Corey Johnson & Nathan Sobo e8aa1524c7 Rename atom folder to native
2012-08-27 13:21:59 -07:00

273 lines
8.0 KiB

#import <sys/event.h>
#import <sys/time.h>
#import <sys/param.h>
#import <fcntl.h>
#import "path_watcher.h"
static NSMutableArray *gPathWatchers;
@interface PathWatcher ()
- (bool)usesContext:(CefRefPtr<CefV8Context>)context;
- (void)watchFileDescriptor:(int)fd;
- (NSString *)watchPath:(NSString *)path callback:(WatchCallback)callback callbackId:(NSString *)callbackId;
- (void)stopWatching;
- (void)reassignFileDescriptor:(NSNumber *)fdNumber from:(NSString *)path to:(NSString *)newPath;
- (bool)isAtomicWrite:(struct kevent)event path:(NSString *)path;
@implementation PathWatcher
+ (PathWatcher *)pathWatcherForContext:(CefRefPtr<CefV8Context>)context {
if (!gPathWatchers) gPathWatchers = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
PathWatcher *pathWatcher = nil;
for (PathWatcher *p in gPathWatchers) {
if ([p usesContext:context]) {
pathWatcher = p;
if (!pathWatcher) {
pathWatcher = [[[PathWatcher alloc] initWithContext:context] autorelease];
[gPathWatchers addObject:pathWatcher];
return pathWatcher;
+ (void)removePathWatcherForContext:(CefRefPtr<CefV8Context>)context {
PathWatcher *pathWatcher = nil;
for (PathWatcher *p in gPathWatchers) {
if ([p usesContext:context]) {
pathWatcher = p;
if (pathWatcher) {
[pathWatcher stopWatching];
[gPathWatchers removeObject:pathWatcher];
- (void)dealloc {
for (NSNumber *fdNumber in [_callbacksByFileDescriptor allKeys]) {
close([fdNumber intValue]);
[_callbacksByFileDescriptor release];
_context = nil;
[super dealloc];
- (id)initWithContext:(CefRefPtr<CefV8Context>)context {
self = [super init];
_keepWatching = YES;
_callbacksByFileDescriptor = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_fileDescriptorsByPath = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
_kq = kqueue();
_context = context;
if (_kq == -1) {
[NSException raise:@"PathWatcher" format:@"Could not create kqueue"];
[self performSelectorInBackground:@selector(watch) withObject:NULL];
return self;
- (bool)usesContext:(CefRefPtr<CefV8Context>)context {
return _context->IsSame(context);
- (void)stopWatching {
[self unwatchAll];
_keepWatching = false;
- (NSString *)watchPath:(NSString *)path callback:(WatchCallback)callback {
NSString *callbackId = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] globallyUniqueString];
return [self watchPath:path callback:callback callbackId:callbackId];
- (NSString *)watchPath:(NSString *)path callback:(WatchCallback)callback callbackId:(NSString *)callbackId {
path = [path stringByStandardizingPath];
@synchronized(self) {
NSNumber *fdNumber = [_fileDescriptorsByPath objectForKey:path];
if (!fdNumber) {
int fd = open([path fileSystemRepresentation], O_EVTONLY, 0);
if (fd < 0) return nil;
[self watchFileDescriptor:fd];
fdNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:fd];
[_fileDescriptorsByPath setObject:fdNumber forKey:path];
NSMutableDictionary *callbacks = [_callbacksByFileDescriptor objectForKey:fdNumber];
if (!callbacks) {
callbacks = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[_callbacksByFileDescriptor setObject:callbacks forKey:fdNumber];
[callbacks setObject:callback forKey:callbackId];
return callbackId;
- (void)unwatchPath:(NSString *)path callbackId:(NSString *)callbackId error:(NSError **)error {
path = [path stringByStandardizingPath];
@synchronized(self) {
NSNumber *fdNumber = [_fileDescriptorsByPath objectForKey:path];
if (!fdNumber) {
NSString *message = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Trying to unwatch %@, which we aren't watching", path];
NSDictionary *userInfo = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:message, NSLocalizedDescriptionKey, nil];
if (error) {
