mirror of https://github.com/qfpl/applied-fp-course.git synced 2024-12-02 08:53:20 +03:00
Sean Chalmers 3f3ac5b108 Ugh, ReaderT lesson added.
Not sure I like it very much, the work continues.
2017-08-15 16:42:24 +10:00

61 lines
1.8 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Monad (join)
import Test.Hspec
import Test.Hspec.Wai
import qualified System.Exit as Exit
import qualified FirstApp.Conf as Conf
import qualified FirstApp.DB as DB
import qualified FirstApp.Main as Main
import qualified FirstApp.Types as Types
main :: IO ()
main = do
let dieWith m = print m >> Exit.exitFailure
reqsE <- Main.prepareAppReqs
case reqsE of
Left err -> dieWith err
Right (cfg,db) -> do
let app' = pure ( Main.app cfg db )
flushTopic =
-- Clean up and yell about our errors
fmap ( either dieWith pure . join ) .
-- Purge all of the comments for this topic for our tests
traverse ( DB.deleteTopic db )
-- We don't export the constructor so even for known values we have
-- to play by the rules. There is no - "Oh just this one time.", do
-- it right.
$ Types.mkTopic "fudge"
-- Run the tests with a DB topic flush between each spec
hspec . with ( flushTopic >> app' ) $ do
-- AddRq Spec
describe "POST /topic/add" $ do
it "Should return 200 with well formed request" $ do
post "/fudge/add" "Fred" `shouldRespondWith` "Success"
it "Should 400 on empty input" $
post "/fudge/add" "" `shouldRespondWith` 400
-- ViewRq Spec
describe "GET /topic/view" $ do
it "Should return 200 with content" $ do
post "/fudge/add" "Fred"
get "/fudge/view" `shouldRespondWith` 200
-- ListRq Spec
describe "GET /list" $ do
it "Should return 200 with content" $ do
post "/fudge/add" "Fred"
get "/list" `shouldRespondWith` "[\"fudge\"]"