2015-04-29 09:43:41 -07:00

117 lines
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ChildProcess = require 'child_process'
path = require 'path'
BufferedProcess = require '../src/buffered-process'
describe "BufferedProcess", ->
describe "when a bad command is specified", ->
[oldOnError] = []
beforeEach ->
oldOnError = window.onerror
window.onerror = jasmine.createSpy()
afterEach ->
window.onerror = oldOnError
describe "when there is an error handler specified", ->
describe "when an error event is emitted by the process", ->
it "calls the error handler and does not throw an exception", ->
process = new BufferedProcess
command: 'bad-command-nope'
args: ['nothing']
options: {}
errorSpy = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake (error) -> error.handle()
waitsFor -> errorSpy.callCount > 0
runs ->
expect(errorSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0].error.message).toContain 'spawn bad-command-nope ENOENT'
describe "when an error is thrown spawning the process", ->
it "calls the error handler and does not throw an exception", ->
spyOn(ChildProcess, 'spawn').andCallFake ->
error = new Error('Something is really wrong')
error.code = 'EAGAIN'
throw error
process = new BufferedProcess
command: 'ls'
args: []
options: {}
errorSpy = jasmine.createSpy().andCallFake (error) -> error.handle()
waitsFor -> errorSpy.callCount > 0
runs ->
expect(errorSpy.mostRecentCall.args[0].error.message).toContain 'Something is really wrong'
describe "when there is not an error handler specified", ->
it "calls the error handler and does not throw an exception", ->
process = new BufferedProcess
command: 'bad-command-nope'
args: ['nothing']
options: {}
waitsFor -> window.onerror.callCount > 0
runs ->
expect(window.onerror.mostRecentCall.args[0]).toContain 'Failed to spawn command `bad-command-nope`'
expect(window.onerror.mostRecentCall.args[4].name).toBe 'BufferedProcessError'
describe "on Windows", ->
originalPlatform = null
beforeEach ->
# Prevent any commands from actually running and affecting the host
originalSpawn = ChildProcess.spawn
spyOn(ChildProcess, 'spawn').andCallFake ->
# Just spawn something that won't actually modify the host
if originalPlatform is 'win32'
originalPlatform = process.platform
Object.defineProperty process, 'platform', value: 'win32'
afterEach ->
Object.defineProperty process, 'platform', value: originalPlatform
describe "when the explorer command is spawned on Windows", ->
it "doesn't quote arguments of the form /root,C...", ->
new BufferedProcess({command: 'explorer.exe', args: ['/root,C:\\foo']})
expect(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][1][2]).toBe '"explorer.exe /root,C:\\foo"'
it "spawns the command using a cmd.exe wrapper", ->
new BufferedProcess({command: 'dir'})
expect(path.basename(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][0])).toBe 'cmd.exe'
expect(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][1][0]).toBe '/s'
expect(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][1][1]).toBe '/c'
expect(ChildProcess.spawn.argsForCall[0][1][2]).toBe '"dir"'
it "calls the specified stdout, stderr, and exit callbacks ", ->
stdout = ''
stderr = ''
exitCallback = jasmine.createSpy('exit callback')
process = new BufferedProcess
command: atom.packages.getApmPath()
args: ['-h']
options: {}
stdout: (lines) -> stdout += lines
stderr: (lines) -> stderr += lines
exit: exitCallback
waitsFor -> exitCallback.callCount is 1
runs ->
expect(stderr).toContain 'apm - Atom Package Manager'
expect(stdout).toEqual ''