Kevin Sawicki 864ab0c095 Use file path in save as dialog
Previously the dirname of the file path was used which caused the
save dialog to not be filled in with the current file name

Closes #1748
2014-03-12 18:41:50 -07:00

515 lines
20 KiB

{Model} = require 'theorist'
Pane = require '../src/pane'
PaneAxis = require '../src/pane-axis'
PaneContainer = require '../src/pane-container'
describe "Pane", ->
class Item extends Model
@deserialize: ({name, uri}) -> new this(name, uri)
constructor: (@name, @uri) ->
getUri: -> @uri
getPath: -> @path
serialize: -> {deserializer: 'Item', @name, @uri}
isEqual: (other) -> @name is other?.name
beforeEach ->
afterEach ->
describe "construction", ->
it "sets the active item to the first item", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B")])
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.items[0]
it "compacts the items array", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [undefined, new Item("A"), null, new Item("B")])
expect(pane.items.length).toBe 2
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.items[0]
describe "::addItem(item, index)", ->
it "adds the item at the given index", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B")])
[item1, item2] = pane.items
item3 = new Item("C")
pane.addItem(item3, 1)
expect(pane.items).toEqual [item1, item3, item2]
it "adds the item after the active item ", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
item4 = new Item("D")
expect(pane.items).toEqual [item1, item2, item4, item3]
it "sets the active item after adding the first item", ->
pane = new Pane
item = new Item("A")
events = []
pane.on 'item-added', -> events.push('item-added')
pane.$activeItem.changes.onValue -> events.push('active-item-changed')
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item
expect(events).toEqual ['item-added', 'active-item-changed']
describe "::activateItem(item)", ->
pane = null
beforeEach ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B")])
it "changes the active item to the current item", ->
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.items[0]
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe pane.items[1]
it "adds the given item if it isn't present in ::items", ->
item = new Item("C")
expect(item in pane.items).toBe true
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item
describe "::activateNextItem() and ::activatePreviousItem()", ->
it "sets the active item to the next/previous item, looping around at either end", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item3
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item2
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item3
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
describe "::activateItemAtIndex(index)", ->
it "activates the item at the given index", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item3
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item2
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
# Doesn't fail with out-of-bounds indices
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
describe "::destroyItem(item)", ->
[pane, item1, item2, item3] = []
beforeEach ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
it "removes the item from the items list", ->
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
expect(item2 in pane.items).toBe false
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe false
describe "when the destroyed item is the active item and is the first item", ->
it "activates the next item", ->
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item2
describe "when the destroyed item is the active item and is not the first item", ->
beforeEach ->
it "activates the previous item", ->
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item2
expect(pane.activeItem).toBe item1
it "emits 'item-removed' with the item, its index, and true indicating the item is being destroyed", ->
pane.on 'item-removed', itemRemovedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("itemRemovedHandler")
expect(itemRemovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item2, 1, true)
describe "if the item is modified", ->
itemUri = null
beforeEach ->
item1.shouldPromptToSave = -> true
item1.save = jasmine.createSpy("save")
item1.saveAs = jasmine.createSpy("saveAs")
item1.getUri = -> itemUri
describe "if the [Save] option is selected", ->
describe "when the item has a uri", ->
it "saves the item before destroying it", ->
itemUri = "test"
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(0)
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe false
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe true
describe "when the item has no uri", ->
it "presents a save-as dialog, then saves the item with the given uri before removing and destroying it", ->
itemUri = null
spyOn(atom, 'showSaveDialogSync').andReturn("/selected/path")
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(0)
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe false
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe true
describe "if the [Don't Save] option is selected", ->
it "removes and destroys the item without saving it", ->
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(2)
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe false
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe true
