Chris Wanstrath 7a773615f2 JSCocoa
2011-08-18 22:10:11 -07:00

1358 lines
40 KiB

// JSCocoaFFIArgument.m
// JSCocoa
// Created by Patrick Geiller on 14/07/08.
// Copyright 2008 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.
#import "JSCocoaFFIArgument.h"
#import "JSCocoaController.h"
#import "JSCocoaPrivateObject.h"
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import "GDataDefines.h"
#import "GDataXMLNode.h"
@implementation JSCocoaFFIArgument
- (id)init
self = [super init];
ptr = NULL;
typeEncoding = 0;
isReturnValue = NO;
ownsStorage = YES;
isOutArgument = NO;
structureTypeEncoding = nil;
structureType.elements = NULL;
pointerTypeEncoding = nil;
// Used to store string data while converting JSStrings to char*
customData = nil;
return self;
- (void)cleanUp
if (structureTypeEncoding) [structureTypeEncoding release];
if (pointerTypeEncoding) [pointerTypeEncoding release];
if (ptr && ownsStorage) free(ptr);
if (customData) [customData release];
if (structureType.elements) free(structureType.elements);
ptr = NULL;
- (void)dealloc
[self cleanUp];
[super dealloc];
- (void)finalize
[self cleanUp];
[super finalize];
- (NSString*)description
return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"JSCocoaFFIArgument %p typeEncoding=%c %@ isReturnValue=%d storage=%p", self,
(structureTypeEncoding ? structureTypeEncoding : @""),
isReturnValue, ptr];
+ (NSString*)typeDescriptionForTypeEncoding:(char)typeEncoding fullTypeEncoding:(NSString*)fullTypeEncoding
switch (typeEncoding)
case _C_VOID: return @"void";
case _C_ID: return @"ObjC object";
case _C_CLASS: return @"ObjC class";
case _C_CHR: return @"char";
case _C_UCHR: return @"unsigned char";
case _C_SHT: return @"short";
case _C_USHT: return @"unsigned short";
case _C_INT: return @"int";
case _C_UINT: return @"unsigned int";
case _C_LNG: return @"long";
case _C_ULNG: return @"unsigned long";
case _C_LNG_LNG: return @"long long";
case _C_ULNG_LNG:return @"unsigned long long";
case _C_FLT: return @"float";
case _C_DBL: return @"double";
case '{':
// Special case for getting raw JSValues to ObjC
BOOL isJSStruct = [fullTypeEncoding hasPrefix:@"{JSValueRefAndContextRef"];
if (isJSStruct)
return @"(JSCocoa structure used to pass JSValueRef without conversion)";
// if (!JSValueIsObject(ctx, value)) return NO;
// JSObjectRef object = JSValueToObject(ctx, value, NULL);
// void* p = ptr;
// id r = [JSCocoaFFIArgument structureFullTypeEncodingFromStructureTypeEncoding:fullTypeEncoding];
// if (!r) return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(unknown structure %@)", fullTypeEncoding];
return [JSCocoaFFIArgument structureTypeEncodingDescription:fullTypeEncoding];
case _C_SEL: return @"selector";
case _C_CHARPTR: return @"char*";
case _C_BOOL: return @"BOOL";
case _C_PTR: return @"pointer";
case _C_UNDEF: return @"(function pointer or block?)";
return @"(unknown)";
- (NSString*)typeDescription
return [[self class] typeDescriptionForTypeEncoding:typeEncoding fullTypeEncoding:structureTypeEncoding];
#pragma mark Getters / Setters
// Needed because libffi needs at least sizeof(long) as return value storage
- (void)setIsReturnValue:(BOOL)v
isReturnValue = v;
- (BOOL)isReturnValue
return isReturnValue;
- (void)setIsOutArgument:(BOOL)v
isOutArgument = v;
- (BOOL)isOutArgument
return isOutArgument;
- (char)typeEncoding
return typeEncoding;
- (BOOL)setTypeEncoding:(char)encoding
if ([JSCocoaFFIArgument sizeOfTypeEncoding:encoding] == -1) {
NSLog(@"Bad type encoding %c", encoding);
return NO;
typeEncoding = encoding;
[self allocateStorage];
return YES;
- (BOOL)setTypeEncoding:(char)encoding withCustomStorage:(void*)storagePtr
if ([JSCocoaFFIArgument sizeOfTypeEncoding:encoding] == -1) {
NSLog(@"Bad type encoding %c", encoding);
return NO;
typeEncoding = encoding;
ownsStorage = NO;
ptr = storagePtr;
return YES;
- (NSString*)structureTypeEncoding
return structureTypeEncoding;
- (void)setStructureTypeEncoding:(NSString*)encoding
[self setStructureTypeEncoding:encoding withCustomStorage:NULL];
- (void)setStructureTypeEncoding:(NSString*)encoding withCustomStorage:(void*)storagePtr
typeEncoding = '{';
structureTypeEncoding = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:encoding];
if (storagePtr)
ownsStorage = NO;
ptr = storagePtr;
else [self allocateStorage];
id types = [JSCocoaFFIArgument typeEncodingsFromStructureTypeEncoding:encoding];
NSUInteger elementCount = [types count];
// Build FFI type
structureType.size = 0;
structureType.alignment = 0;
structureType.type = FFI_TYPE_STRUCT;
structureType.elements = malloc(sizeof(ffi_type*)*(elementCount+1)); // +1 is trailing NULL
int i = 0;
for (id type in types)
char charEncoding = *(char*)[type UTF8String];
structureType.elements[i++] = [JSCocoaFFIArgument ffi_typeForTypeEncoding:charEncoding];
structureType.elements[elementCount] = NULL;
// type o handling
// (pointers passed as arguments to a function, function writes values to these arguments)
- (void)setPointerTypeEncoding:(NSString*)encoding
typeEncoding = '^';
pointerTypeEncoding = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:encoding];
- (id)pointerTypeEncoding
return pointerTypeEncoding;
- (ffi_type*)ffi_type
if (!typeEncoding) return NULL;
if (pointerTypeEncoding) return &ffi_type_pointer;
if (typeEncoding == '{') return &structureType;
return [JSCocoaFFIArgument ffi_typeForTypeEncoding:typeEncoding];
#pragma mark Storage
- (void*)allocateStorage
if (!typeEncoding) return NSLog(@"No type encoding set in %@", self), NULL;
// NO ! will destroy structureTypeEncoding
// [self cleanUp];
// Special case for structs
if (typeEncoding == '{')
// NSLog(@"allocateStorage: Allocating struct");
// Some front padding for alignment and tail padding for structure
// ( http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/Conceptual/LowLevelABI/Articles/IA32.html )
// Structures are tail-padded to 32-bit multiples.
