Nathan Sobo c9a8585b49 🎨
2015-06-30 15:30:58 -05:00

891 lines
28 KiB

crypto = require 'crypto'
ipc = require 'ipc'
os = require 'os'
path = require 'path'
remote = require 'remote'
shell = require 'shell'
_ = require 'underscore-plus'
{deprecate, includeDeprecatedAPIs} = require 'grim'
{CompositeDisposable, Emitter} = require 'event-kit'
fs = require 'fs-plus'
{convertStackTrace, convertLine} = require 'coffeestack'
Model = require './model'
{$} = require './space-pen-extensions'
WindowEventHandler = require './window-event-handler'
StylesElement = require './styles-element'
StorageFolder = require './storage-folder'
# Essential: Atom global for dealing with packages, themes, menus, and the window.
# An instance of this class is always available as the `atom` global.
module.exports =
class Atom extends Model
@version: 1 # Increment this when the serialization format changes
# Load or create the Atom environment in the given mode.
# * `mode` A {String} mode that is either 'editor' or 'spec' depending on the
# kind of environment you want to build.
# Returns an Atom instance, fully initialized
@loadOrCreate: (mode) ->
startTime = Date.now()
atom = @deserialize(@loadState(mode)) ? new this({mode, @version})
atom.deserializeTimings.atom = Date.now() - startTime
if includeDeprecatedAPIs
workspaceViewDeprecationMessage = """
atom.workspaceView is no longer available.
In most cases you will not need the view. See the Workspace docs for
alternatives: https://atom.io/docs/api/latest/Workspace.
If you do need the view, please use `atom.views.getView(atom.workspace)`,
which returns an HTMLElement.
serviceHubDeprecationMessage = """
atom.services is no longer available. To register service providers and
consumers, use the `providedServices` and `consumedServices` fields in
your package's package.json.
Object.defineProperty atom, 'workspaceView',
get: ->
set: (newValue) ->
atom.__workspaceView = newValue
Object.defineProperty atom, 'services',
get: ->
set: (newValue) ->
atom.packages.serviceHub = newValue
# Deserializes the Atom environment from a state object
@deserialize: (state) ->
new this(state) if state?.version is @version
# Loads and returns the serialized state corresponding to this window
# if it exists; otherwise returns undefined.
@loadState: (mode) ->
if stateKey = @getStateKey(@getLoadSettings().initialPaths, mode)
if state = @getStorageFolder().load(stateKey)
return state
if windowState = @getLoadSettings().windowState
catch error
console.warn "Error parsing window state: #{statePath} #{error.stack}", error
# Returns the path where the state for the current window will be
# located if it exists.
@getStateKey: (paths, mode) ->
if mode is 'spec'
else if mode is 'editor' and paths?.length > 0
sha1 = crypto.createHash('sha1').update(paths.slice().sort().join("\n")).digest('hex')
# Get the directory path to Atom's configuration area.
# Returns the absolute path to ~/.atom
@getConfigDirPath: ->
@configDirPath ?= process.env.ATOM_HOME
@getStorageFolder: ->
@storageFolder ?= new StorageFolder(@getConfigDirPath())
# Returns the load settings hash associated with the current window.
@getLoadSettings: ->
@loadSettings ?= JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(location.hash.substr(1)))
cloned = _.deepClone(@loadSettings)