NSError *e = [NSError errorWithDomain:@"PathWatcher" code:0 userInfo:userInfo];
*error = e;
NSMutableDictionary *callbacks = [_callbacksByFileDescriptor objectForKey:fdNumber];
if (!callbacks) return;
if (callbackId) {
[callbacks removeObjectForKey:callbackId];
else {
[callbacks removeAllObjects];
if (callbacks.count == 0) {
close([fdNumber intValue]);
[_callbacksByFileDescriptor removeObjectForKey:fdNumber];
[_fileDescriptorsByPath removeObjectForKey:path];
- (void)unwatchAll {
@synchronized(self) {
NSArray *paths = [_fileDescriptorsByPath allKeys];
for (NSString *path in paths) {
[self unwatchPath:path callbackId:nil error:nil];
- (void)watchFileDescriptor:(int)fd {
struct timespec timeout = { 0, 0 };
struct kevent event;
int filter = EVFILT_VNODE;
int flags = EV_ADD | EV_ENABLE | EV_CLEAR;
EV_SET(&event, fd, filter, flags, filterFlags, 0, 0);
kevent(_kq, &event, 1, NULL, 0, &timeout);
- (NSString *)pathForFileDescriptor:(NSNumber *)fdNumber {
@synchronized(self) {
for (NSString *path in _fileDescriptorsByPath) {
if ([[_fileDescriptorsByPath objectForKey:path] isEqual:fdNumber]) {
return path;
return nil;
- (bool)isAtomicWrite:(struct kevent)event path:(NSString *)path {
if (!event.fflags & NOTE_DELETE) return NO;
[NSThread sleepForTimeInterval:0.01]; // HACK: Git deletes files only to create them again later. This is the cheap way of dealing with that
NSFileManager *fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
return [fm fileExistsAtPath:path];
- (void)reassignFileDescriptor:(NSNumber *)fdNumber from:(NSString *)path to:(NSString *)newPath {
@synchronized(self) {
bool notWatchingFd = [_fileDescriptorsByPath valueForKey:path] == nil;
if (notWatchingFd) return;
[_fileDescriptorsByPath removeObjectForKey:path];
[_fileDescriptorsByPath setObject:fdNumber forKey:newPath];
- (void)updatePath:(NSString *)path forFileDescriptor:(NSNumber *)fdNumber {
// The path associated with the fd been updated. Remove references to old fd
// and make sure the path and callbacks are linked with new fd.
@synchronized(self) {
NSDictionary *callbacks = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[_callbacksByFileDescriptor objectForKey:fdNumber]];
[self unwatchPath:path callbackId:nil error:nil];
for (NSString *callbackId in [callbacks allKeys]) {
[self watchPath:path callback:[callbacks objectForKey:callbackId] callbackId:callbackId];
- (void)watch {
struct kevent event;
struct timespec timeout = { 5, 0 }; // 5 seconds timeout.
while (_keepWatching) {
@autoreleasepool {
int numberOfEvents = kevent(_kq, NULL, 0, &event, 1, &timeout);
if (numberOfEvents < 0) {
NSLog(@"PathWatcher: error %d", numberOfEvents);
if (numberOfEvents == 0) {
NSNumber *fdNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInt:event.ident];
NSString *eventFlag = nil;
NSString *path = [[[self pathForFileDescriptor:fdNumber] retain] autorelease];
NSString *newPath = nil;
if (event.fflags & NOTE_WRITE) {
eventFlag = @"contents-change";
else if ([self isAtomicWrite:event path:path]) {
eventFlag = @"contents-change";
[self updatePath:path forFileDescriptor:fdNumber];
else if (event.fflags & NOTE_DELETE) {
eventFlag = @"remove";
else if (event.fflags & NOTE_RENAME) {
eventFlag = @"move";
char pathBuffer[MAXPATHLEN];
fcntl((int)event.ident, F_GETPATH, &pathBuffer);
newPath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:pathBuffer];
NSDictionary *callbacks;
@synchronized(self) {
callbacks = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:[_callbacksByFileDescriptor objectForKey:fdNumber]];
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
for (NSString *key in callbacks) {
WatchCallback callback = [callbacks objectForKey:key];
callback(eventFlag, newPath ? newPath : path);
if (event.fflags & NOTE_RENAME) {
[self reassignFileDescriptor:fdNumber from:path to:newPath];