// +16 for alignment
// +4 for tail padding
// ptr = malloc([JSCocoaFFIArgument sizeOfStructure:structureTypeEncoding] + 16 + 4);
ptr = malloc([JSCocoaFFIArgument sizeOfStructure:structureTypeEncoding] + 4);
return ptr;
int size = [JSCocoaFFIArgument sizeOfTypeEncoding:typeEncoding];
// Bail if we can't handle our type
if (size == -1) return NSLog(@"Can't handle type %c", typeEncoding), NULL;
if (size >= 0)
int minimalReturnSize = sizeof(long);
if (isReturnValue && size < minimalReturnSize) size = minimalReturnSize;
ptr = malloc(size);
// NSLog(@"Allocated size=%d (%p) for object %@", size, ptr, self);
return ptr;
// type o : out arguments (eg fn(int* pointerToIntResult))
- (void*)allocatePointerStorage
typeEncoding = [pointerTypeEncoding UTF8String][1];
if (typeEncoding == '{')
structureTypeEncoding = [pointerTypeEncoding substringFromIndex:1];
[structureTypeEncoding retain];
[self allocateStorage];
return ptr;
- (void**)storage
if (typeEncoding == '{')
int alignOnSize = 16;
int address = (int)ptr;
if ((address % alignOnSize) != 0)
address = (address+alignOnSize) & ~(alignOnSize-1);
if (pointerTypeEncoding) return &ptr;
// return (void**)address;
// Type o : return writable address
// if (pointerTypeEncoding)
if (isOutArgument)
return &ptr;
return ptr;
- (void**)rawStoragePointer
return ptr;
// This destroys the original pointer value by modifying it in place : maybe change to returning the new address ?
+ (void)alignPtr:(void**)ptr accordingToEncoding:(char)encoding
int alignOnSize = [JSCocoaFFIArgument alignmentOfTypeEncoding:encoding];
long address = (long)*ptr;
if ((address % alignOnSize) != 0)
address = (address+alignOnSize) & ~(alignOnSize-1);
// NSLog(@"alignOf(%c)=%d", encoding, alignOnSize);
*ptr = (void*)address;
// This destroys the original pointer value by modifying it in place : maybe change to returning the new address ?
+ (void)advancePtr:(void**)ptr accordingToEncoding:(char)encoding
long address = (long)*ptr;
address += [JSCocoaFFIArgument sizeOfTypeEncoding:encoding];
*ptr = (void*)address;
#pragma mark Conversion
// Convert from js value
- (BOOL)fromJSValueRef:(JSValueRef)value inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx
BOOL r = [JSCocoaFFIArgument fromJSValueRef:value inContext:ctx typeEncoding:typeEncoding fullTypeEncoding:structureTypeEncoding?structureTypeEncoding:pointerTypeEncoding fromStorage:ptr];
if (!r)
NSLog(@"fromJSValueRef FAILED, jsType=%d encoding=%c structureEncoding=%@", JSValueGetType(ctx, value), typeEncoding, structureTypeEncoding);
return r;
+ (BOOL)fromJSValueRef:(JSValueRef)value inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx typeEncoding:(char)typeEncoding fullTypeEncoding:(NSString*)fullTypeEncoding fromStorage:(void*)ptr
if (!typeEncoding) return NO;
// JSType type = JSValueGetType(ctx, value);
// NSLog(@"JSType=%d encoding=%c self=%p", type, typeEncoding, self);
switch (typeEncoding)
case _C_ID:
case _C_CLASS:
return [self unboxJSValueRef:value toObject:ptr inContext:ctx];
case _C_CHR:
case _C_UCHR:
case _C_SHT:
case _C_USHT:
case _C_INT:
case _C_UINT:
case _C_LNG:
case _C_ULNG:
case _C_LNG_LNG:
case _C_ULNG_LNG:
case _C_FLT:
case _C_DBL:
double number = JSValueToNumber(ctx, value, NULL);
// unsigned int u = number;
// NSLog(@"type=%d typeEncoding=%c n=%f uint=%d, %d", JSValueGetType(ctx, value), typeEncoding, number, (unsigned int)number, u);
switch (typeEncoding)
case _C_CHR: *(char*)ptr = (char)number; break;
case _C_UCHR: *(unsigned char*)ptr = (unsigned char)number; break;
case _C_SHT: *(short*)ptr = (short)number; break;
case _C_USHT: *(unsigned short*)ptr = (unsigned short)number; break;
case _C_INT:
case _C_UINT:
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
// Two step conversion : to unsigned int then to int. One step conversion fails on PPC.
