2015-08-24 14:10:02 -07:00

271 lines
11 KiB

CommandRegistry = require '../src/command-registry'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
describe "CommandRegistry", ->
[registry, parent, child, grandchild] = []
beforeEach ->
parent = document.createElement("div")
child = document.createElement("div")
grandchild = document.createElement("div")
registry = new CommandRegistry
afterEach ->
describe "when a command event is dispatched on an element", ->
it "invokes callbacks with selectors matching the target", ->
called = false
registry.add '.grandchild', 'command', (event) ->
expect(this).toBe grandchild
expect(event.type).toBe 'command'
expect(event.eventPhase).toBe Event.BUBBLING_PHASE
expect(event.target).toBe grandchild
expect(event.currentTarget).toBe grandchild
called = true
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true))
expect(called).toBe true
it "invokes callbacks with selectors matching ancestors of the target", ->
calls = []
registry.add '.child', 'command', (event) ->
expect(this).toBe child
expect(event.target).toBe grandchild
expect(event.currentTarget).toBe child
registry.add '.parent', 'command', (event) ->
expect(this).toBe parent
expect(event.target).toBe grandchild
expect(event.currentTarget).toBe parent
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true))
expect(calls).toEqual ['child', 'parent']
it "invokes inline listeners prior to listeners applied via selectors", ->
calls = []
registry.add '.grandchild', 'command', -> calls.push('grandchild')
registry.add child, 'command', -> calls.push('child-inline')
registry.add '.child', 'command', -> calls.push('child')
registry.add '.parent', 'command', -> calls.push('parent')
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true))
expect(calls).toEqual ['grandchild', 'child-inline', 'child', 'parent']
it "orders multiple matching listeners for an element by selector specificity", ->
child.classList.add('foo', 'bar')
calls = []
registry.add '.foo.bar', 'command', -> calls.push('.foo.bar')
registry.add '.foo', 'command', -> calls.push('.foo')
registry.add '.bar', 'command', -> calls.push('.bar') # specificity ties favor commands added later, like CSS
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true))
expect(calls).toEqual ['.foo.bar', '.bar', '.foo']
it "stops bubbling through ancestors when .stopPropagation() is called on the event", ->
calls = []
registry.add '.parent', 'command', -> calls.push('parent')
registry.add '.child', 'command', -> calls.push('child-2')
registry.add '.child', 'command', (event) -> calls.push('child-1'); event.stopPropagation()
dispatchedEvent = new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true)
spyOn(dispatchedEvent, 'stopPropagation')
expect(calls).toEqual ['child-1', 'child-2']
it "stops invoking callbacks when .stopImmediatePropagation() is called on the event", ->
calls = []
registry.add '.parent', 'command', -> calls.push('parent')
registry.add '.child', 'command', -> calls.push('child-2')
registry.add '.child', 'command', (event) -> calls.push('child-1'); event.stopImmediatePropagation()
dispatchedEvent = new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true)
spyOn(dispatchedEvent, 'stopImmediatePropagation')
expect(calls).toEqual ['child-1']
it "forwards .preventDefault() calls from the synthetic event to the original", ->
registry.add '.child', 'command', (event) -> event.preventDefault()
dispatchedEvent = new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true)
spyOn(dispatchedEvent, 'preventDefault')
it "forwards .abortKeyBinding() calls from the synthetic event to the original", ->
registry.add '.child', 'command', (event) -> event.abortKeyBinding()
dispatchedEvent = new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true)
dispatchedEvent.abortKeyBinding = jasmine.createSpy('abortKeyBinding')
it "allows listeners to be removed via a disposable returned by ::add", ->
calls = []
disposable1 = registry.add '.parent', 'command', -> calls.push('parent')
disposable2 = registry.add '.child', 'command', -> calls.push('child')
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true))
expect(calls).toEqual ['child']
calls = []
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true))
expect(calls).toEqual []
it "allows multiple commands to be registered under one selector when called with an object", ->
calls = []
disposable = registry.add '.child',
'command-1': -> calls.push('command-1')
'command-2': -> calls.push('command-2')
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command-1', bubbles: true))
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command-2', bubbles: true))