# The loadSettings.windowState could be large, request it only when needed.
cloned.__defineGetter__ 'windowState', =>
cloned.__defineSetter__ 'windowState', (value) =>
@getCurrentWindow().loadSettings.windowState = value
@updateLoadSetting: (key, value) ->
@loadSettings[key] = value
location.hash = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(@loadSettings))
@getCurrentWindow: ->
workspaceViewParentSelector: 'body'
lastUncaughtError: null
Section: Properties
# Public: A {CommandRegistry} instance
commands: null
# Public: A {Config} instance
config: null
# Public: A {Clipboard} instance
clipboard: null
# Public: A {ContextMenuManager} instance
contextMenu: null
# Public: A {MenuManager} instance
menu: null
# Public: A {KeymapManager} instance
keymaps: null
# Public: A {TooltipManager} instance
tooltips: null
# Public: A {NotificationManager} instance
notifications: null
# Public: A {Project} instance
project: null
# Public: A {GrammarRegistry} instance
grammars: null
# Public: A {PackageManager} instance
packages: null
# Public: A {ThemeManager} instance
themes: null
# Public: A {StyleManager} instance
styles: null
# Public: A {DeserializerManager} instance
deserializers: null
# Public: A {ViewRegistry} instance
views: null
# Public: A {Workspace} instance
workspace: null
Section: Construction and Destruction
# Call .loadOrCreate instead
constructor: (@state) ->
@emitter = new Emitter
@disposables = new CompositeDisposable
{@mode} = @state
DeserializerManager = require './deserializer-manager'
@deserializers = new DeserializerManager()
@deserializeTimings = {}
# Sets up the basic services that should be available in all modes
# (both spec and application).
# Call after this instance has been assigned to the `atom` global.
initialize: ->
sourceMapCache = {}
window.onerror = =>
@lastUncaughtError = Array::slice.call(arguments)
[message, url, line, column, originalError] = @lastUncaughtError
convertedLine = convertLine(url, line, column, sourceMapCache)
{line, column} = convertedLine if convertedLine?
originalError.stack = convertStackTrace(originalError.stack, sourceMapCache) if originalError
eventObject = {message, url, line, column, originalError}
openDevTools = true
eventObject.preventDefault = -> openDevTools = false
@emitter.emit 'will-throw-error', eventObject
if openDevTools
@emit 'uncaught-error', arguments... if includeDeprecatedAPIs
@emitter.emit 'did-throw-error', {message, url, line, column, originalError}
@disposables = new CompositeDisposable
@displayWindow() unless @inSpecMode()
@loadTime = null
Config = require './config'
KeymapManager = require './keymap-extensions'
ViewRegistry = require './view-registry'
CommandRegistry = require './command-registry'
TooltipManager = require './tooltip-manager'
NotificationManager = require './notification-manager'
PackageManager = require './package-manager'
Clipboard = require './clipboard'
GrammarRegistry = require './grammar-registry'
ThemeManager = require './theme-manager'
StyleManager = require './style-manager'
ContextMenuManager = require './context-menu-manager'
MenuManager = require './menu-manager'
{devMode, safeMode, resourcePath} = @getLoadSettings()
configDirPath = @getConfigDirPath()
# Add 'exports' to module search path.
exportsPath = path.join(resourcePath, 'exports')
# Still set NODE_PATH since tasks may need it.
process.env.NODE_PATH = exportsPath
# Make react.js faster
process.env.NODE_ENV ?= 'production' unless devMode
@config = new Config({configDirPath, resourcePath})
@keymaps = new KeymapManager({configDirPath, resourcePath})
if includeDeprecatedAPIs
@keymap = @keymaps # Deprecated
@tooltips = new TooltipManager
@notifications = new NotificationManager
@commands = new CommandRegistry
@views = new ViewRegistry
@packages = new PackageManager({devMode, configDirPath, resourcePath, safeMode})
@styles = new StyleManager
document.head.appendChild(new StylesElement)
@themes = new ThemeManager({packageManager: @packages, configDirPath, resourcePath, safeMode})
@contextMenu = new ContextMenuManager({resourcePath, devMode})
@menu = new MenuManager({resourcePath})
@clipboard = new Clipboard()
@grammars = @deserializers.deserialize(@state.grammars ? @state.syntax) ? new GrammarRegistry()
if includeDeprecatedAPIs
Object.defineProperty this, 'syntax', get: ->
deprecate "The atom.syntax global is deprecated. Use atom.grammars instead."
