2013-08-19 20:13:58 -07:00

118 lines
4.8 KiB

_ = require 'underscore'
describe "underscore extensions", ->
describe "_.adviseBefore", ->
[object, calls] = []
beforeEach ->
calls = []
object = {
method: (args...) ->
calls.push(["original", this, args])
it "calls the given function before the advised method", ->
_.adviseBefore object, 'method', (args...) -> calls.push(["advice", this, args])
object.method(1, 2, 3)
expect(calls).toEqual [['advice', object, [1, 2, 3]], ['original', object, [1, 2, 3]]]
it "cancels the original method's invocation if the advice returns true", ->
_.adviseBefore object, 'method', -> false
object.method(1, 2, 3)
expect(calls).toEqual []
describe "_.endsWith", ->
it "returns whether the given string ends with the given suffix", ->
expect(_.endsWith("test.txt", ".txt")).toBeTruthy()
expect(_.endsWith("test.txt", "txt")).toBeTruthy()
expect(_.endsWith("test.txt", "test.txt")).toBeTruthy()
expect(_.endsWith("test.txt", "")).toBeTruthy()
expect(_.endsWith("test.txt", ".txt2")).toBeFalsy()
expect(_.endsWith("test.txt", ".tx")).toBeFalsy()
expect(_.endsWith("test.txt", "test")).toBeFalsy()
describe "_.camelize(string)", ->
it "converts `string` to camel case", ->
expect(_.camelize("corey_dale_johnson")).toBe "coreyDaleJohnson"
expect(_.camelize("corey-dale-johnson")).toBe "coreyDaleJohnson"
expect(_.camelize("corey_dale-johnson")).toBe "coreyDaleJohnson"
expect(_.camelize("coreyDaleJohnson")).toBe "coreyDaleJohnson"
expect(_.camelize("CoreyDaleJohnson")).toBe "CoreyDaleJohnson"
describe "_.dasherize(string)", ->
it "converts `string` to use dashes", ->
expect(_.dasherize("corey_dale_johnson")).toBe "corey-dale-johnson"
expect(_.dasherize("coreyDaleJohnson")).toBe "corey-dale-johnson"
expect(_.dasherize("CoreyDaleJohnson")).toBe "corey-dale-johnson"
expect(_.dasherize("corey-dale-johnson")).toBe "corey-dale-johnson"
describe "_.underscore(string)", ->
it "converts `string` to use underscores", ->
expect(_.underscore("corey-dale-johnson")).toBe "corey_dale_johnson"
expect(_.underscore("coreyDaleJohnson")).toBe "corey_dale_johnson"
expect(_.underscore("CoreyDaleJohnson")).toBe "corey_dale_johnson"
expect(_.underscore("corey_dale_johnson")).toBe "corey_dale_johnson"
describe "spliceWithArray(originalArray, start, length, insertedArray, chunkSize)", ->
describe "when the inserted array is smaller than the chunk size", ->
it "splices the array in place", ->
array = ['a', 'b', 'c']
_.spliceWithArray(array, 1, 1, ['v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'], 100)
expect(array).toEqual ['a', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'c']
describe "when the inserted array is larger than the chunk size", ->
it "splices the array in place one chunk at a time (to avoid stack overflows)", ->
array = ['a', 'b', 'c']
_.spliceWithArray(array, 1, 1, ['v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'], 2)
expect(array).toEqual ['a', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'c']
describe "_.humanizeEventName(eventName)", ->
describe "when no namespace exists", ->
it "undasherizes and capitalizes the event name", ->
expect(_.humanizeEventName('nonamespace')).toBe 'Nonamespace'
expect(_.humanizeEventName('no-name-space')).toBe 'No Name Space'
describe "when a namespaces exists", ->
it "space separates the undasherized/capitalized versions of the namespace and event name", ->
expect(_.humanizeEventName('space:final-frontier')).toBe 'Space: Final Frontier'
expect(_.humanizeEventName('star-trek:the-next-generation')).toBe 'Star Trek: The Next Generation'
describe "_.deepExtend(objects...)", ->
it "copies all key/values from each object into a new object", ->
first =
string: "oh"
boolean: false
anotherArray: ['a', 'b', 'c']
first: 1
second: 2
second =
string: "cool"
array: [1,2,3]
anotherArray: ['aa', 'bb', 'cc']
first: 1
result = _.deepExtend(first, second)
string: "oh"
boolean: false
array: [1,2,3]
anotherArray: ['a', 'b', 'c']
first: 1
second: 2
describe "_.isSubset(potentialSubset, potentialSuperset)", ->
it "returns whether the first argument is a subset of the second", ->
expect(_.isSubset([1, 2], [1, 2])).toBeTruthy()
expect(_.isSubset([1, 2], [1, 2, 3])).toBeTruthy()
expect(_.isSubset([], [1])).toBeTruthy()
expect(_.isSubset([], [])).toBeTruthy()
expect(_.isSubset([1, 2], [2, 3])).toBeFalsy()