unsigned int uint = (unsigned int)number;
*(signed int*)ptr = (signed int)uint;
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
*(int*)ptr = (int)number;
case _C_UINT:
// Two step conversion : to unsigned int then to int. One step conversion fails on PPC.
int uint = (int)number;
unsigned int u = (unsigned)uint;
NSLog(@"%d %u", uint, u);
*(signed int*)ptr = (signed int)uint;
// case _C_UINT: *(unsigned int*)ptr = (unsigned int)number; break;
case _C_LNG: *(long*)ptr = (long)number; break;
case _C_ULNG: *(unsigned long*)ptr = (unsigned long)number; break;
case _C_LNG_LNG: *(long long*)ptr = (long long)number; break;
case _C_ULNG_LNG: *(unsigned long long*)ptr = (unsigned long long)number; break;
case _C_FLT: *(float*)ptr = (float)number; break;
case _C_DBL: *(double*)ptr = (double)number; break;
return YES;
case '{':
// Special case for getting raw JSValues to ObjC
// BOOL isJSStruct = NSOrderedSame == [fullTypeEncoding compare:@"{JSValueRefAndContextRef" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, sizeof("{JSValueRefAndContextRef")-1)];
BOOL isJSStruct = [fullTypeEncoding hasPrefix:@"{JSValueRefAndContextRef"];
if (isJSStruct)
// Beware ! This context is not the global context and will be valid only for that call.
// Other uses (closures) use the global context via JSCocoaController.
JSValueRefAndContextRef* jsStruct = (JSValueRefAndContextRef*)ptr;
jsStruct->value = value;
jsStruct->ctx = ctx;
return YES;
if (!JSValueIsObject(ctx, value)) return NO;
JSObjectRef object = JSValueToObject(ctx, value, NULL);
void* p = ptr;
id type = [JSCocoaFFIArgument structureFullTypeEncodingFromStructureTypeEncoding:fullTypeEncoding];
NSInteger numParsed = [JSCocoaFFIArgument structureFromJSObjectRef:object inContext:ctx inParentJSValueRef:NULL fromCString:(char*)[type UTF8String] fromStorage:&p];
return numParsed;
case _C_SEL:
id str = NSStringFromJSValue(ctx, value);
*(SEL*)ptr = NSSelectorFromString(str);
return YES;
case _C_CHARPTR:
id str = NSStringFromJSValue(ctx, value);
*(char**)ptr = (char*)[str UTF8String];
return YES;
case _C_BOOL:
bool b = JSValueToBoolean(ctx, value);
*(BOOL*)ptr = b;
return YES;
case _C_PTR:
if ([fullTypeEncoding hasPrefix:@"^{OpaqueJSValue"])
NSLog(@"JSValueRef argument was converted to nil — to pass raw Javascript values to ObjC, use JSValueRefAndContextRef");
*(id*)ptr = nil;
return YES;
return [self unboxJSValueRef:value toObject:ptr inContext:ctx];
return NO;
// Convert to js value
- (BOOL)toJSValueRef:(JSValueRef*)value inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx
void* p = ptr;
#ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
long v;
// Return value was padded, need to do some shifting on PPC
if (isReturnValue)
int size = [JSCocoaFFIArgument sizeOfTypeEncoding:typeEncoding];
int paddedSize = sizeof(long);
if (size > 0 && size < paddedSize && paddedSize == 4)
v = *(long*)ptr;
v = CFSwapInt32(v);
p = &v;
// if (typeEncoding == '{') p = [self storage];
id encoding = structureTypeEncoding ? structureTypeEncoding : pointerTypeEncoding;
BOOL r = [JSCocoaFFIArgument toJSValueRef:value inContext:ctx typeEncoding:typeEncoding fullTypeEncoding:encoding fromStorage:p];
if (!r) NSLog(@"toJSValueRef FAILED");
return r;
+ (BOOL)toJSValueRef:(JSValueRef*)value inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx typeEncoding:(char)typeEncoding fullTypeEncoding:(NSString*)fullTypeEncoding fromStorage:(void*)ptr
