2023-06-20 21:46:58 -07:00

303 lines
10 KiB

const path = require('path')
const normalizePackageData = require('normalize-package-data');
const fs = require("fs/promises");
const generateMetadata = require('./generate-metadata-for-builder')
const macBundleDocumentTypes = require("./mac-bundle-document-types.js");
// Monkey-patch to not remove things I explicitly didn't say so
// See: https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/6957
let transformer = require('app-builder-lib/out/fileTransformer')
const builder_util_1 = require("builder-util");
transformer.createTransformer = function(srcDir, configuration, extraMetadata, extraTransformer) {
const mainPackageJson = path.join(srcDir, "package.json");
const isRemovePackageScripts = configuration.removePackageScripts !== false;
const isRemovePackageKeywords = configuration.removePackageKeywords !== false;
const packageJson = path.sep + "package.json";
return file => {
if (file === mainPackageJson) {
return modifyMainPackageJson(file, extraMetadata, isRemovePackageScripts, isRemovePackageKeywords);
if (extraTransformer != null) {
return extraTransformer(file);
else {
return null;
async function modifyMainPackageJson(file, extraMetadata, isRemovePackageScripts, isRemovePackageKeywords) {
const mainPackageData = JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(file, "utf-8"));
if (extraMetadata != null) {
builder_util_1.deepAssign(mainPackageData, extraMetadata);
return JSON.stringify(mainPackageData, null, 2);
return null;
/// END Monkey-Patch
const builder = require("electron-builder")
const pngIcon = 'resources/app-icons/beta.png'
const icoIcon = 'resources/app-icons/beta.ico'
const svgIcon = 'resources/app-icons/beta.svg'
const icnsIcon = 'resources/app-icons/beta.icns'
let options = {
"appId": "dev.pulsar-edit.pulsar",
"npmRebuild": false,
"publish": null,
files: [
// --- Inclusions ---
// Core Repo Inclusions
// Core Repo Test Inclusions
// --- Exclusions ---
// Core Repo Exclusions
// Git Related Exclusions
// Development Tools Exclusions
// Common File Exclusions
// Build Chain Exclusions
"!**/*.{cc,h}", // Ignore *.cc and *.h files from native modules
// Test Exclusions
"!**/node_modules/babel-core/lib/transformation/transforers/spec", // Ignore babel-core spec
// Other Exclusions
"!node_modules/fuzzy-native/node_modules", // node_modules of the fuzzy-native package are only required for building it
// These are only required in dev-mode, when pegjs grammars aren't precompiled
// "!node_modules/loophole", // Note: We do need these packages. Because our PegJS files _aren't_ all pre-compiled.
// "!node_modules/pegjs", // Note: if these files are excluded, 'snippets' package breaks.
// "!node_modules/.bin/pegjs", // Note: https://github.com/pulsar-edit/pulsar/pull/206
"extraResources": [
"from": "pulsar.sh",
"to": "pulsar.sh"
}, {
"from": "ppm",
"to": "app/ppm"
}, {
"from": pngIcon,
"to": "pulsar.png"
}, {
"from": "LICENSE.md",
"to": "LICENSE.md"
compression: "normal",
deb: {
afterInstall: "script/post-install.sh",
afterRemove: "script/post-uninstall.sh",
rpm: {
afterInstall: "script/post-install.sh",
afterRemove: "script/post-uninstall.sh",
compression: 'xz',
fpm: ['--rpm-rpmbuild-define=_build_id_links none']
"linux": {
// Giving a single PNG icon to electron-builder prevents the correct
// construction of the icon path, so we have to specify a folder containing
// multiple icons named each with its size.
"icon": "resources/icons",
"category": "Development",
"synopsis": "A Community-led Hyper-Hackable Text Editor",
"target": [
{ target: "appimage" },
{ target: "deb" },
{ target: "rpm" },
{ target: "tar.gz" }
"extraResources": [
// Extra SVG icon included in the resources folder to give a chance to
// Linux packagers to add a scalable desktop icon under
// /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable
// (used only by desktops to show it on bar/switcher and app menus).
