Changed the wording of some sections. Added more info to some of the
exercise README files.
Added some more structure to the tests exercise to make it a little
less open. Still undefined sections but there is a bit more guidance
about what things might look like.
Preparation for the name change to 'Applied' instead of 'Advanced'
I just found out about reference links in Markdown, this has the ability
to make the README markdown much easier to digest without losing the
nice ability to have hyperlinks directly in the documentation. But leaves
the text easier to digest for people that are not reading it through a
_Markdown prism.
Added readme files to the individual exercises to help point people in the right
direction when they get started. Probably more useful to the people that are
wanting to try this by themselves.
Removed more commented out code, removed some of the hand holding I had
and added some more indication of when you should probably just reach
for the docs
Added level05: installing a DB layer.
Updated the cabal files with a nice ghc-option of '-Wall -Werror'.
Added some more comments to the level04 testing page.
Don't need the extra status declarations for some of the Hspec tests
at level04 as hspec-wai assumes 200 until told otherwise.
Removed Hedgehog from level04 tests, don't have a good use case.
Level 04 contains some testing fun.
Removed spurious yaml file from level03.
Update README.
Have noticed irritating snafu RE the app structure. Not built as a
library in other levels, will fix.