if (!typeEncoding) return NO;
// NSLog(@"toJSValueRef: %c ptr=%p", typeEncoding, ptr);
switch (typeEncoding)
case _C_ID:
case _C_CLASS:
id objcObject = *(id*)ptr;
return [self boxObject:(id)objcObject toJSValueRef:value inContext:ctx];
case _C_VOID:
return YES;
case _C_CHR:
case _C_UCHR:
case _C_SHT:
case _C_USHT:
case _C_INT:
case _C_UINT:
case _C_LNG:
case _C_ULNG:
case _C_LNG_LNG:
case _C_ULNG_LNG:
case _C_FLT:
case _C_DBL:
double number;
switch (typeEncoding)
case _C_CHR: number = *(char*)ptr; break;
case _C_UCHR: number = *(unsigned char*)ptr; break;
case _C_SHT: number = *(short*)ptr; break;
case _C_USHT: number = *(unsigned short*)ptr; break;
case _C_INT: number = *(int*)ptr; break;
case _C_UINT: number = *(unsigned int*)ptr; break;
case _C_LNG: number = *(long*)ptr; break;
case _C_ULNG: number = *(unsigned long*)ptr; break;
case _C_LNG_LNG: number = *(long long*)ptr; break;
case _C_ULNG_LNG: number = *(unsigned long long*)ptr; break;
case _C_FLT: number = *(float*)ptr; break;
case _C_DBL: number = *(double*)ptr; break;
*value = JSValueMakeNumber(ctx, number);
return YES;
case '{':
// Special case for getting raw JSValues from ObjC to JS
BOOL isJSStruct = [fullTypeEncoding hasPrefix:@"{JSValueRefAndContextRef"];
if (isJSStruct)
JSValueRefAndContextRef* jsStruct = (JSValueRefAndContextRef*)ptr;
*value = jsStruct->value;
return YES;
void* p = ptr;
id type = [JSCocoaFFIArgument structureFullTypeEncodingFromStructureTypeEncoding:fullTypeEncoding];
// Bail if structure not found
if (!type) return 0;
// JSObjectRef jsObject = [JSCocoaController jsCocoaPrivateObjectInContext:ctx];
JSObjectRef jsObject = [[JSCocoa controllerFromContext:ctx] newPrivateObject];
JSCocoaPrivateObject* private = JSObjectGetPrivate(jsObject);
private.type = @"struct";
NSInteger numParsed = [JSCocoaFFIArgument structureToJSValueRef:value inContext:ctx fromCString:(char*)[type UTF8String] fromStorage:&p];
return numParsed;
case _C_SEL:
SEL sel = *(SEL*)ptr;
id str = NSStringFromSelector(sel);
// JSStringRef jsName = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString([str UTF8String]);
JSStringRef jsName = JSStringCreateWithCFString((CFStringRef)str);
*value = JSValueMakeString(ctx, jsName);
return YES;
case _C_BOOL:
BOOL b = *(BOOL*)ptr;
*value = JSValueMakeBoolean(ctx, b);
return YES;
case _C_CHARPTR:
// Rturn Javascript null if char* is null
char* charPtr = *(char**)ptr;
if (!charPtr)
*value = JSValueMakeNull(ctx);
return YES;
// Convert to NSString and then to Javascript string
NSString* name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:charPtr];
JSStringRef jsName = JSStringCreateWithCFString((CFStringRef)name);
*value = JSValueMakeString(ctx, jsName);
return YES;
case _C_PTR:
// JSObjectRef o = [JSCocoaController jsCocoaPrivateObjectInContext:ctx];
JSObjectRef o = [[JSCocoa controllerFromContext:ctx] newPrivateObject];
JSCocoaPrivateObject* private = JSObjectGetPrivate(o);
private.type = @"rawPointer";
[private setRawPointer:*(void**)ptr encoding:fullTypeEncoding];
*value = o;
return YES;
return NO;
*value MUST be NULL to be receive allocated JSValue
The given pointer is advanced in place : its value will change after the call.
Pass a writeable pointer whose original value you don't care about.
