Nathan Sobo 5b3755a170 Fix errors in benchmarks
One notable change is that if the editor has a display update pending,
we wait until it completes before moving on to the next benchmark.
2013-02-06 18:01:32 -07:00

131 lines
3.9 KiB

nakedLoad 'jasmine-jquery'
$ = require 'jquery'
_ = require 'underscore'
Keymap = require 'keymap'
Point = require 'point'
Config = require 'config'
Project = require 'project'
require 'window'
requireStylesheet "jasmine.css"
# Load TextMate bundles, which specs rely on (but not other packages)
beforeEach ->
# reset config after each benchmark; don't load or save from/to `config.json`
window.config = new Config()
spyOn(config, 'load')
spyOn(config, 'save')
keymap = new Keymap
$(window).on 'keydown', (e) -> keymap.handleKeyEvent(e)
keymap.bindKeys '*',
'meta-w': 'close'
'alt-meta-i': 'show-console'
$(document).on 'close', -> window.close()
$(document).on 'show-console', -> atom.toggleDevTools()
defaultCount = 100
window.pbenchmark = (args...) -> window.benchmark(args..., profile: true)
window.fbenchmark = (args...) -> window.benchmark(args..., focused: true)
window.fpbenchmark = (args...) -> window.benchmark(args..., profile: true, focused: true)
window.pfbenchmark = window.fpbenchmark
window.benchmarkFixturesProject = new Project(require.resolve 'benchmark/fixtures')
window.benchmark = (args...) ->
description = args.shift()
if typeof args[0] is 'number'
count = args.shift()
count = defaultCount
[fn, options] = args
{ profile, focused } = (options ? {})
atom.showDevTools() if profile
method = if focused then fit else it
method description, ->
total = measure ->
console.profile(description) if profile
_.times count, fn
console.profileEnd(description) if profile
avg = total / count
fullname = @getFullName().replace(/\s|\.$/g, "")
report = "#{fullname}: #{total} / #{count} = #{avg}ms"
if atom.exitWhenDone
url = "https://github.com/_stats"
data = [type: 'timing', metric: "atom.#{fullname}", ms: avg]
$.ajax url,
async: false
data: JSON.stringify(data)
error: (args...) ->
console.log "Failed to send atom.#{fullname}\n#{JSON.stringify(args)}"
window.measure = (fn) ->
start = new Date().getTime()
new Date().getTime() - start
window.waitsForPromise = (fn) ->
window.waitsFor (moveOn) ->
window.keyIdentifierForKey = (key) ->
if key.length > 1 # named key
charCode = key.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0)
"U+00" + charCode.toString(16)
window.keydownEvent = (key, properties={}) ->
$.Event "keydown", _.extend({originalEvent: { keyIdentifier: keyIdentifierForKey(key) }}, properties)
window.clickEvent = (properties={}) ->
$.Event "click", properties
window.mouseEvent = (type, properties) ->
if properties.point
{point, editor} = properties
{top, left} = @pagePixelPositionForPoint(editor, point)
properties.pageX = left + 1
properties.pageY = top + 1
properties.originalEvent ?= {detail: 1}
$.Event type, properties
window.mousedownEvent = (properties={}) ->
window.mouseEvent('mousedown', properties)
window.mousemoveEvent = (properties={}) ->
window.mouseEvent('mousemove', properties)
window.pagePixelPositionForPoint = (editor, point) ->
point = Point.fromObject point
top = editor.lines.offset().top + point.row * editor.lineHeight
left = editor.lines.offset().left + point.column * editor.charWidth - editor.lines.scrollLeft()
{ top, left }
window.setEditorWidthInChars = (editor, widthInChars, charWidth=editor.charWidth) ->
editor.width(charWidth * widthInChars + editor.lines.position().left)
$.fn.resultOfTrigger = (type) ->
event = $.Event(type)
$.fn.enableKeymap = ->
@on 'keydown', (e) => window.keymap.handleKeyEvent(e)
$.fn.attachToDom = ->
$.fn.textInput = (data) ->
event = document.createEvent 'TextEvent'
event.initTextEvent('textInput', true, true, window, data)
this.each -> this.dispatchEvent(event)