describe "if the [Cancel] option is selected", ->
it "does not save, remove, or destroy the item", ->
spyOn(atom, 'confirm').andReturn(1)
expect(item1 in pane.items).toBe true
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe false
describe "when the last item is destroyed", ->
describe "when the 'core.destroyEmptyPanes' config option is false (the default)", ->
it "does not destroy the pane, but leaves it in place with empty items", ->
expect(atom.config.get('core.destroyEmptyPanes')).toBe false
pane.destroyItem(item) for item in pane.getItems()
expect(pane.isDestroyed()).toBe false
expect(-> pane.saveActiveItem()).not.toThrow()
expect(-> pane.saveActiveItemAs()).not.toThrow()
describe "when the 'core.destroyEmptyPanes' config option is true", ->
it "destroys the pane", ->
atom.config.set('core.destroyEmptyPanes', true)
pane.destroyItem(item) for item in pane.getItems()
expect(pane.isDestroyed()).toBe true
describe "::destroyActiveItem()", ->
it "destroys the active item", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B")])
activeItem = pane.activeItem
expect(activeItem.isDestroyed()).toBe true
expect(activeItem in pane.items).toBe false
it "does not throw an exception if there are no more items", ->
pane = new Pane
describe "::destroyItems()", ->
it "destroys all items", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe true
expect(item2.isDestroyed()).toBe true
expect(item3.isDestroyed()).toBe true
expect(pane.items).toEqual []
describe "when an item emits a destroyed event", ->
it "removes it from the list of items", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
expect(pane.items).toEqual [item1, item3]
describe "::destroyInactiveItems()", ->
it "destroys all items but the active item", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
expect(pane.items).toEqual [item2]
describe "::saveActiveItem()", ->
pane = null
beforeEach ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A")])
spyOn(atom, 'showSaveDialogSync').andReturn('/selected/path')
describe "when the active item has a uri", ->
beforeEach ->
pane.activeItem.uri = "test"
describe "when the active item has a save method", ->
it "saves the current item", ->
pane.activeItem.save = jasmine.createSpy("save")
describe "when the current item has no save method", ->
it "does nothing", ->
describe "when the current item has no uri", ->
describe "when the current item has a saveAs method", ->
it "opens a save dialog and saves the current item as the selected path", ->
pane.activeItem.saveAs = jasmine.createSpy("saveAs")
describe "when the current item has no saveAs method", ->
it "does nothing", ->
describe "::saveActiveItemAs()", ->
pane = null
beforeEach ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A")])
spyOn(atom, 'showSaveDialogSync').andReturn('/selected/path')
describe "when the current item has a saveAs method", ->
it "opens the save dialog and calls saveAs on the item with the selected path", ->
pane.activeItem.path = __filename
pane.activeItem.saveAs = jasmine.createSpy("saveAs")
describe "when the current item does not have a saveAs method", ->
it "does nothing", ->
describe "::itemForUri(uri)", ->
it "returns the item for which a call to .getUri() returns the given uri", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C"), new Item("D")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane.items
item1.uri = "a"
item2.uri = "b"
expect(pane.itemForUri("a")).toBe item1
expect(pane.itemForUri("b")).toBe item2
describe "::moveItem(item, index)", ->
it "moves the item to the given index and emits an 'item-moved' event with the item and its new index", ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C"), new Item("D")])
[item1, item2, item3, item4] = pane.items
pane.on 'item-moved', itemMovedHandler = jasmine.createSpy("itemMovedHandler")
pane.moveItem(item1, 2)
expect(pane.getItems()).toEqual [item2, item3, item1, item4]
expect(itemMovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item1, 2)
pane.moveItem(item2, 3)
expect(pane.getItems()).toEqual [item3, item1, item4, item2]
expect(itemMovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item2, 3)
pane.moveItem(item2, 1)
expect(pane.getItems()).toEqual [item3, item2, item1, item4]
expect(itemMovedHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith(item2, 1)
describe "::moveItemToPane(item, pane, index)", ->
[container, pane1, pane2] = []
[item1, item2, item3, item4, item5] = []
beforeEach ->
pane1 = new Pane(items: [new Item("A"), new Item("B"), new Item("C")])
container = new PaneContainer(root: pane1)
pane2 = pane1.splitRight(items: [new Item("D"), new Item("E")])
[item1, item2, item3] = pane1.items
[item4, item5] = pane2.items
it "moves the item to the given pane at the given index", ->
pane1.moveItemToPane(item2, pane2, 1)
expect(pane1.items).toEqual [item1, item3]
expect(pane2.items).toEqual [item4, item2, item5]
describe "when the moved item the last item in the source pane", ->
beforeEach ->
describe "when the 'core.destroyEmptyPanes' config option is false (the default)", ->
it "does not destroy the pane or the item", ->
pane2.moveItemToPane(item4, pane1, 0)
expect(pane2.isDestroyed()).toBe false
expect(item4.isDestroyed()).toBe false
describe "when the 'core.destroyEmptyPanes' config option is true", ->
it "destroys the pane, but not the item", ->
atom.config.set('core.destroyEmptyPanes', true)