+ (NSInteger)structureToJSValueRef:(JSValueRef*)value inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx fromCString:(char*)c fromStorage:(void**)ptr
return [self structureToJSValueRef:value inContext:ctx fromCString:c fromStorage:ptr initialValues:nil initialValueCount:0 convertedValueCount:nil];
+ (NSInteger)structureToJSValueRef:(JSValueRef*)value inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx fromCString:(char*)c fromStorage:(void**)ptr initialValues:(JSValueRef*)initialValues initialValueCount:(NSInteger)initialValueCount convertedValueCount:(NSInteger*)convertedValueCount
// Build new structure object
// JSObjectRef jsObject = [JSCocoaController jsCocoaPrivateObjectInContext:ctx];
JSObjectRef jsObject = [[JSCocoa controllerFromContext:ctx] newPrivateObject];
JSCocoaPrivateObject* private = JSObjectGetPrivate(jsObject);
private.type = @"struct";
private.structureName = [JSCocoaFFIArgument structureNameFromStructureTypeEncoding:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:c]];
if (!*value) *value = jsObject;
char* c0 = c;
// Skip '{'
c += 1;
// Skip '_' if it's there
if (*c == '_') c++;
// Skip structureName, '='
c += [private.structureName length]+1;
int openedBracesCount = 1;
int closedBracesCount = 0;
for (; *c && closedBracesCount != openedBracesCount; c++)
if (*c == '{') openedBracesCount++;
if (*c == '}') closedBracesCount++;
// Parse name then type
if (*c == '"')
char* c2 = c+1;
while (c2 && *c2 != '"') c2++;
id propertyName = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:c+1 length:(c2-c-1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
c = c2;
// Skip '"'
char encoding = *c;
JSValueRef valueJS = NULL;
if (encoding == '{')
NSInteger numParsed = [self structureToJSValueRef:&valueJS inContext:ctx fromCString:c fromStorage:ptr initialValues:initialValues initialValueCount:initialValueCount convertedValueCount:convertedValueCount];
c += numParsed;
// Given a pointer to raw C structure data, convert its members to JS values
if (ptr)
// Align
[JSCocoaFFIArgument alignPtr:ptr accordingToEncoding:encoding];
// Get value
[JSCocoaFFIArgument toJSValueRef:&valueJS inContext:ctx typeEncoding:encoding fullTypeEncoding:nil fromStorage:*ptr];
// Advance ptr
[JSCocoaFFIArgument advancePtr:ptr accordingToEncoding:encoding];
// Given no pointer, get values from initialValues array. If not present, create undefined values
if (!convertedValueCount) return 0;
if (initialValues && initialValueCount && *convertedValueCount < initialValueCount) valueJS = initialValues[*convertedValueCount];
else valueJS = JSValueMakeUndefined(ctx);
if (convertedValueCount) *convertedValueCount = *convertedValueCount+1;
JSStringRef propertyNameJS = JSStringCreateWithCFString((CFStringRef)propertyName);
JSObjectSetProperty(ctx, jsObject, propertyNameJS, valueJS, 0, NULL);
return c-c0-1;
+ (NSInteger)structureFromJSObjectRef:(JSObjectRef)object inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx inParentJSValueRef:(JSValueRef)parentValue fromCString:(char*)c fromStorage:(void**)ptr
id structureName = [JSCocoaFFIArgument structureNameFromStructureTypeEncoding:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:c]];
char* c0 = c;
// Skip '{'
c += 1;
// Skip '_' if it's there
if (*c == '_') c++;
// Skip structureName, '='
c += [structureName length]+1;
// NSLog(@"%@", structureName);
int openedBracesCount = 1;
int closedBracesCount = 0;
for (; *c && closedBracesCount != openedBracesCount; c++)
if (*c == '{') openedBracesCount++;
if (*c == '}') closedBracesCount++;
// Parse name then type
if (*c == '"')
char* c2 = c+1;
while (c2 && *c2 != '"') c2++;
id propertyName = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:c+1 length:(c2-c-1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
c = c2;
// Skip '"'
char encoding = *c;
JSStringRef propertyNameJS = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString([propertyName UTF8String]);
JSValueRef valueJS = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, object, propertyNameJS, NULL);
// JSObjectRef objectProperty2 = JSValueToObject(ctx, valueJS, NULL);
// NSLog(@"%c %@ %p %p", encoding, propertyName, valueJS, objectProperty2);
if (encoding == '{')
if (JSValueIsObject(ctx, valueJS))
JSObjectRef objectProperty = JSValueToObject(ctx, valueJS, NULL);
NSInteger numParsed = [self structureFromJSObjectRef:objectProperty inContext:ctx inParentJSValueRef:NULL fromCString:c fromStorage:ptr];
c += numParsed;
else return 0;
// Align
[JSCocoaFFIArgument alignPtr:ptr accordingToEncoding:encoding];
// Get value
[JSCocoaFFIArgument fromJSValueRef:valueJS inContext:ctx typeEncoding:encoding fullTypeEncoding:nil fromStorage:*ptr];
// Advance ptr
[JSCocoaFFIArgument advancePtr:ptr accordingToEncoding:encoding];
return c-c0-1;
#pragma mark Encoding size, alignment, FFI
+ (int)sizeOfTypeEncoding:(char)encoding
switch (encoding)
case _C_ID: return sizeof(id);
case _C_CLASS: return sizeof(Class);
case _C_SEL: return sizeof(SEL);
case _C_CHR: return sizeof(char);
case _C_UCHR: return sizeof(unsigned char);
case _C_SHT: return sizeof(short);
case _C_USHT: return sizeof(unsigned short);
case _C_INT: return sizeof(int);
case _C_UINT: return sizeof(unsigned int);
case _C_LNG: return sizeof(long);
case _C_ULNG: return sizeof(unsigned long);
case _C_LNG_LNG: return sizeof(long long);
case _C_ULNG_LNG:return sizeof(unsigned long long);
case _C_FLT: return sizeof(float);
case _C_DBL: return sizeof(double);
case _C_BOOL: return sizeof(BOOL);
case _C_VOID: return sizeof(void);
case _C_PTR: return sizeof(void*);
case _C_CHARPTR: return sizeof(char*);
// Function pointers
// case _C_UNDEF: return sizeof(void*);
// Blocks are encoded with @?
