Merge pull request #8 from qnikst/swamp-agr-compare

Swamp agr compare
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Vershilov 2023-01-05 14:02:38 +06:00 committed by GitHub
commit 32ce03a582
No known key found for this signature in database
8 changed files with 646 additions and 145 deletions

View File

@ -1,146 +1,48 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TransformListComp #-}
module Main where
import Options.Applicative
import qualified Options.Applicative as Options
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Combinators as CL
import Data.Conduit.List
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Csv as Csv
import Data.Csv.Builder as Csv
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor
import Data.Function
import Data.Traversable
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Either
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe as M
import GhcBuildPhase
import GhcFile
import GHC.Exts
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Report
import System.Directory(copyFile, createDirectoryIfMissing)
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import TextShow
import Text.Blaze (Markup)
import Text.Blaze.Renderer.Utf8 (renderMarkupToByteStringIO)
import Prelude hiding (mapM_, print)
import qualified Prelude
import Compare
import Generate
main :: IO ()
main = do
[dir] <- getArgs
createDirectoryIfMissing True "./tmp"
files <- findDumpTimings dir
let ( files_failed,
= partitionEithers $ files <&> \srcFilePath ->
case stripPrefix (splitDirectories dir) (splitDirectories srcFilePath) of
Nothing -> Left srcFilePath
Just x -> case x of
("build" : hostOs : ghcVersion : packageName : componentType : subComponent : "build" : modulePath) ->
Right GhcFile{..}
("build" : hostOs : ghcVersion : packageName : componentType : subComponent : "noopt" : "build" : modulePath) ->
Right GhcFile{..}
("build" : hostOs : ghcVersion : packageName : "build" : modulePath) ->
let componentType = ""
subComponent = ""
in Right GhcFile{..}
("build" : hostOs : ghcVersion : packageName : "noopt" : "build" : modulePath) ->
let componentType = ""
subComponent = ""
in Right GhcFile{..}
("dist": hostOs : _cabalVersion : "build": modulePath) ->
-- FIXME: should be retrieved from stack somehow
let ghcVersion = "<GHC version>"
packageName = "<Package name>"
componentType = ""
subComponent = ""
in Right GhcFile{..}
_ -> Left srcFilePath
unless (Prelude.null files_failed) $ do
Prelude.putStrLn "Warning, some files failed to be parsed"
Prelude.print files_failed
-- Output all files in json form for later analysis.
results <- for files_parsed $ \f -> do
steps <- fmap parsePhases $ T.readFile (rebuildFilePath f)
encodeFile (output </> rebuildPlainPath f <.> "json") steps
let bs = encodeDefaultOrderedByName steps
BSL.writeFile (output </> rebuildPlainPath f <.> "csv") bs
mkHtmlFile (output </> rebuildPlainPath f <.> "html")
$ Report.moduleTable f steps
pure (f, steps)
let stats_by_package = Map.fromListWith (<>)
[ (packageName, Map.singleton GhcFile{..} steps)
| (GhcFile{..}, steps) <- results
-- FIXME: put this file back later
-- encodeFile (output </> "stats_by_package" <.> "json") stats_by_package
for_ (Map.toList stats_by_package) $ \(package, stat) -> do
let headers = Set.toList $ Set.fromList
[ phaseName
| (_, steps) <- Map.toList stat
, Phase{..} <- steps
let rows = [ ( GhcFile{..}
, total
, (\n -> Map.lookup n by_phase) headers)
| (GhcFile{..}, steps) <- Map.toList stat
, let total = Prelude.sum [phaseTime | Phase{..} <- steps]
, let by_phase = Map.fromListWith (+)
[ (phaseName, phaseTime)
| Phase{..} <- steps
, then sortWith by (Down total)
mkHtmlFile ("./tmp/" <> package <> ".html")
$ Report.packageTable package headers rows
let bs = Csv.encodeHeader (V.fromList ("module": "total": T.encodeUtf8 headers))
<> mconcat ( Csv.encodeRecord
[ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack (joinPath modulePath):(showt total) showt cols
| (GhcFile{..}, total, cols) <- rows
BSL.writeFile (output </> package <.> "csv")
$ Builder.toLazyByteString bs
-- Prelude.print byPackage
-- Report.
mkHtmlFile "./tmp/index.html"
$ Report.index $ Map.keys stats_by_package
copyFile "files/main.css" "./tmp/main.css" -- TODO use data files
main = join $ execParser (info (helper <*> opts) idm)
output = "./tmp"
opts = subparser $
command "generate" (info (helper <*> generate) (progDesc "Generate timings report"))
<> command "compare" (info (helper <*> compareReports) (progDesc "Compare two reports"))
-- | Find all files that are related to the dump timings.
