2014-10-15 11:04:32 -07:00

47 lines
1.9 KiB

fs = require 'fs'
path = require 'path'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
module.exports = (grunt) ->
{spawn, rm} = require('./task-helpers')(grunt)
grunt.registerTask 'create-installer', 'Create the Windows installer', ->
return unless process.platform is 'win32'
done = @async()
buildDir = grunt.config.get('atom.buildDir')
atomDir = path.join(buildDir, 'Atom')
releasesDir = path.join(buildDir, 'Releases')
atomGitHubToken = process.env.ATOM_ACCESS_TOKEN
packageInfo = grunt.file.readJSON(path.join(atomDir, 'resources', 'app', 'package.json'))
inputTemplate = grunt.file.read(path.join('build', 'windows', 'atom.nuspec.erb'))
# NB: Build server has some sort of stamp on the version number
packageInfo.version = packageInfo.version.replace(/-.*$/, '')
targetNuspecPath = path.join(buildDir, 'atom.nuspec')
grunt.file.write(targetNuspecPath, _.template(inputTemplate, packageInfo))
# We use the previous releases to build deltas for the current release,
# sync down the existing releases directory by rolling through GitHub releases
cmd = 'build/windows/SyncGitHubReleases.exe'
args = ['-r', releasesDir, '-u', 'https://github.com/atom/atom', '-t', atomGitHubToken]
spawn {cmd, args}, (error, result, code) ->
if error?
grunt.log.error "ATOM_ACCESS_TOKEN environment variable not set or invalid, can't download old releases; continuing anyways"
cmd = 'build/windows/nuget.exe'
args = ['pack', targetNuspecPath, '-BasePath', atomDir, '-OutputDirectory', buildDir]
spawn {cmd, args}, (error, result, code) ->
return done(error) if error?
pkgs = pkg for pkg in fs.readdirSync(buildDir) when path.extname(pkg) is '.nupkg'
cmd = 'build/windows/update.com'
args = ['--releasify', path.join(buildDir, pkgs), '-r', releasesDir, '-g', 'build/windows/install-spinner.gif']
spawn {cmd, args}, (error, result, code) -> done(error)