'beforeSave2', 'fs.write', 'afterSave1', 'afterSave2']
describe "when the buffer no path", ->
it "throws an exception", ->
buffer = new Buffer
expect(-> buffer.save()).toThrow()
describe ".saveAs(path)", ->
filePath = null
beforeEach ->
filePath = require.resolve('fixtures') + '/temp.txt'
afterEach ->
fs.remove filePath
it "saves the contents of the buffer to the path", ->
buffer = new Buffer()
eventHandler = jasmine.createSpy('eventHandler')
buffer.on 'path-change', eventHandler
buffer.setText 'Buffer contents!'
expect(fs.read(filePath)).toEqual 'Buffer contents!'
describe ".getTextInRange(range)", ->
describe "when range is empty", ->
it "returns an empty string", ->
range = [[1,1], [1,1]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe ""
describe "when range spans one line", ->
it "returns characters in range", ->
range = [[2,8], [2,13]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe "items"
lineLength = buffer.lineForRow(2).length
range = [[2,0], [2,lineLength]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
describe "when range spans multiple lines", ->
it "returns characters in range (including newlines)", ->
lineLength = buffer.lineForRow(2).length
range = [[2,0], [3,0]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;\n"
lineLength = buffer.lineForRow(2).length
range = [[2,10], [4,10]]
expect(buffer.getTextInRange(range)).toBe "ems.length <= 1) return items;\n var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];\n while("
describe ".scanInRange(range, regex, fn)", ->
describe "when given a regex with no global flag", ->
it "calls the iterator with the first match for the given regex in the given range", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/, [[4,0], [6,44]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 1
expect(ranges.length).toBe 1
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
describe "when given a regex with a global flag", ->
it "calls the iterator with each match for the given regex in the given range", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 3
expect(ranges.length).toBe 3
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
expect(matches[1][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[1][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
expect(matches[2][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[2][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
describe "when the last regex match exceeds the end of the range", ->
describe "when the portion of the match within the range also matches the regex", ->
it "calls the iterator with the truncated match", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(r*)/g, [[4,0], [6,9]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 2
expect(ranges.length).toBe 2
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'curr'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,10]]
expect(matches[1][0]).toBe 'cur'
expect(matches[1][1]).toBe 'r'
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,9]]
describe "when the portion of the match within the range does not matches the regex", ->
it "calls the iterator with the truncated match", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(r*)e/g, [[4,0], [6,9]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 1
expect(ranges.length).toBe 1
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'curre'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,11]]
describe "when the iterator calls the 'replace' control function with a replacement string", ->
it "replaces each occurrence of the regex match with the string", ->
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { replace }) ->
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[6,30], [6,37]]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe ' foo = items.shift();'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe ' foo < pivot ? left.push(foo) : right.push(current);'
it "allows the match to be replaced with the empty string", ->
buffer.scanInRange /current/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { replace }) ->
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe ' = items.shift();'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe ' < pivot ? left.push() : right.push(current);'
describe "when the iterator calls the 'stop' control function", ->
it "stops the traversal", ->
ranges = []
buffer.scanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { stop }) ->
stop() if ranges.length == 2
expect(ranges.length).toBe 2
describe ".backwardsScanInRange(range, regex, fn)", ->
describe "when given a regex with no global flag", ->
it "calls the iterator with the last match for the given regex in the given range", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/, [[4,0], [6,44]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 1
expect(ranges.length).toBe 1
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
describe "when given a regex with a global flag", ->
it "calls the iterator with each match for the given regex in the given range, starting with the last match", ->
matches = []
ranges = []
buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range) ->
expect(matches.length).toBe 3
expect(ranges.length).toBe 3
expect(matches[0][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[0][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
expect(matches[1][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[1][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
expect(matches[2][0]).toBe 'current'
expect(matches[2][1]).toBe 'rr'
expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
describe "when the iterator calls the 'replace' control function with a replacement string", ->
it "replaces each occurrence of the regex match with the string", ->
ranges = []
buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { replace }) ->
replace("foo") unless range.start.isEqual([6,6])
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
expect(ranges[2]).toEqual [[5,6], [5,13]]
expect(buffer.lineForRow(5)).toBe ' foo = items.shift();'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(6)).toBe ' current < pivot ? left.push(foo) : right.push(current);'
describe "when the iterator calls the 'stop' control function", ->
it "stops the traversal", ->
ranges = []
buffer.backwardsScanInRange /cu(rr)ent/g, [[4,0], [6,59]], (match, range, { stop }) ->
stop() if ranges.length == 2
expect(ranges.length).toBe 2
expect(ranges[0]).toEqual [[6,34], [6,41]]
expect(ranges[1]).toEqual [[6,6], [6,13]]
describe ".characterIndexForPosition(position)", ->
it "returns the total number of charachters that precede the given position", ->
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([0, 0])).toBe 0
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([0, 1])).toBe 1
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([0, 29])).toBe 29
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([1, 0])).toBe 30
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([2, 0])).toBe 61
expect(buffer.characterIndexForPosition([12, 2])).toBe 408
describe ".positionForCharacterIndex(position)", ->
it "returns the position based on charachter index", ->
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(0)).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(1)).toEqual [0, 1]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(29)).toEqual [0, 29]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(30)).toEqual [1, 0]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(61)).toEqual [2, 0]
expect(buffer.positionForCharacterIndex(408)).toEqual [12, 2]