-- XXX: this method is not effective enough as it eagerly builds a list of FilePath
findDumpTimings :: String -> IO [FilePath]
findDumpTimings input = do
runResourceT $ runConduit $ sourceDirectoryDeep False input
.| CL.filter (\x -> x `endsWith` ".dump-timings")
.| consume
endsWith x y = (reverse y) `isPrefixOf` (reverse x)
-- | Gather arguments for report generation.
generate :: Options.Parser (IO ())
generate = runGenerate
<$> strOption
( short 'i'
<> long "input"
<> metavar "PROJECT_DIR"
<> help "Haskell project directory"
mkHtmlFile :: FilePath -> Markup -> IO ()
mkHtmlFile fn markup = do
B.writeFile fn "" -- TODO: properly cleanup the file
(B.appendFile fn) -- TODO: keep handle opened instead of reopening each time.
-- | Gather arguments for comparing reports.
compareReports :: Options.Parser (IO ())
compareReports = runCompare
<$> strOption
( short 'b'
<> long "before"
<> metavar "REPORT_DIR"
<> help "Directory with generated timings report from the previous build"
<*> strOption
( short 'a'
<> long "after"
<> metavar "REPORT_DIR"
<> help "Directory with generated timings report from the last build"
<*> strOption
( short 'o'
<> long "output"
<> metavar "OUTPUT_DIR"
<> help "Directory in which to store the output"

View File

@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ cabal v2-build
At this point I don't suggest you to install the tool because
at such an early stage it will likely require manual configuration
at such an early stage it will likely require manual configuration
a lot.
3. Configure your project in order to generate timing files:
cabal v2-configure --ghc-options=-ddump-timings --ghc-options=-ddump-to-file
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ to store those reports to files.
4. Running:
cabal v2-run ghc-timings /Users/qnikst/workspace/another-project/dist-newstyle
cabal v2-run ghc-timings generate -i /Users/qnikst/workspace/another-project/dist-newstyle
In the `tmp` folder you'll get all the reports.
@ -84,6 +84,21 @@ package that works with tables like numbers, you'll see something like this:
# Compare
**Prerequisites**: you need to have `gnuplot` executable on your `$PATH` to use it.
With following `compare` command you may actually compare results of two different builds.
cabal v2-run ghc-timings compare -b ./before -a ./after -o output_dir
It will produce a bunch of plots with package/project module names and `.svg` extension and one more `package.svg` with a summary.
On the plot you can observe comparison between build times from two build runs per each phase (in `<module>.svg`) or per each module (in `package.svg`).
# Project ideology.
Here I want to share a bits of how I work on this project and it's not usual one for me.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
set datafile separator "\t"
set terminal svg
set output '<OUTPUT_FILE>'
set datafile missing ""
set title "<TITLE>"
set ylabel "ms"
set yrange [10:*]
set xtics rotate by 45 offset 0,-1 font ",9"
set boxwidth 0.3
set style fill solid 1.000000 border -1
set bmargin 3
set pointsize 2
set tics scale 0.0
set grid y
set style data lines
plot '<INPUT_FILE>' using ($0-0.2):3 index 0 with boxes title "before", \
'' using ($0+0.2):4 index 0 with boxes title "after", \
'' using ($0):xtic(1) lw 0 notitle

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
set datafile separator "\t"
set terminal svg size 8000,4000
set output '<OUTPUT_FILE>'
set datafile missing ""
set xlabel "ms"
set yrange [-1:*]
set xrange [10:*]
set boxwidth 0.3
set style fill solid # solid color boxes
# unset key # turn off all titles
myBoxWidth = 0.4
set offsets 0,0,0.5-myBoxWidth/2.,0.5
plot '<INPUT_FILE>' using (2):0:0:2:($0-myBoxWidth/2.):($0+myBoxWidth/2.):($0+1) index 0 with boxxyerror title "before", \
'' using ($3+0.2):0:0:3:($0+0.5-myBoxWidth/2.):($0+0.5+myBoxWidth/2.):($0+1) index 0 with boxxyerror title "after", \
'' using 2:0:ytic(1) lw 0 ps 0 notitle

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
cabal-version: >=1.10
cabal-version: 2.0
synopsis: Get statistical report about how long files were compiled.
description: Simple package that can gather information about compilation
time for later analysis.