@disposables.add @packages.onDidActivateInitialPackages => @watchThemes()
Project = require './project'
TextBuffer = require 'text-buffer'
TokenizedBuffer = require './tokenized-buffer'
DisplayBuffer = require './display-buffer'
TextEditor = require './text-editor'
@windowEventHandler = new WindowEventHandler
Section: Event Subscription
# Extended: Invoke the given callback whenever {::beep} is called.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called whenever {::beep} is called.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidBeep: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-beep', callback
# Extended: Invoke the given callback when there is an unhandled error, but
# before the devtools pop open
# * `callback` {Function} to be called whenever there is an unhandled error
# * `event` {Object}
# * `originalError` {Object} the original error object
# * `message` {String} the original error object
# * `url` {String} Url to the file where the error originated.
# * `line` {Number}
# * `column` {Number}
# * `preventDefault` {Function} call this to avoid popping up the dev tools.
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onWillThrowError: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'will-throw-error', callback
# Extended: Invoke the given callback whenever there is an unhandled error.
# * `callback` {Function} to be called whenever there is an unhandled error
# * `event` {Object}
# * `originalError` {Object} the original error object
# * `message` {String} the original error object
# * `url` {String} Url to the file where the error originated.
# * `line` {Number}
# * `column` {Number}
# Returns a {Disposable} on which `.dispose()` can be called to unsubscribe.
onDidThrowError: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-throw-error', callback
# TODO: Make this part of the public API. We should make onDidThrowError
# match the interface by only yielding an exception object to the handler
# and deprecating the old behavior.
onDidFailAssertion: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'did-fail-assertion', callback
Section: Atom Details
# Public: Is the current window in development mode?
inDevMode: ->
@devMode ?= @getLoadSettings().devMode
# Public: Is the current window in safe mode?
inSafeMode: ->
@safeMode ?= @getLoadSettings().safeMode
# Public: Is the current window running specs?
inSpecMode: ->
@specMode ?= @getLoadSettings().isSpec
# Public: Get the version of the Atom application.
# Returns the version text {String}.
getVersion: ->
@appVersion ?= @getLoadSettings().appVersion
# Public: Determine whether the current version is an official release.
isReleasedVersion: ->
not /\w{7}/.test(@getVersion()) # Check if the release is a 7-character SHA prefix
# Public: Get the directory path to Atom's configuration area.
# Returns the absolute path to `~/.atom`.
getConfigDirPath: ->
# Public: Get the time taken to completely load the current window.
# This time include things like loading and activating packages, creating
# DOM elements for the editor, and reading the config.
# Returns the {Number} of milliseconds taken to load the window or null
# if the window hasn't finished loading yet.
getWindowLoadTime: ->
# Public: Get the load settings for the current window.
# Returns an {Object} containing all the load setting key/value pairs.
getLoadSettings: ->
Section: Managing The Atom Window
# Essential: Open a new Atom window using the given options.
# Calling this method without an options parameter will open a prompt to pick
# a file/folder to open in the new window.
# * `options` An {Object} with the following keys:
# * `pathsToOpen` An {Array} of {String} paths to open.
# * `newWindow` A {Boolean}, true to always open a new window instead of
# reusing existing windows depending on the paths to open.
# * `devMode` A {Boolean}, true to open the window in development mode.
# Development mode loads the Atom source from the locally cloned
# repository and also loads all the packages in ~/.atom/dev/packages
# * `safeMode` A {Boolean}, true to open the window in safe mode. Safe
# mode prevents all packages installed to ~/.atom/packages from loading.
open: (options) ->
ipc.send('open', options)
