2012-08-27 17:36:36 -05:00

217 lines
9.6 KiB

LineMap = require 'line-map'
ScreenLine = require 'screen-line'
Buffer = require 'buffer'
TokenizedBuffer = require 'tokenized-buffer'
Point = require 'point'
describe "LineMap", ->
[editSession, tokenizedBuffer, map] = []
[line0, line1, line2, line3, line4] = []
beforeEach ->
editSession = fixturesProject.buildEditSessionForPath('sample.js')
{ buffer, tokenizedBuffer } = editSession
map = new LineMap
[line0, line1, line2, line3, line4] = tokenizedBuffer.linesForScreenRows(0, 4)
afterEach ->
describe ".insertAtBufferRow(row, lineFragments)", ->
it "inserts the given line fragments before the specified buffer row", ->
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line2, line3])
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1])
map.insertAtBufferRow(4, [line4])
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line1
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line2
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(3)).toEqual line3
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(4)).toEqual line4
it "allows for partial line fragments on the row following the insertion", ->
[line0a, line0b] = line0.splitAt(10)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0a, line0b])
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line1])
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line1
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line0a.concat(line0b)
describe ".spliceAtBufferRow(bufferRow, rowCount, lineFragments)", ->
describe "when called with a row count of 0", ->
it "inserts the given line fragments before the specified buffer row", ->
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1])
map.spliceAtBufferRow(1, 0, [line3, line4])
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line3
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(3)).toEqual line1
map.spliceAtBufferRow(0, 0, [line2])
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line2
describe "when called with a row count of 1", ->
describe "when the specified buffer row is spanned by a single line fragment", ->
it "replaces the spanning line fragment with the given line fragments", ->
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1, line2])
map.spliceAtBufferRow(1, 1, [line3, line4])
expect(map.bufferLineCount()).toBe 4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line3
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(3)).toEqual line2
map.spliceAtBufferRow(2, 1, [line0])
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(3)).toEqual line2
describe "when the specified buffer row is spanned by multiple line fragments", ->
it "replaces all spanning line fragments with the given line fragments", ->
[line1a, line1b] = line1.splitAt(10)
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(10)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1a, line1b, line2])
map.spliceAtBufferRow(1, 1, [line3a, line3b, line4])
expect(map.bufferLineCount()).toBe 4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line3a.concat(line3b)
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(3)).toEqual line2
describe "when the row following the specified buffer row is spanned by multiple line fragments", ->
it "replaces the specified row, but no portion of the following row", ->
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(10)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1, line2, line3a, line3b])
map.spliceAtBufferRow(2, 1, [line4])
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line1
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(3)).toEqual line3a.concat(line3b)
describe "when called with a row count greater than 1", ->
it "replaces all line fragments spanning the multiple buffer rows with the given line fragments", ->
[line1a, line1b] = line1.splitAt(10)
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(10)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1a, line1b, line2])
map.spliceAtBufferRow(1, 2, [line3a, line3b, line4])
expect(map.bufferLineCount()).toBe 3
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line3a.concat(line3b)
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line4
describe ".spliceAtScreenRow(startRow, rowCount, lineFragemnts)", ->
describe "when called with a row count of 0", ->
it "inserts the given line fragments before the specified buffer row", ->
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1, line2])
map.spliceAtScreenRow(1, 0, [line3, line4])
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line3
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(3)).toEqual line1
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(4)).toEqual line2
describe "when called with a row count of 1", ->
describe "when the specified screen row is spanned by a single line fragment", ->
it "replaces the spanning line fragment with the given line fragments", ->
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1, line2])
map.spliceAtScreenRow(1, 1, [line3, line4])
expect(map.bufferLineCount()).toBe 4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line3
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(3)).toEqual line2
describe "when the specified screen row is spanned by multiple line fragments", ->
it "replaces all spanning line fragments with the given line fragments", ->
[line0a, line0b] = line0.splitAt(10)
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(10)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0a, line0b, line1, line2])
map.spliceAtScreenRow(0, 1, [line3a, line3b, line4])
expect(map.bufferLineCount()).toBe 4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line3a.concat(line3b)
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line4
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line1
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(3)).toEqual line2
describe "when called with a row count greater than 1", ->
it "replaces all line fragments spanning the multiple buffer rows with the given line fragments", ->
[line1a, line1b] = line1.splitAt(10)
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(10)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1a, line1b, line2])
map.spliceAtScreenRow(1, 2, [line3a, line3b, line4])
expect(map.bufferLineCount()).toBe 3
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(0)).toEqual line0
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(1)).toEqual line3a.concat(line3b)
expect(map.lineForScreenRow(2)).toEqual line4
describe ".linesForScreenRows(startRow, endRow)", ->
it "returns lines for the given row range, concatenating fragments that belong on a single screen line", ->
[line1a, line1b] = line1.splitAt(11)
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(15)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1a, line1b, line2, line3a, line3b, line4])
expect(map.linesForScreenRows(1, 3)).toEqual [line1, line2, line3]
# repeating assertion to cover a regression where this method mutated lines
expect(map.linesForScreenRows(1, 3)).toEqual [line1, line2, line3]
describe ".lineForBufferRow(bufferRow)", ->
it "returns the concatenated screen line fragments that comprise the given buffer row", ->
line1Text = line1.text
[line1a, line1b] = line1.splitAt(11)
line1a.screenDelta = new Point(1, 0)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1a, line1b, line2])
expect(map.lineForBufferRow(0).text).toBe line0.text
expect(map.lineForBufferRow(1).text).toBe line1Text
describe ".screenPositionForBufferPosition(bufferPosition)", ->
beforeEach ->
# line1a-line3b describes a fold
[line1a, line1b] = line1.splitAt(10)
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(20)
line1a.bufferDelta.row = 2
line1a.bufferDelta.column = 20
# line4a-line4b describes a wrapped line
[line4a, line4b] = line4.splitAt(20)
line4a.screenDelta = new Point(1, 0)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1a, line3b, line4a, line4b])
it "translates the given buffer position based on buffer and screen deltas of the line fragments in the map", ->
expect(map.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 0])).toEqual [0, 0]
expect(map.screenPositionForBufferPosition([0, 5])).toEqual [0, 5]
expect(map.screenPositionForBufferPosition([1, 5])).toEqual [1, 5]
expect(map.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 20])).toEqual [1, 10]
expect(map.screenPositionForBufferPosition([3, 30])).toEqual [1, 20]
expect(map.screenPositionForBufferPosition([4, 5])).toEqual [2, 5]
it "wraps buffer positions at the end of a screen line to the end end of the next screen line", ->
expect(map.screenPositionForBufferPosition([4, 20])).toEqual [3, 0]
describe ".screenLineCount()", ->
it "returns the total of all inserted screen row deltas", ->
[line1a, line1b] = line1.splitAt(10)
[line3a, line3b] = line3.splitAt(10)
line1a.screenDelta = new Point(1, 0)
line3a.screenDelta = new Point(1, 0)
map.insertAtBufferRow(0, [line0, line1a, line1b, line2])
expect(map.screenLineCount()).toBe 4