@ -12,12 +12,18 @@ maintainer:
-- category:
build-type: Simple
data-files: files/*.gnuplot
executable ghc-timings
main-is: Main.hs
other-modules: GhcFile
autogen-modules: Paths_ghc_timings
other-modules: Compare
hs-source-dirs: src
default-extensions: DerivingStrategies
@ -43,8 +49,11 @@ executable ghc-timings
ghc-options: -Wall -Werror
default-language: Haskell2010

src/Compare.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Compare
( runCompare
) where
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Csv as Csv
import Data.Csv.Builder as Csv
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Function
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe as M
import Data.These
import Data.These.Combinators
import Data.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (mapM_, print)
import System.Directory
import System.Environment
import System.FilePath
import System.Process
import System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Map.Merge.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Prelude
import GhcBuildPhase
import Paths_ghc_timings (getDataFileName)
pattern MODULE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME = "module.template.gnuplot"
pattern PACKAGE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME = "package.template.gnuplot"
pattern DUMP_TIMINGS_PATTERN :: FilePath
pattern DUMP_TIMINGS_PATTERN = ".dump-timings.csv"
pattern TITLE = "<TITLE>"
pattern GNUPLOT_CMD :: String
pattern GNUPLOT_CMD = "gnuplot"
pattern DEBUG_ENV :: String
pattern DEBUG_ENV = "DEBUG"
-- | A helper function that allows instead of writing comments emit an output.
-- Actually it's just a less generic Debug.Trace.traceM.
explain :: String -> IO ()
{-# NOINLINE explain #-}
explain = unsafePerformIO $ do
lookupEnv DEBUG_ENV >>= \case
Nothing -> pure \_ -> pure ()
Just{} -> pure \s -> putStrLn $ "Debug: " <> s
runCompare :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
runCompare beforeDir afterDir out = do
explain "ensure output directory created"
createDirectoryIfMissing True out
explain "ensure both report directories exist"
checkDirectoriesExistence beforeDir afterDir
explain "read CSV file paths from both directories"
explain "combine requried data from both reports"
mergedModulesData <- prepareData
explain "and make a plot for all compilation stages for all modules"
explain "and make one more report for a whole package/project"
visualizeData mergedModulesData
prepareData :: IO (V.Vector ModuleReportRow)
prepareData = do
dirContentsBefore <- fixPaths beforeDir =<< filterCSV <$> listDirectory beforeDir
dirContentsAfter <- fixPaths afterDir =<< filterCSV <$> listDirectory afterDir
modulesDataBefore <- getModulesDataFromReport dirContentsBefore
modulesDataAfter <- getModulesDataFromReport dirContentsAfter
let mergedModulesData = mergeModulesReports modulesDataBefore modulesDataAfter
pure mergedModulesData
visualizeData :: V.Vector ModuleReportRow -> IO ()
visualizeData mergedModulesData =
withCurrentDirectory out $
withMaterializedFile PACKAGE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME $ do
renderModules mergedModulesData
renderPackage mergedModulesData
-- ** Helpers for `compare`
-- | Check if required directores does exist.
checkDirectoriesExistence :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
checkDirectoriesExistence before after = traverse_ check [before, after] where
check x = do
exists <- doesDirectoryExist x
when (not exists) $ error $ "Directory not exist: " <> x
-- | Filters .dump-timings files.
filterCSV :: [FilePath] -> [FilePath]
filterCSV = Prelude.filter ((== DUMP_TIMINGS_PATTERN) . takeExtensions)
-- | Makes path an absolute one
fixPaths :: FilePath -> [FilePath] -> IO [FilePath]
fixPaths dir = traverse (makeAbsolute . (dir </>))
getModulesDataFromReport :: [FilePath] -> IO (Map.Map T.Text (V.Vector Phase))
getModulesDataFromReport xs = Map.fromList . M.catMaybes <$> for xs \file ->
BSL.readFile file <&> decodeByName >>= \case
Left err -> do
putStrLn $ "getModulesDataFromReport : " <> show err
pure Nothing
Right (_headers, result)
| V.null result -> pure Nothing
| otherwise -> pure $ Just (phaseModule $ V.head result, result)
:: Map.Map (T.Text) (V.Vector Phase) -- ^ An old report
-> Map.Map (T.Text) (V.Vector Phase) -- ^ A new port
-> V.Vector ModuleReportRow
mergeModulesReports modulesBefore modulesAfter = moduleReport where
moduleReport :: V.Vector ModuleReportRow
moduleReport = makeModuleReport moduleDiffs
moduleDiffs :: V.Vector ModuleDiff
moduleDiffs = gatherModuleDiffs modulesBefore modulesAfter
-- | Gather info for building a diff.