"from": svgIcon,
"to": "pulsar.svg"
"mac": {
"icon": icnsIcon,
"category": "public.app-category.developer-tools",
"minimumSystemVersion": "10.8",
"hardenedRuntime": true,
"extendInfo": {
// This contains extra values that will be inserted into the App's plist
"CFBundleExecutable": "Pulsar",
"NSAppleScriptEnabled": "YES",
"NSMainNibFile": "MainMenu",
"NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance": "NO",
"CFBundleDocumentTypes": macBundleDocumentTypes.create(),
"CFBundleURLTypes": [
{ "CFBundleURLSchemes": [ "atom" ] },
{ "CFBundleURLName": "Atom Shared Session Protocol" }
"dmg": {
"sign": false
"win": {
"icon": icoIcon,
"extraResources": [
"from": icoIcon,
"to": "pulsar.ico"
"from": "resources/win/pulsar.cmd",
"to": "pulsar.cmd"
"from": "resources/win/pulsar.js",
"to": "pulsar.js"
"from": "resources/win/modifyWindowsPath.ps1",
"to": "modifyWindowsPath.ps1"
"target": [
{ "target": "nsis" },
{ target: "zip" },
// Windows NSIS Configuration
"nsis": {
"oneClick": false,
"allowToChangeInstallationDirectory": true,
"uninstallDisplayName": "Pulsar",
"runAfterFinish": true,
"createDesktopShortcut": true,
"createStartMenuShortcut": true,
"guid": "0949b555-c22c-56b7-873a-a960bdefa81f",
// The GUID is generated from Electron-Builder based on our AppID
// Hardcoding it here means it will always be used as generated from
// the AppID 'dev.pulsar-edit.pulsar'. If this value ever changes,
// A PR to GitHub Desktop must be made with the updated value
"include": "resources/win/installer.nsh"
"extraMetadata": {
"afterSign": "script/mac-notarise.js",
"asarUnpack": [
"node_modules/github/lib/*", // Resolves Error in console
"**/node_modules/dugite/git/**", // Include dugite postInstall output (matching glob used for Atom)
"**/node_modules/spellchecker/**", // Matching Atom Glob
The below optional entitlements is needed for the following reasons:
- `allow-jit` needs to be applied on silicon builds for WASM to work:
- But setting `allow-jit` on Intel decreases performance of `fork()` operations
e.g. `require('child_process').spanw(...)`
- This monkey patch will no longer be needed when we can bump Electron
and get `libuv` `v1.42.0` as this issue is fixed upstream there
- See: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/105446
if (process.arch === "x64") {
options.mac.entitlements = "resources/mac/entitlements.intel.plist";
options.mac.entitlementsInherit = "resources/mac/entitlements.intel.plist";
} else {
options.mac.entitlements = "resources/mac/entitlements.silicon.plist";
options.mac.entitlementsInherit = "resources/mac/entitlements.silicon.plist";
function whatToBuild() {
const argvStartingWith = process.argv.findIndex(e => e.match('electron-builder.js'))
const what = process.argv[argvStartingWith + 1]
if(what) {
const filter = e => e.target === what
options.linux.target = options.linux.target.filter(filter)
options.win.target = options.win.target.filter(filter)
// options.mac.target = options.mac.target.filter(filter)
return options
} else {
return options
async function main() {
const package = await fs.readFile('package.json', "utf-8")
let options = whatToBuild()
options.extraMetadata = generateMetadata(JSON.parse(package))
config: options
}).then((result) => {
console.log("Built binaries")
fs.mkdir('binaries').catch(() => "")
Promise.all(result.map(r => fs.copyFile(r, path.join('binaries', path.basename(r)))))
}).catch((error) => {
console.error("Error building binaries")