# Extended: Prompt the user to select one or more folders.
# * `callback` A {Function} to call once the user has confirmed the selection.
# * `paths` An {Array} of {String} paths that the user selected, or `null`
# if the user dismissed the dialog.
pickFolder: (callback) ->
responseChannel = "atom-pick-folder-response"
ipc.on responseChannel, (path) ->
ipc.send("pick-folder", responseChannel)
# Essential: Close the current window.
close: ->
# Essential: Get the size of current window.
# Returns an {Object} in the format `{width: 1000, height: 700}`
getSize: ->
[width, height] = @getCurrentWindow().getSize()
{width, height}
# Essential: Set the size of current window.
# * `width` The {Number} of pixels.
# * `height` The {Number} of pixels.
setSize: (width, height) ->
@getCurrentWindow().setSize(width, height)
# Essential: Get the position of current window.
# Returns an {Object} in the format `{x: 10, y: 20}`
getPosition: ->
[x, y] = @getCurrentWindow().getPosition()
{x, y}
# Essential: Set the position of current window.
# * `x` The {Number} of pixels.
# * `y` The {Number} of pixels.
setPosition: (x, y) ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'setPosition', x, y)
# Extended: Get the current window
getCurrentWindow: ->
# Extended: Move current window to the center of the screen.
center: ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'center')
# Extended: Focus the current window.
focus: ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'focus')
# Extended: Show the current window.
show: ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'show')
# Extended: Hide the current window.
hide: ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'hide')
# Extended: Reload the current window.
reload: ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'restart')
# Extended: Returns a {Boolean} true when the current window is maximized.
isMaximized: ->
isMaximixed: ->
deprecate "Use atom.isMaximized() instead"
maximize: ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'maximize')
# Extended: Is the current window in full screen mode?
isFullScreen: ->
# Extended: Set the full screen state of the current window.
setFullScreen: (fullScreen=false) ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'setFullScreen', fullScreen)
if fullScreen
# Extended: Toggle the full screen state of the current window.
toggleFullScreen: ->
@setFullScreen(not @isFullScreen())
# Restore the window to its previous dimensions and show it.
# Also restores the full screen and maximized state on the next tick to
# prevent resize glitches.
displayWindow: ->
dimensions = @restoreWindowDimensions()
setImmediate =>
@setFullScreen(true) if @workspace?.fullScreen
@maximize() if dimensions?.maximized and process.platform isnt 'darwin'
# Get the dimensions of this window.
# Returns an {Object} with the following keys:
# * `x` The window's x-position {Number}.
# * `y` The window's y-position {Number}.
# * `width` The window's width {Number}.
# * `height` The window's height {Number}.
getWindowDimensions: ->
browserWindow = @getCurrentWindow()
[x, y] = browserWindow.getPosition()
[width, height] = browserWindow.getSize()
maximized = browserWindow.isMaximized()
{x, y, width, height, maximized}
# Set the dimensions of the window.
# The window will be centered if either the x or y coordinate is not set
# in the dimensions parameter. If x or y are omitted the window will be
# centered. If height or width are omitted only the position will be changed.
# * `dimensions` An {Object} with the following keys:
# * `x` The new x coordinate.
# * `y` The new y coordinate.
# * `width` The new width.
# * `height` The new height.
setWindowDimensions: ({x, y, width, height}) ->
if width? and height?
@setSize(width, height)
if x? and y?
@setPosition(x, y)
# Returns true if the dimensions are useable, false if they should be ignored.
# Work around for https://github.com/atom/atom-shell/issues/473
isValidDimensions: ({x, y, width, height}={}) ->
width > 0 and height > 0 and x + width > 0 and y + height > 0
storeDefaultWindowDimensions: ->
dimensions = @getWindowDimensions()
if @isValidDimensions(dimensions)
localStorage.setItem("defaultWindowDimensions", JSON.stringify(dimensions))
getDefaultWindowDimensions: ->
{windowDimensions} = @getLoadSettings()
return windowDimensions if windowDimensions?