:: Map.Map T.Text (V.Vector Phase)
-> Map.Map T.Text (V.Vector Phase)
-> V.Vector ModuleDiff
gatherModuleDiffs before after = V.fromList
$ zipWith
(\moduleDataIndex (moduleDataModuleName, moduleDataData) -> ModuleData{..})
(Map.toList moduleMap)
moduleMap = Map.merge
(Map.mapMissing $ \_key b -> makeBefore b) -- exists only in old datum
(Map.mapMissing $ \_key a -> makeAfter a) -- exists only in new datum
(Map.zipWithMatched $ \_key a b -> makeBoth b a) -- exists in both data
makeModuleReport :: ModuleDiff -> ModuleReportRow
makeModuleReport ModuleData{..} = ModuleData
{ moduleDataData = transform moduleDataData
, ..
transform :: Diff (V.Vector Phase) -> V.Vector PhaseReport
transform = \case
This b -> (makePhaseReportWith makeBefore) (V.indexed b)
That a -> (makePhaseReportWith makeAfter) (V.indexed a)
These b a -> V.fromList $ List.reverse
$ buildWholeSequence (V.toList b) (V.toList a)
makePhaseReportWith make (ix, Phase{..}) = PhaseReport
{ phaseReportPhaseName = phaseName
, phaseReportIndex = ix
, phaseDiffTime = make phaseTime
buildWholeSequence bs as
= runBuilder bs as $ optimize $ List.reverse (goFwd [] bs as)
goFwd result [] [] = result
goFwd result [] ys = TakeSecond Forward (List.length ys) : result
goFwd result xs [] = TakeFirst Forward (List.length xs) : result
goFwd result (x : xs) (y : ys) =
if phaseName x == phaseName y
then goFwd (TakeBoth Forward 1 : result) xs ys
else goBack result (xs, ys) (List.reverse xs) (List.reverse ys)
goBack result _prev [] [] = result
goBack result _prev [] ys = TakeSecond Backward (List.length ys) : result
goBack result _prev xs [] = TakeFirst Forward (List.length xs) : result
goBack result prev@(oldX, oldY) (x : xs) (y : ys) =
if phaseName x == phaseName y
then goBack (TakeBoth Backward 1 : result) (initBothEnds prev) xs ys
else goDeeper result oldX oldY
initBothEnds ([], []) = ([], [])
initBothEnds ([], ys) = ([], List.init ys)
initBothEnds (xs, []) = (List.init xs, [])
initBothEnds (xs, ys) = (List.init xs, List.init ys)
goDeeper result [] [] = result
goDeeper result [] ys = goFwd result [] ys
goDeeper result xs [] = goFwd result xs []
goDeeper result xs ys = if List.length xs <= List.length ys
then let SubsequenceData{..} =
goFindSubsequences (emptySubsequenceData @Phase) xs ys
in goFwd (TakeBoth Forward commonSubsequenceLength : TakeFirst Forward prefixLength : result) restOfFirst restOfSecond
else let SubsequenceData{..} = goFindSubsequences emptySubsequenceData ys xs
in goFwd (TakeBoth Forward commonSubsequenceLength : TakeSecond Forward prefixLength : result) restOfSecond restOfFirst
goFindSubsequences prev [] ys = prev { restOfSecond = ys }
goFindSubsequences prev xs [] = prev { restOfFirst = xs }
goFindSubsequences prev xs ys =
let msubsequence = listToMaybe
$ List.filter ((== (fmap phaseName xs)) . fmap phaseName . snd)
$ subsequencesWithLength (List.length xs) ys
new = prev { prefixLength = prefixLength prev + 1 }
in case msubsequence of
Nothing -> goFindSubsequences new xs ys
Just (ix, subseq) ->
prev { prefixLength = prefixLength prev + 1
, commonSubsequenceLength = List.length subseq
, restOfFirst = []
, restOfSecond = List.drop (List.length subseq + ix) ys
subsequencesWithLength :: Int -> [a] -> [(Int, [a])]
subsequencesWithLength l = snd . f (0, [])
f res [] = res
f (ix, prev) listElems
= f (ix + 1, (ix, List.take l listElems) : prev) (List.drop 1 listElems)
optimize = id -- TODO: improve
runBuilder xs' ys' actions = go [] (withIndices xs') (withIndices ys') actions
withIndices = zip [(0 :: Int) ..]