pane2.moveItemToPane(item4, pane1, 0)
expect(pane2.isDestroyed()).toBe true
expect(item4.isDestroyed()).toBe false
describe "split methods", ->
[pane1, container] = []
beforeEach ->
pane1 = new Pane(items: ["A"])
container = new PaneContainer(root: pane1)
describe "::splitLeft(params)", ->
describe "when the parent is the container root", ->
it "replaces itself with a row and inserts a new pane to the left of itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitLeft(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitLeft(items: ["C"])
expect(container.root.orientation).toBe 'horizontal'
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane2, pane3, pane1]
describe "when the parent is a column", ->
it "replaces itself with a row and inserts a new pane to the left of itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitLeft(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitLeft(items: ["C"])
row = container.root.children[0]
expect(row.orientation).toBe 'horizontal'
expect(row.children).toEqual [pane2, pane3, pane1]
describe "::splitRight(params)", ->
describe "when the parent is the container root", ->
it "replaces itself with a row and inserts a new pane to the right of itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitRight(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitRight(items: ["C"])
expect(container.root.orientation).toBe 'horizontal'
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3, pane2]
describe "when the parent is a column", ->
it "replaces itself with a row and inserts a new pane to the right of itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitRight(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitRight(items: ["C"])
row = container.root.children[0]
expect(row.orientation).toBe 'horizontal'
expect(row.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3, pane2]
describe "::splitUp(params)", ->
describe "when the parent is the container root", ->
it "replaces itself with a column and inserts a new pane above itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitUp(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitUp(items: ["C"])
expect(container.root.orientation).toBe 'vertical'
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane2, pane3, pane1]
describe "when the parent is a row", ->
it "replaces itself with a column and inserts a new pane above itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitUp(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitUp(items: ["C"])
column = container.root.children[0]
expect(column.orientation).toBe 'vertical'
expect(column.children).toEqual [pane2, pane3, pane1]
describe "::splitDown(params)", ->
describe "when the parent is the container root", ->
it "replaces itself with a column and inserts a new pane below itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitDown(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitDown(items: ["C"])
expect(container.root.orientation).toBe 'vertical'
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3, pane2]
describe "when the parent is a row", ->
it "replaces itself with a column and inserts a new pane below itself", ->
pane2 = pane1.splitDown(items: ["B"])
pane3 = pane1.splitDown(items: ["C"])
column = container.root.children[0]
expect(column.orientation).toBe 'vertical'
expect(column.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3, pane2]
it "sets up the new pane to be focused", ->
expect(pane1.focused).toBe false
pane2 = pane1.splitRight()
expect(pane2.focused).toBe true
describe "::destroy()", ->
[container, pane1, pane2] = []
beforeEach ->
container = new PaneContainer
pane1 = container.root
pane1.addItems([new Item("A"), new Item("B")])
pane2 = pane1.splitRight()
it "destroys the pane's destroyable items", ->
[item1, item2] = pane1.items
expect(item1.isDestroyed()).toBe true
expect(item2.isDestroyed()).toBe true
describe "if the pane is active", ->
it "makes the next pane active", ->
expect(pane2.isActive()).toBe true
describe "if the pane's parent has more than two children", ->
it "removes the pane from its parent", ->
pane3 = pane2.splitRight()
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane2, pane3]
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane3]
describe "if the pane's parent has two children", ->
it "replaces the parent with its last remaining child", ->
pane3 = pane2.splitDown()
expect(container.root.children[0]).toBe pane1
expect(container.root.children[1].children).toEqual [pane2, pane3]
expect(container.root.children).toEqual [pane1, pane2]
expect(container.root).toBe pane1
describe "serialization", ->
pane = null
beforeEach ->
pane = new Pane(items: [new Item("A", "a"), new Item("B", "b"), new Item("C", "c")])
it "can serialize and deserialize the pane and all its items", ->
newPane = pane.testSerialization()
expect(newPane.items).toEqual pane.items
it "restores the active item on deserialization", ->
newPane = pane.testSerialization()
expect(newPane.activeItem).toEqual newPane.items[1]
it "does not include items that cannot be deserialized", ->
spyOn(console, 'warn')
unserializable = {}
newPane = pane.testSerialization()
expect(newPane.activeItem).toEqual pane.items[0]
expect(newPane.items.length).toBe pane.items.length - 1
it "includes the pane's focus state in the serialized state", ->
newPane = pane.testSerialization()
expect(newPane.focused).toBe true