dimensions = null
dimensions = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("defaultWindowDimensions"))
catch error
console.warn "Error parsing default window dimensions", error
if @isValidDimensions(dimensions)
screen = remote.require 'screen'
{width, height} = screen.getPrimaryDisplay().workAreaSize
{x: 0, y: 0, width: Math.min(1024, width), height}
restoreWindowDimensions: ->
dimensions = @state.windowDimensions
unless @isValidDimensions(dimensions)
dimensions = @getDefaultWindowDimensions()
storeWindowDimensions: ->
dimensions = @getWindowDimensions()
@state.windowDimensions = dimensions if @isValidDimensions(dimensions)
storeWindowBackground: ->
return if @inSpecMode()
workspaceElement = @views.getView(@workspace)
backgroundColor = window.getComputedStyle(workspaceElement)['background-color']
window.localStorage.setItem('atom:window-background-color', backgroundColor)
# Call this method when establishing a real application window.
startEditorWindow: ->
{safeMode} = @getLoadSettings()
CommandInstaller = require './command-installer'
CommandInstaller.installAtomCommand false, (error) ->
console.warn error.message if error?
CommandInstaller.installApmCommand false, (error) ->
console.warn error.message if error?
@requireUserInitScript() unless safeMode
@disposables.add @config.onDidChange 'core.autoHideMenuBar', ({newValue}) =>
@setAutoHideMenuBar(true) if @config.get('core.autoHideMenuBar')
unloadEditorWindow: ->
return if not @project
@state.grammars = @grammars.serialize()
@state.project = @project.serialize()
@state.workspace = @workspace.serialize()
@state.packageStates = @packages.packageStates
@windowState = null
removeEditorWindow: ->
return if not @project
@workspace = null
@project = null
openInitialEmptyEditorIfNecessary: ->
if @getLoadSettings().initialPaths?.length is 0 and @workspace.getPaneItems().length is 0
Section: Messaging the User
# Essential: Visually and audibly trigger a beep.
beep: ->
shell.beep() if @config.get('core.audioBeep')
@__workspaceView?.trigger 'beep'
@emitter.emit 'did-beep'
# Essential: A flexible way to open a dialog akin to an alert dialog.
# ## Examples
# ```coffee
# atom.confirm
# message: 'How you feeling?'
# detailedMessage: 'Be honest.'
# buttons:
# Good: -> window.alert('good to hear')
# Bad: -> window.alert('bummer')
# ```
# * `options` An {Object} with the following keys:
# * `message` The {String} message to display.
# * `detailedMessage` (optional) The {String} detailed message to display.
# * `buttons` (optional) Either an array of strings or an object where keys are
# button names and the values are callbacks to invoke when clicked.
# Returns the chosen button index {Number} if the buttons option was an array.
confirm: ({message, detailedMessage, buttons}={}) ->
buttons ?= {}
if _.isArray(buttons)
buttonLabels = buttons
buttonLabels = Object.keys(buttons)
dialog = remote.require('dialog')
chosen = dialog.showMessageBox @getCurrentWindow(),
type: 'info'
message: message
detail: detailedMessage
buttons: buttonLabels
if _.isArray(buttons)
callback = buttons[buttonLabels[chosen]]
Section: Managing the Dev Tools
# Extended: Open the dev tools for the current window.
openDevTools: ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'openDevTools')
# Extended: Toggle the visibility of the dev tools for the current window.
toggleDevTools: ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'toggleDevTools')
# Extended: Execute code in dev tools.
executeJavaScriptInDevTools: (code) ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'executeJavaScriptInDevTools', code)
Section: Private
assert: (condition, message, metadata) ->
return true if condition
error = new Error("Assertion failed: #{message}")
Error.captureStackTrace(error, @assert)
if metadata?