return -1;
__alignOf__ returns 8 for double, but its struct align is 4
use dummy structures to get struct alignment, each having a byte as first element
typedef struct { char a; id b; } struct_C_ID;
typedef struct { char a; char b; } struct_C_CHR;
typedef struct { char a; short b; } struct_C_SHT;
typedef struct { char a; int b; } struct_C_INT;
typedef struct { char a; long b; } struct_C_LNG;
typedef struct { char a; long long b; } struct_C_LNG_LNG;
typedef struct { char a; float b; } struct_C_FLT;
typedef struct { char a; double b; } struct_C_DBL;
typedef struct { char a; BOOL b; } struct_C_BOOL;
+ (int)alignmentOfTypeEncoding:(char)encoding
switch (encoding)
case _C_ID: return offsetof(struct_C_ID, b);
case _C_CLASS: return offsetof(struct_C_ID, b);
case _C_SEL: return offsetof(struct_C_ID, b);
case _C_CHR: return offsetof(struct_C_CHR, b);
case _C_UCHR: return offsetof(struct_C_CHR, b);
case _C_SHT: return offsetof(struct_C_SHT, b);
case _C_USHT: return offsetof(struct_C_SHT, b);
case _C_INT: return offsetof(struct_C_INT, b);
case _C_UINT: return offsetof(struct_C_INT, b);
case _C_LNG: return offsetof(struct_C_LNG, b);
case _C_ULNG: return offsetof(struct_C_LNG, b);
case _C_LNG_LNG: return offsetof(struct_C_LNG_LNG, b);
case _C_ULNG_LNG:return offsetof(struct_C_LNG_LNG, b);
case _C_FLT: return offsetof(struct_C_FLT, b);
case _C_DBL: return offsetof(struct_C_DBL, b);
case _C_BOOL: return offsetof(struct_C_BOOL, b);
case _C_PTR: return offsetof(struct_C_ID, b);
case _C_CHARPTR: return offsetof(struct_C_ID, b);
return -1;
+ (ffi_type*)ffi_typeForTypeEncoding:(char)encoding
switch (encoding)
case _C_ID:
case _C_CLASS:
case _C_SEL:
case _C_PTR:
case _C_CHARPTR: return &ffi_type_pointer;
case _C_CHR: return &ffi_type_sint8;
case _C_UCHR: return &ffi_type_uint8;
case _C_SHT: return &ffi_type_sint16;
case _C_USHT: return &ffi_type_uint16;
case _C_INT:
case _C_LNG: return &ffi_type_sint32;
case _C_UINT:
case _C_ULNG: return &ffi_type_uint32;
case _C_LNG_LNG: return &ffi_type_sint64;
case _C_ULNG_LNG: return &ffi_type_uint64;
case _C_FLT: return &ffi_type_float;
case _C_DBL: return &ffi_type_double;
case _C_BOOL: return &ffi_type_sint8;
case _C_VOID: return &ffi_type_void;
return NULL;
// Type encodings
// http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/cocoa/conceptual/ObjCRuntimeGuide/Articles/ocrtTypeEncodings.html
// Will change a bit between 32 and 64 bits (NSUInteger I->Q, CGFloat f->d)
static NSMutableDictionary* typeEncodings = nil;
+ (NSString*)typeEncodingForType:(NSString*)encoding
if (!typeEncodings)
typeEncodings = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(char)] forKey:@"char"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(int)] forKey:@"int"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(short)] forKey:@"short"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(long)] forKey:@"long"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(long long)] forKey:@"long long"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(unsigned char)] forKey:@"unsigned char"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(unsigned int)] forKey:@"unsigned int"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(unsigned short)] forKey:@"unsigned short"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(unsigned long)] forKey:@"unsigned long"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(unsigned long long)] forKey:@"unsigned long long"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(float)] forKey:@"float"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(double)] forKey:@"double"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(bool)] forKey:@"bool"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(void)] forKey:@"void"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(char*)] forKey:@"char*"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(id)] forKey:@"id"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(Class)] forKey:@"Class"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(SEL)] forKey:@"selector"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(BOOL)] forKey:@"BOOL"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(void*)] forKey:@"void*"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(NSInteger)] forKey:@"NSInteger"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(NSUInteger)] forKey:@"NSUInteger"];
[typeEncodings setValue:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:@encode(CGFloat)] forKey:@"CGFloat"];
return [typeEncodings valueForKey:encoding];
#pragma mark Structure encoding, size
+ (NSString*)structureNameFromStructureTypeEncoding:(NSString*)encoding
// Extract structure name
// skip '{'
char* c = (char*)[encoding UTF8String]+1;
// skip '_' if it's there
if (*c == '_') c++;
char* c2 = c;
while (*c2 && *c2 != '=') c2++;
return [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:c length:(c2-c) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
+ (NSMutableArray*)encodingsFromStructureTypeEncoding:(NSString*)encoding
return nil;
+ (NSString*)structureFullTypeEncodingFromStructureTypeEncoding:(NSString*)encoding
id structureName = [JSCocoaFFIArgument structureNameFromStructureTypeEncoding:encoding];
