2013-02-04 09:08:00 -08:00

87 lines
3.1 KiB

CSON = require 'cson'
describe "CSON", ->
describe "@stringify(object)", ->
describe "when the object is undefined", ->
it "throws an exception", ->
expect(-> CSON.stringify()).toThrow()
describe "when the object is a function", ->
it "throws an exception", ->
expect(-> CSON.stringify(-> 'function')).toThrow()
describe "when the object contains a function", ->
it "throws an exception", ->
expect(-> CSON.stringify(a: -> 'function')).toThrow()
describe "when formatting an undefined key", ->
it "does not include the key in the formatted CSON", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(b: 1, c: undefined)).toBe "'b': 1"
describe "when formatting a string", ->
it "returns formatted CSON", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(a: 'b')).toBe "'a': 'b'"
it "escapes single quotes", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(a: "'b'")).toBe "'a': '\\\'b\\\''"
it "doesn't escape double quotes", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(a: '"b"')).toBe "'a': '\"b\"'"
it "escapes newlines", ->
expect(CSON.stringify("a\nb")).toBe "'a\\nb'"
describe "when formatting a boolean", ->
it "returns formatted CSON", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(true)).toBe 'true'
expect(CSON.stringify(false)).toBe 'false'
expect(CSON.stringify(a: true)).toBe "'a': true"
expect(CSON.stringify(a: false)).toBe "'a': false"
describe "when formatting a number", ->
it "returns formatted CSON", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(54321.012345)).toBe '54321.012345'
expect(CSON.stringify(a: 14)).toBe "'a': 14"
expect(CSON.stringify(a: 1.23)).toBe "'a': 1.23"
describe "when formatting null", ->
it "returns formatted CSON", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(null)).toBe 'null'
expect(CSON.stringify(a: null)).toBe "'a': null"
describe "when formatting an array", ->
describe "when the array is empty", ->
it "puts the array on a single line", ->
expect(CSON.stringify([])).toBe "[]"
it "returns formatted CSON", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(a: ['b'])).toBe "'a': [\n 'b'\n]"
expect(CSON.stringify(a: ['b', 4])).toBe "'a': [\n 'b'\n 4\n]"
describe "when the array has an undefined value", ->
it "formats the undefined value as null", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(['a', undefined, 'b'])).toBe "[\n 'a'\n null\n 'b'\n]"
describe "when formatting an object", ->
describe "when the object is empty", ->
it "returns the empty string", ->
expect(CSON.stringify({})).toBe ""
it "returns formatted CSON", ->
expect(CSON.stringify(a: {b: 'c'})).toBe "'a':\n 'b': 'c'"
describe "when converting back to an object", ->
it "produces the original object", ->
object =
showInvisibles: true
fontSize: 20
themes: ['a', 'b']
singleTrailingNewline: true
cson = CSON.stringify(object)
{CoffeeScript} = require 'coffee-script'
evaledObject = CoffeeScript.eval(cson, bare: true)
expect(evaledObject).toEqual object