if typeof metadata is 'function'
error.metadata = metadata()
error.metadata = metadata
@emitter.emit 'did-fail-assertion', error
deserializeProject: ->
Project = require './project'
startTime = Date.now()
@project ?= @deserializers.deserialize(@state.project) ? new Project()
@deserializeTimings.project = Date.now() - startTime
deserializeWorkspaceView: ->
Workspace = require './workspace'
if includeDeprecatedAPIs
WorkspaceView = require './workspace-view'
startTime = Date.now()
@workspace = Workspace.deserialize(@state.workspace) ? new Workspace
workspaceElement = @views.getView(@workspace)
if includeDeprecatedAPIs
@__workspaceView = workspaceElement.__spacePenView
@deserializeTimings.workspace = Date.now() - startTime
@keymaps.defaultTarget = workspaceElement
deserializePackageStates: ->
@packages.packageStates = @state.packageStates ? {}
delete @state.packageStates
deserializeEditorWindow: ->
loadConfig: ->
@config.setSchema null, {type: 'object', properties: _.clone(require('./config-schema'))}
loadThemes: ->
watchThemes: ->
@themes.onDidChangeActiveThemes =>
# Only reload stylesheets from non-theme packages
for pack in @packages.getActivePackages() when pack.getType() isnt 'theme'
# Notify the browser project of the window's current project path
watchProjectPath: ->
@disposables.add @project.onDidChangePaths =>
@constructor.updateLoadSetting('initialPaths', @project.getPaths())
exit: (status) ->
app = remote.require('app')
setDocumentEdited: (edited) ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'setDocumentEdited', edited)
setRepresentedFilename: (filename) ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'setRepresentedFilename', filename)
addProjectFolder: ->
@pickFolder (selectedPaths = []) =>
@project.addPath(selectedPath) for selectedPath in selectedPaths
showSaveDialog: (callback) ->
showSaveDialogSync: (options={}) ->
if _.isString(options)
options = defaultPath: options
options = _.clone(options)
currentWindow = @getCurrentWindow()
dialog = remote.require('dialog')
options.title ?= 'Save File'
options.defaultPath ?= @project?.getPaths()[0]
dialog.showSaveDialog currentWindow, options
saveSync: ->
if storageKey = @constructor.getStateKey(@project?.getPaths(), @mode)
@constructor.getStorageFolder().store(storageKey, @state)
@getCurrentWindow().loadSettings.windowState = JSON.stringify(@state)
crashMainProcess: ->
crashRenderProcess: ->
getUserInitScriptPath: ->
initScriptPath = fs.resolve(@getConfigDirPath(), 'init', ['js', 'coffee'])
initScriptPath ? path.join(@getConfigDirPath(), 'init.coffee')
requireUserInitScript: ->
if userInitScriptPath = @getUserInitScriptPath()
require(userInitScriptPath) if fs.isFileSync(userInitScriptPath)
catch error
atom.notifications.addError "Failed to load `#{userInitScriptPath}`",
detail: error.message
dismissable: true
# Require the module with the given globals.
# The globals will be set on the `window` object and removed after the
# require completes.
# * `id` The {String} module name or path.
# * `globals` An optional {Object} to set as globals during require.
requireWithGlobals: (id, globals={}) ->
existingGlobals = {}
for key, value of globals
existingGlobals[key] = window[key]
window[key] = value
for key, value of existingGlobals
if value is undefined
delete window[key]
window[key] = value
onUpdateAvailable: (callback) ->
@emitter.on 'update-available', callback
updateAvailable: (details) ->
@emitter.emit 'update-available', details
setBodyPlatformClass: ->
setAutoHideMenuBar: (autoHide) ->
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'setAutoHideMenuBar', autoHide)
ipc.send('call-window-method', 'setMenuBarVisibility', not autoHide)
if includeDeprecatedAPIs
# Deprecated: Callers should be converted to use atom.deserializers
Atom::registerRepresentationClass = ->
deprecate("Callers should be converted to use atom.deserializers")
# Deprecated: Callers should be converted to use atom.deserializers
Atom::registerRepresentationClasses = ->
deprecate("Callers should be converted to use atom.deserializers")