
143 lines
5.1 KiB

_ = require 'underscore-plus'
CharacterPattern = ///
module.exports =
activate: ->
@commandDisposable = atom.commands.add 'atom-text-editor',
'autoflow:reflow-selection': (event) =>
deactivate: ->
@commandDisposable = null
reflowSelection: (editor) ->
range = editor.getSelectedBufferRange()
range = editor.getCurrentParagraphBufferRange() if range.isEmpty()
return unless range?
reflowOptions =
wrapColumn: @getPreferredLineLength(editor)
tabLength: @getTabLength(editor)
reflowedText = @reflow(editor.getTextInRange(range), reflowOptions)
editor.getBuffer().setTextInRange(range, reflowedText)
reflow: (text, {wrapColumn, tabLength}) ->
paragraphs = []
# Convert all \r\n and \r to \n. The text buffer will normalize them later
text = text.replace(/\r\n?/g, '\n')
leadingVerticalSpace = text.match(/^\s*\n/)
if leadingVerticalSpace
text = text.substr(leadingVerticalSpace.length)
leadingVerticalSpace = ''
trailingVerticalSpace = text.match(/\n\s*$/)
if trailingVerticalSpace
text = text.substr(0, text.length - trailingVerticalSpace.length)
trailingVerticalSpace = ''
paragraphBlocks = text.split(/\n\s*\n/g)
if tabLength
tabLengthInSpaces = Array(tabLength + 1).join(' ')
tabLengthInSpaces = ''
for block in paragraphBlocks
blockLines = block.split('\n')
# For LaTeX tags surrounding the text, we simply ignore them, and
# reproduce them verbatim in the wrapped text.
beginningLinesToIgnore = []
endingLinesToIgnore = []
latexTagRegex = /^\s*\\\w+(\[.*\])?\{\w+\}(\[.*\])?\s*$/g # e.g. \begin{verbatim}
latexTagStartRegex = /^\s*\\\w+\s*\{\s*$/g # e.g. \item{
latexTagEndRegex = /^\s*\}\s*$/g # e.g. }
while blockLines.length > 0 and (
blockLines[0].match(latexTagRegex) or
while blockLines.length > 0 and (
blockLines[blockLines.length - 1].match(latexTagRegex) or
blockLines[blockLines.length - 1].match(latexTagEndRegex))
endingLinesToIgnore.unshift(blockLines[blockLines.length - 1])
# The paragraph might be a LaTeX section with no text, only tags:
# \documentclass{article}
# In that case, we have nothing to reflow.
# Push the tags verbatim and continue to the next paragraph.
unless blockLines.length > 0
# TODO: this could be more language specific. Use the actual comment char.
# Remember that `-` has to be the last character in the character class.
linePrefix = blockLines[0].match(/^\s*(\/\/|\/\*|;;|#'|\|\|\||--|[#%*>-])?\s*/g)[0]
linePrefixTabExpanded = linePrefix
if tabLengthInSpaces
linePrefixTabExpanded = linePrefix.replace(/\t/g, tabLengthInSpaces)
if linePrefix
escapedLinePrefix = _.escapeRegExp(linePrefix)
blockLines = blockLines.map (blockLine) ->
blockLine.replace(///^#{escapedLinePrefix}///, '')
blockLines = blockLines.map (blockLine) ->
blockLine.replace(/^\s+/, '')
lines = []
currentLine = []
currentLineLength = linePrefixTabExpanded.length
wrappedLinePrefix = linePrefix
.replace(/^(\s*)\/\*/, '$1 ')
.replace(/^(\s*)-(?!-)/, '$1 ')
firstLine = true
for segment in @segmentText(blockLines.join(' '))
if @wrapSegment(segment, currentLineLength, wrapColumn)
# Independent of line prefix don't mess with it on the first line
if firstLine isnt true
# Handle C comments
if linePrefix.search(/^\s*\/\*/) isnt -1 or linePrefix.search(/^\s*-(?!-)/) isnt -1
linePrefix = wrappedLinePrefix
lines.push(linePrefix + currentLine.join(''))
currentLine = []
currentLineLength = linePrefixTabExpanded.length
firstLine = false
currentLineLength += segment.length
lines.push(linePrefix + currentLine.join(''))
wrappedLines = beginningLinesToIgnore.concat(lines.concat(endingLinesToIgnore))
paragraphs.push(wrappedLines.join('\n').replace(/\s+\n/g, '\n'))
return leadingVerticalSpace + paragraphs.join('\n\n') + trailingVerticalSpace
getTabLength: (editor) ->
atom.config.get('editor.tabLength', scope: editor.getRootScopeDescriptor()) ? 2
getPreferredLineLength: (editor) ->
atom.config.get('editor.preferredLineLength', scope: editor.getRootScopeDescriptor())
wrapSegment: (segment, currentLineLength, wrapColumn) ->
CharacterPattern.test(segment) and
(currentLineLength + segment.length > wrapColumn) and
(currentLineLength > 0 or segment.length < wrapColumn)
segmentText: (text) ->
segments = []
re = /[\s]+|[^\s]+/g
segments.push(match[0]) while match = re.exec(text)