expect(calls).toEqual ['command-1', 'command-2']
calls = []
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command-1', bubbles: true))
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command-2', bubbles: true))
expect(calls).toEqual []
it "invokes callbacks registered with ::onWillDispatch and ::onDidDispatch", ->
sequence = []
registry.onDidDispatch (event) ->
sequence.push ['onDidDispatch', event]
registry.add '.grandchild', 'command', (event) ->
sequence.push ['listener', event]
registry.onWillDispatch (event) ->
sequence.push ['onWillDispatch', event]
grandchild.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('command', bubbles: true))
expect(sequence[0][0]).toBe 'onWillDispatch'
expect(sequence[1][0]).toBe 'listener'
expect(sequence[2][0]).toBe 'onDidDispatch'
expect(sequence[0][1] is sequence[1][1] is sequence[2][1]).toBe true
expect(sequence[0][1].constructor).toBe CustomEvent
expect(sequence[0][1].target).toBe grandchild
describe "::add(selector, commandName, callback)", ->
it "throws an error when called with an invalid selector", ->
badSelector = '<>'
addError = null
registry.add badSelector, 'foo:bar', ->
catch error
addError = error
it "throws an error when called with a non-function callback and selector target", ->
badCallback = null
addError = null
registry.add '.selector', 'foo:bar', badCallback
catch error
addError = error
expect(addError.message).toContain("Can't register a command with non-function callback.")
it "throws an error when called with an non-function callback and object target", ->
badCallback = null
addError = null
registry.add document.body, 'foo:bar', badCallback
catch error
addError = error
expect(addError.message).toContain("Can't register a command with non-function callback.")
describe "::findCommands({target})", ->
it "returns commands that can be invoked on the target or its ancestors", ->
registry.add '.parent', 'namespace:command-1', ->
registry.add '.child', 'namespace:command-2', ->
registry.add '.grandchild', 'namespace:command-3', ->
registry.add '.grandchild.no-match', 'namespace:command-4', ->
registry.add grandchild, 'namespace:inline-command-1', ->
registry.add child, 'namespace:inline-command-2', ->
commands = registry.findCommands(target: grandchild)
nonJqueryCommands = _.reject commands, (cmd) -> cmd.jQuery
expect(nonJqueryCommands).toEqual [
{name: 'namespace:inline-command-1', displayName: 'Namespace: Inline Command 1'}
{name: 'namespace:command-3', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 3'}
{name: 'namespace:inline-command-2', displayName: 'Namespace: Inline Command 2'}
{name: 'namespace:command-2', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 2'}
{name: 'namespace:command-1', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 1'}
describe "::dispatch(target, commandName)", ->
it "simulates invocation of the given command ", ->
called = false
registry.add '.grandchild', 'command', (event) ->
expect(this).toBe grandchild
expect(event.type).toBe 'command'
expect(event.eventPhase).toBe Event.BUBBLING_PHASE
expect(event.target).toBe grandchild
expect(event.currentTarget).toBe grandchild
called = true
registry.dispatch(grandchild, 'command')
expect(called).toBe true
it "returns a boolean indicating whether any listeners matched the command", ->
registry.add '.grandchild', 'command', ->
expect(registry.dispatch(grandchild, 'command')).toBe true
expect(registry.dispatch(grandchild, 'bogus')).toBe false
expect(registry.dispatch(parent, 'command')).toBe false
describe "::getSnapshot and ::restoreSnapshot", ->
it "removes all command handlers except for those in the snapshot", ->
registry.add '.parent', 'namespace:command-1', ->
registry.add '.child', 'namespace:command-2', ->
snapshot = registry.getSnapshot()
registry.add '.grandchild', 'namespace:command-3', ->
expect(registry.findCommands(target: grandchild)[0..2]).toEqual [
{name: 'namespace:command-3', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 3'}
{name: 'namespace:command-2', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 2'}
{name: 'namespace:command-1', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 1'}
expect(registry.findCommands(target: grandchild)[0..1]).toEqual [
{name: 'namespace:command-2', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 2'}
{name: 'namespace:command-1', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 1'}
registry.add '.grandchild', 'namespace:command-3', ->
expect(registry.findCommands(target: grandchild)[0..1]).toEqual [
{name: 'namespace:command-2', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 2'}
{name: 'namespace:command-1', displayName: 'Namespace: Command 1'}