go res _ _ [] = res
go res xs ys (listAction : listActions) =
let (newXs, newYs, newRes) = case listAction of
TakeFirst Forward l ->
(List.drop l xs, ys, (mkBefore <$> List.take l xs) <> res)
TakeSecond Forward l ->
(xs, List.drop l ys, (mkAfter <$> List.take l ys) <> res)
TakeBoth Forward l ->
(List.drop l xs, List.drop l ys, (mkBoth <$> (List.take l xs) (List.take l ys)) <> res)
TakeFirst Backward l ->
(dropEnd l xs, ys, res <> (mkBefore <$> takeEnd l xs))
TakeSecond Backward l ->
(xs, dropEnd l ys, res <> (mkAfter <$> takeEnd l ys))
TakeBoth Backward l ->
(dropEnd l xs, dropEnd l ys, res <> (mkBoth <$> (takeEnd l xs) (takeEnd l ys)))
mkBefore (ix, Phase{..}) = PhaseReport
{ phaseReportPhaseName = phaseName
, phaseReportIndex = ix
, phaseDiffTime = makeBefore phaseTime
mkAfter (ix, Phase{..}) = PhaseReport
{ phaseReportPhaseName = phaseName
, phaseReportIndex = ix
, phaseDiffTime = makeAfter phaseTime
mkBoth ((ixb, b), (ixa, a)) = PhaseReport
{ phaseReportPhaseName = phaseName b
, phaseReportIndex = min ixb ixa
, phaseDiffTime = makeBoth (phaseTime b) (phaseTime a)
dropEnd l = List.reverse . List.drop l . List.reverse
takeEnd l = List.reverse . List.take l . List.reverse
in go newRes newXs newYs listActions
data PhaseReport = PhaseReport
{ phaseReportPhaseName :: T.Text
, phaseReportIndex :: Int
, phaseDiffTime :: Diff Double
} deriving Show
data ModuleData a = ModuleData
{ moduleDataIndex :: Int
, moduleDataModuleName :: T.Text
, moduleDataData :: a
} deriving Show
type Diff a = These a a
makeAfter, makeBefore :: a -> Diff a
makeBefore a = This a
makeAfter a = That a
makeBoth :: a -> a -> Diff a
makeBoth b a = These b a
type ModuleDiff = ModuleData (Diff (V.Vector Phase))
type ModuleReportRow = ModuleData (V.Vector PhaseReport)
-- ** Parser Helpers
data Direction = Forward | Backward
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data SequenceAction
= TakeFirst Direction Int
| TakeSecond Direction Int
| TakeBoth Direction Int
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
data SubsequenceData a = SubsequenceData
{ prefixLength :: Int
, commonSubsequenceLength :: Int
, restOfFirst :: [a]
, restOfSecond :: [a]
emptySubsequenceData :: forall a. SubsequenceData a
emptySubsequenceData = SubsequenceData
{ prefixLength = 0
, commonSubsequenceLength = 0
, restOfFirst = []
, restOfSecond = []
renderModules, renderPackage :: V.Vector ModuleReportRow -> IO ()
renderModules rows = do
let output = renderRow <$> V.toList rows
Prelude.mapM_ buildPlot output
opts = Csv.defaultEncodeOptions { Csv.encDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord '\t') }
renderRow row =
let content = mconcat
( (Csv.encodeRecordWith opts)
[ ( phaseReportPhaseName pr
, moduleDataModuleName row
, fromMaybe 0.0 $ justHere $ phaseDiffTime pr
, fromMaybe 0.0 $ justThere $ phaseDiffTime pr
| pr <- V.toList (moduleDataData row)
in (moduleDataModuleName row, content)
buildPlot (moduleName, bs) = do
plotSettingsTemplate <- T.readFile MODULE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME
let plotSettingsFile = T.unpack moduleName <.> "gnuplot"
outputFile = T.unpack moduleName <.> "svg"
plotDataFile = T.unpack moduleName <.> "dat"
= T.replace INPUT_FILE (T.pack plotDataFile)
$ T.replace TITLE moduleName
$ T.replace OUTPUT_FILE (T.pack outputFile)
T.writeFile plotSettingsFile plotSettingsContents
BSL.writeFile plotDataFile $ Builder.toLazyByteString bs
createPlot plotSettingsFile
removeFile plotSettingsFile
createPlot plotFile = callProcess GNUPLOT_CMD [plotFile]
renderPackage rows = do
let output = renderRow <$> V.toList rows
buildPlot "package.svg" output
opts = Csv.defaultEncodeOptions { Csv.encDelimiter = fromIntegral (ord '\t') }
renderRow row = Csv.encodeRecordWith opts
(moduleDataModuleName row, totalBefore row, totalAfter row)
totalBefore row = sum $ catThere $ fmap phaseDiffTime . V.toList $ moduleDataData $ row
totalAfter row = sum $ catThere $ fmap phaseDiffTime . V.toList $ moduleDataData $ row
buildPlot outputFile bs = do
plotSettingsTemplate <- T.readFile PACKAGE_TEMPLATE_FILENAME
let plotDataFile = "package.dat"
plotSettingsFile = "package.gnuplot"
= T.replace INPUT_FILE (T.pack plotDataFile)
$ T.replace OUTPUT_FILE outputFile
T.writeFile plotSettingsFile plotSettingsContents
BSL.writeFile plotDataFile $ Builder.toLazyByteString $ mconcat bs
createPlot plotSettingsFile
createPlot plotFile = callProcess GNUPLOT_CMD [plotFile]
-- | Temporary materialize a file in the given directory. File is
-- removed when the function exits.