return [self structureFullTypeEncodingFromStructureName:structureName];
+ (NSString*)structureFullTypeEncodingFromStructureName:(NSString*)structureName
// Fetch structure type encoding from BridgeSupport
// id xml = [[BridgeSupportController sharedController] query:structureName withType:@"struct"];
id xml = [[BridgeSupportController sharedController] queryName:structureName type:@"struct"];
if (xml == nil)
NSLog(@"No structure encoding found for %@", structureName);
return nil;
id xmlDocument = [[NSXMLDocument alloc] initWithXMLString:xml options:0 error:nil];
if (!xmlDocument) return NO;
id rootElement = [xmlDocument rootElement];
#if __LP64__
id type = [[rootElement attributeForName:@"type64"] stringValue];
id type = [[rootElement attributeForName:@"type"] stringValue];
// Retain the string as releasing xmlDocument deallocs it
[[type retain] autorelease];
[xmlDocument release];
return type;
+ (NSArray*)typeEncodingsFromStructureTypeEncoding:(NSString*)structureTypeEncoding
return [self typeEncodingsFromStructureTypeEncoding:structureTypeEncoding parsedCount:nil];
+ (NSArray*)typeEncodingsFromStructureTypeEncoding:(NSString*)structureTypeEncoding parsedCount:(NSInteger*)count
id types = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease];
char* c = (char*)[structureTypeEncoding UTF8String];
char* c0 = c;
int openedBracesCount = 0;
int closedBracesCount = 0;
for (;*c; c++)
if (*c == '{')
while (*c && *c != '=') c++;
if (!*c) continue;
if (*c == '}')
// If we parsed something (c>c0) and have an equal amount of opened and closed braces, we're done
if (c0 != c && openedBracesCount == closedBracesCount)
if (*c == '=') continue;
[types addObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%c", *c]];
// Special case for pointers
if (*c == '^')
// Skip pointers to pointers (^^^)
while (*c && *c == '^') c++;
// Skip type, special case for structure
if (*c == '{')
int openedBracesCount2 = 1;
int closedBracesCount2 = 0;
for (; *c && closedBracesCount2 != openedBracesCount2; c++)
if (*c == '{') openedBracesCount2++;
if (*c == '}') closedBracesCount2++;
else c++;
if (count) *count = c-c0;
if (closedBracesCount != openedBracesCount) return NSLog(@"Could not parse structure type encodings for %@", structureTypeEncoding), nil;
return types;
// Given a structure encoding string, produce a human readable format
+ (NSInteger)structureTypeEncodingDescription:(NSString*)structureTypeEncoding inString:(NSMutableString**)str
char* c = (char*)[structureTypeEncoding UTF8String];
char* c0 = c;
// Skip '{'
c += 1;
// Skip '_' if it's there
if (*c == '_') c++;
// Skip structureName, '='
// c += [private.structureName length]+1;
id structureName = [self structureNameFromStructureTypeEncoding:structureTypeEncoding];
c += [structureName length]+1;
int openedBracesCount = 1;
int closedBracesCount = 0;
int propertyCount = 0;
for (; *c && closedBracesCount != openedBracesCount; c++)
if (*c == '{')
[*str appendString:@"{"];
if (*c == '}')
[*str appendString:@"}"];
// Parse name then type
if (*c == '"')
if (propertyCount > 1) [*str appendString:@", "];
char* c2 = c+1;
while (c2 && *c2 != '"') c2++;
id propertyName = [[[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:c+1 length:(c2-c-1) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
c = c2;
// Skip '"'
char encoding = *c;
[*str appendString:propertyName];
[*str appendString:@": "];
// JSValueRef valueJS = NULL;
if (encoding == '{')
[*str appendString:@"{"];
NSInteger parsed = [self structureTypeEncodingDescription:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:c] inString:str];
c += parsed;
// NSLog(@"parsed %@ (%d)", substr, [substr length]);
[*str appendString:@"("];
[*str appendString:[self typeDescriptionForTypeEncoding:encoding fullTypeEncoding:nil]];
[*str appendString:@")"];
return c-c0-1;
+ (NSString*)structureTypeEncodingDescription:(NSString*)structureTypeEncoding
id fullStructureTypeEncoding = [self structureFullTypeEncodingFromStructureTypeEncoding:structureTypeEncoding];
if (!fullStructureTypeEncoding) return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(Could not describe struct %@)", structureTypeEncoding];
id str = [NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"%@{", [self structureNameFromStructureTypeEncoding:fullStructureTypeEncoding]];
[self structureTypeEncodingDescription:fullStructureTypeEncoding inString:&str];
[str appendString:@"}"];
return str;
+ (int)sizeOfStructure:(NSString*)encoding
id types = [self typeEncodingsFromStructureTypeEncoding:encoding];
int computedSize = 0;
void** ptr = (void**)&computedSize;
for (id type in types)
char charEncoding = *(char*)[type UTF8String];
// Align
[JSCocoaFFIArgument alignPtr:ptr accordingToEncoding:charEncoding];
// Advance ptr
[JSCocoaFFIArgument advancePtr:ptr accordingToEncoding:charEncoding];
return computedSize;
#pragma mark Object boxing / unboxing
// Box
+ (BOOL)boxObject:(id)objcObject toJSValueRef:(JSValueRef*)value inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx {
// Return null if our pointer is null
if (!objcObject) {
*value = JSValueMakeNull(ctx);
return YES;
// Use a global boxing function to always return the same Javascript object
