
63 lines
2.7 KiB

Project = require 'project'
fs = require 'fs'
describe "Project", ->
project = null
beforeEach ->
project = new Project(require.resolve('fixtures/dir'))
describe ".open(path)", ->
[absolutePath, newBufferHandler] = []
beforeEach ->
absolutePath = require.resolve('fixtures/dir/a')
newBufferHandler = jasmine.createSpy('newBufferHandler')
project.on 'new-buffer', newBufferHandler
describe "when given an absolute path that hasn't been opened previously", ->
it "returns a new buffer for the given path and emits a 'new-buffer' event", ->
buffer = project.open(absolutePath)
expect(buffer.path).toBe absolutePath
expect(newBufferHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith buffer
describe "when given a relative path that hasn't been opened previously", ->
it "returns a buffer for the given path (relative to the project root) and emits a 'new-buffer' event", ->
buffer = project.open('a')
expect(buffer.path).toBe absolutePath
expect(newBufferHandler).toHaveBeenCalledWith buffer
describe "when passed the path to a buffer that has already been opened", ->
it "returns the previously opened buffer", ->
buffer = project.open(absolutePath)
expect(project.open(absolutePath)).toBe buffer
expect(project.open('a')).toBe buffer
describe "when not passed a path", ->
it "returns a new buffer and emits a new-buffer event", ->
buffer = project.open()
describe ".getFilePaths()", ->
it "returns a promise which resolves to a list of all file paths in the project, recursively", ->
expectedPaths = (path.replace(project.path, '') for path in fs.listTree(project.path) when fs.isFile path)
waitsForPromise ->
project.getFilePaths().done (result) ->
describe ".resolve(path)", ->
it "returns an absolute path based on the project's root", ->
absolutePath = require.resolve('fixtures/dir/a')
expect(project.resolve('a')).toBe absolutePath
expect(project.resolve(absolutePath + '/../a')).toBe absolutePath
expect(project.resolve('a/../a')).toBe absolutePath
describe ".relativize(path)", ->
it "returns an relative path based on the project's root", ->
absolutePath = require.resolve('fixtures/dir')
expect(project.relativize(fs.join(absolutePath, "b"))).toBe "b"
expect(project.relativize(fs.join(absolutePath, "b/file.coffee"))).toBe "b/file.coffee"
expect(project.relativize(fs.join(absolutePath, "file.coffee"))).toBe "file.coffee"