2013-06-26 19:25:50 -07:00

23 lines
801 B

path = require 'path'
module.exports = (grunt) ->
cmd = path.join('node_modules', '.bin', 'coffee')
commonArgs = [path.join('node_modules', '.bin', 'biscotto'), '--']
opts =
stdio: 'inherit'
grunt.registerTask 'build-docs', 'Builds the API docs in src/app', ->
done = @async()
args = [commonArgs..., '-o', 'docs/api', 'src/app/']
grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, done)
grunt.registerTask 'lint-docs', 'Generate stats about the doc coverage', ->
done = @async()
args = [commonArgs..., '--statsOnly', 'src/app/']
grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, done)
grunt.registerTask 'missing-docs', 'Generate stats about the doc coverage', ->
done = @async()
args = [commonArgs..., '--listMissing', 'src/app/']
grunt.util.spawn({cmd, args, opts}, done)