2012-12-23 12:52:02 -07:00

130 lines
4.2 KiB

ChildProcess = require 'child-process'
describe 'Child Processes', ->
describe ".exec(command, options)", ->
[stderrHandler, stdoutHandler] = []
beforeEach ->
stderrHandler = jasmine.createSpy "stderrHandler"
stdoutHandler = jasmine.createSpy "stdoutHandler"
it "returns a promise that resolves to stdout and stderr", ->
waitsForPromise ->
cmd = "echo 'good' && echo 'bad' >&2"
standardOutput = ''
errorOutput = ''
options =
stdout: (data) ->
standardOutput += data
stderr: (data) ->
errorOutput += data
ChildProcess.exec(cmd, options).done ->
expect(standardOutput).toBe 'good\n'
expect(errorOutput).toBe 'bad\n'
describe "when options are given", ->
it "calls the options.stdout callback when new data is received on stdout", ->
cmd = "echo 'first' && sleep .1 && echo 'second' && sleep .1 && echo 'third'"
ChildProcess.exec(cmd, stdout: stdoutHandler)
waitsFor ->
stdoutHandler.callCount > 2
runs ->
expect(stdoutHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toBe "first\n"
expect(stdoutHandler.argsForCall[1][0]).toBe "second\n"
expect(stdoutHandler.argsForCall[2][0]).toBe "third\n"
it "calls the options.stderr callback when new data is received on stderr", ->
cmd = "echo '1111' >&2 && sleep .1 && echo '2222' >&2"
ChildProcess.exec(cmd, stderr: stderrHandler)
waitsFor ->
stderrHandler.callCount > 1
runs ->
expect(stderrHandler.argsForCall[0][0]).toBe "1111\n"
expect(stderrHandler.argsForCall[1][0]).toBe "2222\n"
describe "when the `bufferLines` option is true ", ->
[simulateStdout, simulateStderr] = []
beforeEach ->
spyOn($native, 'exec')
ChildProcess.exec("print_the_things", bufferLines: true, stdout: stdoutHandler, stderr: stderrHandler)
{ stdout, stderr } = $native.exec.argsForCall[0][1]
simulateStdout = stdout
simulateStderr = stderr
it "only triggers stdout callbacks with complete lines", ->
simulateStdout """
I am a full line
I am part of """
expect(stdoutHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith("I am a full line\n")
simulateStdout """
a line
I am another full line\n
expect(stdoutHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith """
I am part of a line
I am another full line\n
it "only triggers stderr callbacks with complete lines", ->
simulateStderr """
I am a full line
I am part of """
expect(stderrHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith("I am a full line\n")
simulateStderr """
a line
I am another full line\n
expect(stderrHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith """
I am part of a line
I am another full line\n
describe "when the command fails", ->
it "executes the callback with error set to the exit status", ->
waitsForPromise shouldReject: true, ->
cmd = "echo 'bad' >&2 && exit 2"
errorOutput = ''
options =
stderr: (data) ->
errorOutput += data
ChildProcess.exec(cmd, options).fail (error) ->
expect(error.exitStatus).toBe 2
expect(errorOutput).toBe "bad\n"
describe "when a command returns a large amount of data (over 10k)", ->
originalTimeout = null
beforeEach ->
originalTimeout = jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval
jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = 1000
afterEach ->
jasmine.getEnv().defaultTimeoutInterval = originalTimeout
it "does not block indefinitally on stdout or stderr callbacks (regression)", ->
output = []
waitsForPromise ->
cmd = "for i in {1..20000}; do echo $RANDOM; done"
options =
stdout: (data) -> output.push(data)
stderr: (data) ->
ChildProcess.exec(cmd, options)
runs ->
expect(output.length).toBeGreaterThan 1