2013-09-20 10:03:02 -07:00

111 lines
4.0 KiB

Directory = require '../src/directory'
{fs} = require 'atom'
path = require 'path'
describe "Directory", ->
directory = null
beforeEach ->
directory = new Directory(path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures'))
afterEach ->
describe "when the contents of the directory change on disk", ->
temporaryFilePath = null
beforeEach ->
temporaryFilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'temporary')
fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) if fs.exists(temporaryFilePath)
afterEach ->
fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) if fs.exists(temporaryFilePath)
it "triggers 'contents-changed' event handlers", ->
changeHandler = null
runs ->
changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler')
directory.on 'contents-changed', changeHandler
fs.writeSync(temporaryFilePath, '')
waitsFor "first change", -> changeHandler.callCount > 0
runs ->
waitsFor "second change", -> changeHandler.callCount > 0
describe "when the directory unsubscribes from events", ->
temporaryFilePath = null
beforeEach ->
temporaryFilePath = path.join(directory.path, 'temporary')
fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) if fs.exists(temporaryFilePath)
afterEach ->
fs.remove(temporaryFilePath) if fs.exists(temporaryFilePath)
it "no longer triggers events", ->
changeHandler = null
runs ->
changeHandler = jasmine.createSpy('changeHandler')
directory.on 'contents-changed', changeHandler
fs.writeSync(temporaryFilePath, '')
waitsFor "change event", -> changeHandler.callCount > 0
runs ->
waits 20
runs -> fs.remove(temporaryFilePath)
waits 20
runs -> expect(changeHandler.callCount).toBe 0
it "includes symlink information about entries", ->
entries = directory.getEntries()
for entry in entries
name = entry.getBaseName()
if name is 'symlink-to-dir' or name is 'symlink-to-file'
describe ".relativize(path)", ->
it "returns a relative path based on the directory's path", ->
absolutePath = directory.getPath()
expect(directory.relativize(absolutePath)).toBe ''
expect(directory.relativize(path.join(absolutePath, "b"))).toBe "b"
expect(directory.relativize(path.join(absolutePath, "b/file.coffee"))).toBe "b/file.coffee"
expect(directory.relativize(path.join(absolutePath, "file.coffee"))).toBe "file.coffee"
it "returns a relative path based on the directory's symlinked source path", ->
symlinkPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'symlink-to-dir')
symlinkDirectory = new Directory(symlinkPath)
realFilePath = require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a')
expect(symlinkDirectory.relativize(symlinkPath)).toBe ''
expect(symlinkDirectory.relativize(realFilePath)).toBe 'a'
it "returns the full path if the directory's path is not a prefix of the path", ->
expect(directory.relativize('/not/relative')).toBe '/not/relative'
describe ".contains(path)", ->
it "returns true if the path is a child of the directory's path", ->
absolutePath = directory.getPath()
expect(directory.contains(path.join(absolutePath, "b"))).toBe true
expect(directory.contains(path.join(absolutePath, "b", "file.coffee"))).toBe true
expect(directory.contains(path.join(absolutePath, "file.coffee"))).toBe true
it "returns true if the path is a child of the directory's symlinked source path", ->
symlinkPath = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'symlink-to-dir')
symlinkDirectory = new Directory(symlinkPath)
realFilePath = require.resolve('./fixtures/dir/a')
expect(symlinkDirectory.contains(realFilePath)).toBe true
it "returns false if the directory's path is not a prefix of the path", ->
expect(directory.contains('/not/relative')).toBe false