// when requesting multiple boxings of the same ObjC object
*value = [[JSCocoa controllerFromContext:ctx] boxObject:objcObject];
return YES;
// Unbox
+ (BOOL)unboxJSValueRef:(JSValueRef)value toObject:(id*)o inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx
// Boxing
// string -> NSString
// null -> nil (no box)
// number -> NSNumber
// [] -> NSMutableArray
// {} -> NSMutableDictionary
// null
if (!value || JSValueIsNull(ctx, value) || JSValueIsUndefined(ctx, value))
*(id*)o = nil;
return YES;
// string
if (JSValueIsString(ctx, value))
JSStringRef resultStringJS = JSValueToStringCopy(ctx, value, NULL);
NSString* resultString = (NSString*)JSStringCopyCFString(kCFAllocatorDefault, resultStringJS);
// NSLog(@"unboxed=%@", resultString);
[NSMakeCollectable(resultString) autorelease];
*(id*)o = resultString;
return YES;
// number
if (JSValueIsNumber(ctx, value))
double v = JSValueToNumber(ctx, value, NULL);
// Integer
if (fabs(round(v)-v) < 1e-6)
if (v < 0)
*(id*)o = [NSNumber numberWithInt:(int)v];
// NSLog(@"int %d", (int)v);
*(id*)o = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:(unsigned int)v];
// NSLog(@"UNSIGNED int %d", (unsigned int)v);
// Double
*(id*)o = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:v];
// NSLog(@"double %f", v);
return YES;
// bool
if (JSValueIsBoolean(ctx, value))
bool v = JSValueToBoolean(ctx, value);
if (v) *(id*)o = [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES];
else *(id*)o = nil;
return YES;
// From here we must have a Javascript object (Array, Hash) or a boxed Cocoa object
if (!JSValueIsObject(ctx, value))
return NO;
JSObjectRef jsObject = JSValueToObject(ctx, value, NULL);
JSCocoaPrivateObject* private = JSObjectGetPrivate(jsObject);
// Pure js hashes and arrays are converted to NSArray and NSDictionary
if (!private)
// Use an anonymous function to test if object is Array or Object (hash)
// (can't use this.constructor==Array.prototype.constructor with JSEvaluateScript it doesn't take thisObject into account)
JSStringRef scriptJS = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("return arguments[0].constructor == Array.prototype.constructor");
JSObjectRef fn = JSObjectMakeFunction(ctx, NULL, 0, NULL, scriptJS, NULL, 1, NULL);
JSValueRef result = JSObjectCallAsFunction(ctx, fn, NULL, 1, (JSValueRef*)&jsObject, NULL);
BOOL isArray = JSValueToBoolean(ctx, result);
if (isArray) return [self unboxJSArray:jsObject toObject:o inContext:ctx];
else return [self unboxJSHash:jsObject toObject:o inContext:ctx];
// ## Hmmm ? CGColorRef is returned as a pointer but CALayer.foregroundColor asks an objc object (@)
if ([private.type isEqualToString:@"rawPointer"]) *(id*)o = [private rawPointer];
else *(id*)o = [private object];
id obj = [private object];
if ([private.type isEqualToString:@"rawPointer"]) *(id*)o = [private rawPointer];
else if (obj) *(id*)o = obj;
else if ([private.type isEqualToString:@"externalJSValueRef"])
// Convert external jsValues by calling valueOf
JSValueRef v = valueOfCallback(ctx, NULL, JSValueToObject(ctx, value, NULL), 0, NULL, NULL);
return [self unboxJSValueRef:v toObject:o inContext:ctx];
// NSLog(@"********* %@", private.type);
*(id*)o = nil;
return YES;
// Convert ['a', 'b', 1.23] to an NSArray
+ (BOOL)unboxJSArray:(JSObjectRef)object toObject:(id*)o inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx
// Get property count
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
JSStringRef lengthJS = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString("length");
NSUInteger length = JSValueToNumber(ctx, JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, object, lengthJS, NULL), &exception);
if (exception) return NO;
// Converted array
id array = [NSMutableArray array];
// Converted array property
id value;
int i;
// Loop over all properties of the array and call our trusty unboxer.
// He might reenter that function to convert arrays inside that array.
for (i=0; i<length; i++)
JSValueRef jsValue = JSObjectGetPropertyAtIndex(ctx, object, i, &exception);
if (exception) return NO;
if (![self unboxJSValueRef:jsValue toObject:&value inContext:ctx]) return NO;
// Add converted value to array
[array addObject:value];
*o = array;
return YES;
// Convert { hello : 'world', count : 7 } to an NSDictionary
+ (BOOL)unboxJSHash:(JSObjectRef)object toObject:(id*)o inContext:(JSContextRef)ctx
// Keys
JSPropertyNameArrayRef names = JSObjectCopyPropertyNames(ctx, object);
NSUInteger length = JSPropertyNameArrayGetCount(names);
// Converted hash
id hash = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// Converted array property
id value;
JSValueRef exception = NULL;
int i;
for (i=0; i<length; i++)
JSStringRef name = JSPropertyNameArrayGetNameAtIndex(names, i);
JSValueRef jsValue = JSObjectGetProperty(ctx, object, name, &exception);
if (exception) return NO;
if (![self unboxJSValueRef:jsValue toObject:&value inContext:ctx]) return NO;
if (!value) value = [NSValue valueWithPointer:NULL];
// Add converted value to hash
id key = (NSString*)JSStringCopyCFString(kCFAllocatorDefault, name);
[hash setObject:value forKey:key];
[NSMakeCollectable(key) release];
*o = hash;
return YES;