2012-07-16 10:34:02 -07:00

243 lines
9.9 KiB

Snippets = require 'snippets'
RootView = require 'root-view'
Buffer = require 'buffer'
Editor = require 'editor'
_ = require 'underscore'
fs = require 'fs'
describe "Snippets extension", ->
[buffer, editor] = []
beforeEach ->
rootView = new RootView(require.resolve('fixtures/sample.js'))
editor = rootView.getActiveEditor()
buffer = editor.getBuffer()
afterEach ->
describe "when 'tab' is triggered on the editor", ->
beforeEach ->
Snippets.evalSnippets 'js', """
snippet t1 "Snippet without tab stops"
this is a test
snippet t2 "With tab stops"
go here next:($2) and finally go here:($3)
go here first:($1)
snippet t3 "With indented second line"
line 1
line 2$1
snippet t4 "With tab stop placeholders"
go here ${1:first} and then here ${2:second}
snippet t5 "Caused problems with undo"
first line$1
${2:placeholder ending second line}
describe "when the letters preceding the cursor trigger a snippet", ->
describe "when the snippet contains no tab stops", ->
it "replaces the prefix with the snippet text and places the cursor at its end", ->
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 2]
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "this is a testvar quicksort = function () {"
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 14]
describe "when the snippet contains tab stops", ->
it "places the cursor at the first tab-stop, and moves the cursor in response to 'next-tab-stop' events", ->
anchorCountBefore = editor.activeEditSession.getAnchors().length
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, 0])
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe "go here next:() and finally go here:()"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe "go here first:()"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(4)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items;"
expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRange()).toEqual [[3, 15], [3, 15]]
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRange()).toEqual [[2, 14], [2, 14]]
editor.insertText 'abc'
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRange()).toEqual [[2, 40], [2, 40]]
# tab backwards
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', shiftKey: true, target: editor[0])
expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRange()).toEqual [[2, 14], [2, 17]] # should highlight text typed at tab stop
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', shiftKey: true, target: editor[0])
expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRange()).toEqual [[3, 15], [3, 15]]
# shift-tab on first tab-stop does nothing
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', shiftKey: true, target: editor[0])
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [3, 15]
# tab through all tab stops, then tab on last stop to terminate snippet
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe "go here next:(abc) and finally go here:( )"
expect(editor.activeEditSession.getAnchors().length).toBe anchorCountBefore
describe "when the tab stops have placeholder text", ->
it "auto-fills the placeholder text and highlights it when navigating to that tab stop", ->
editor.insertText 't4'
editor.trigger 'snippets:expand'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe 'go here first and then here second'
expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRange()).toEqual [[0, 8], [0, 13]]
describe "when the cursor is moved beyond the bounds of a tab stop", ->
it "terminates the snippet on the next tab", ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, 0])
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe "go here first:() "
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPosition()).toEqual [3, 18]
# test we can terminate with shift-tab
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([4, 0])
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', shiftKey: true, target: editor[0])
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPosition()).toEqual [4, 15]
describe "when a the start of the snippet is indented", ->
describe "when the snippet spans a single line", ->
it "does not indent the next line", ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, Infinity])
editor.insertText ' t1'
editor.trigger 'snippets:expand'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " var pivot = items.shift(), current, left = [], right = [];"
describe "when the snippet spans multiple lines", ->
it "indents the subsequent lines of the snippet to be even with the start of the first line", ->
editor.setCursorScreenPosition([2, Infinity])
editor.insertText ' t3'
editor.trigger 'snippets:expand'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(2)).toBe " if (items.length <= 1) return items; line 1"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(3)).toBe " line 2"
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPosition()).toEqual [3, 12]
describe "when the letters preceding the cursor don't match a snippet", ->
it "inserts a tab as normal", ->
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 3]
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "xte var quicksort = function () {"
expect(editor.getCursorScreenPosition()).toEqual [0, 5]
describe "when a previous snippet expansion has just been undone", ->
it "expands the snippet based on the current prefix rather than jumping to the old snippet's tab stop", ->
editor.insertText 't5\n'
editor.setCursorBufferPosition [0, 2]
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "first line"
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "t5"
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "first line"
describe "when a snippet expansion is undone and redone", ->
it "recreates the snippet's tab stops", ->
editor.insertText ' t5\n'
editor.setCursorBufferPosition [0, 6]
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe " first line"
expect(editor.getCursorBufferPosition()).toEqual [0, 14]
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(editor.getSelectedBufferRange()).toEqual [[1, 6], [1, 36]]
it "restores tabs stops in active edit session even when the initial expansion was in a different edit session", ->
anotherEditor = editor.splitRight()
editor.insertText ' t5\n'
editor.setCursorBufferPosition [0, 6]
editor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: editor[0])
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe " first line"
expect(anotherEditor.getCursorBufferPosition()).toEqual [0, 14]
anotherEditor.trigger keydownEvent('tab', target: anotherEditor[0])
expect(anotherEditor.getSelectedBufferRange()).toEqual [[1, 6], [1, 36]]
describe ".loadSnippetsFile(path)", ->
it "loads the snippets in the given file", ->
spyOn(fs, 'read').andReturn """
snippet t1 "Test snippet 1"
this is a test 1
editor.trigger 'snippets:expand'
expect(buffer.lineForRow(0)).toBe "this is a test 1var quicksort = function () {"
describe "Snippets parser", ->
it "can parse multiple snippets", ->
snippets = Snippets.snippetsParser.parse """
snippet t1 "Test snippet 1"
this is a test 1
snippet t2 "Test snippet 2"
this is a test 2
expect(_.keys(snippets).length).toBe 2
snippet = snippets['t1']
expect(snippet.prefix).toBe 't1'
expect(snippet.description).toBe "Test snippet 1"
expect(snippet.body).toBe "this is a test 1"
snippet = snippets['t2']
expect(snippet.prefix).toBe 't2'
expect(snippet.description).toBe "Test snippet 2"
expect(snippet.body).toBe "this is a test 2"
it "can parse snippets with tabstops", ->
snippets = Snippets.snippetsParser.parse """
# this line intentially left blank.
snippet t1 "Snippet with tab stops"
go here next:($2) and finally go here:($3)
go here first:($1)
snippet = snippets['t1']
expect(snippet.body).toBe """
go here next:() and finally go here:()
go here first:()
expect(snippet.tabStops).toEqual [[[1, 15], [1, 15]], [[0, 14], [0, 14]], [[0, 37], [0, 37]]]