:: FilePath -- ^ File name
-> IO a
-> IO a
withMaterializedFile name f =
getDataFileName name >>= \fp ->
bracket_ (copyFile fp name) (removeFile name) f

src/Generate.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TransformListComp #-}
module Generate where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Combinators as CL
import Data.Conduit.List
import Data.Csv as Csv
import Data.Csv.Builder as Csv
import Data.Either
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor
import Data.List
import Data.Set as Set
import Data.Traversable
import GHC.Exts
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Text.Blaze (Markup)
import Text.Blaze.Renderer.Utf8 (renderMarkupToByteStringIO)
import TextShow
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import GhcBuildPhase
import GhcFile
import Report
runGenerate :: FilePath -> IO ()
runGenerate dir = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True output
files <- findDumpTimings dir
let ( files_failed,
= partitionEithers $ files <&> \srcFilePath ->
case stripPrefix dir srcFilePath of
Nothing -> Left srcFilePath
Just x -> case splitDirectories x of
("/" : "build" : hostOs : ghcVersion : packageName : componentType : subComponent : "build" : modulePath) ->
Right GhcFile{..}
("/" : "build" : hostOs : ghcVersion : packageName : "build" : modulePath) ->
let componentType = ""
subComponent = ""
in Right GhcFile{..}
("/": "dist": hostOs : _cabalVersion : "build": modulePath) ->
-- FIXME: should be retrieved from stack somehow
let ghcVersion = "<GHC version>"
packageName = "<Package name>"
componentType = ""
subComponent = ""
in Right GhcFile{..}
_ -> Left srcFilePath
unless (Prelude.null files_failed) $ do
Prelude.putStrLn "Warning, some files are failed to be parsed"
Prelude.print files_failed
-- Output all files in json form for later analysis.
results <- for files_parsed $ \f -> do
steps <- fmap parsePhases $ T.readFile (rebuildFilePath f)
encodeFile (output </> rebuildPlainPath f <.> "json") steps
let bs = encodeDefaultOrderedByName steps
BSL.writeFile (output </> rebuildPlainPath f <.> "csv") bs
mkHtmlFile (output </> rebuildPlainPath f <.> "html")
$ Report.moduleTable f steps
pure (f, steps)
let stats_by_package = Map.fromListWith (<>)
[ (packageName, Map.singleton GhcFile{..} steps)
| (GhcFile{..}, steps) <- results
-- FIXME: put this file back later
-- encodeFile (output </> "stats_by_package" <.> "json") stats_by_package
for_ (Map.toList stats_by_package) $ \(package, stat) -> do
let headers = Set.toList $ Set.fromList
[ phaseName
| (_, steps) <- Map.toList stat
, Phase{..} <- steps
let rows = [ ( GhcFile{..}
, total
, (\n -> Map.lookup n by_phase) headers)
| (GhcFile{..}, steps) <- Map.toList stat
, let total = Prelude.sum [phaseTime | Phase{..} <- steps]
, let by_phase = Map.fromListWith (+)
[ (phaseName, phaseTime)
| Phase{..} <- steps
, then sortWith by (Down total)
mkHtmlFile (output <> "/" <> package <> ".html")
$ Report.packageTable package headers rows
let bs = Csv.encodeHeader (V.fromList ("module": "total": T.encodeUtf8 headers))
<> mconcat ( Csv.encodeRecord
[ T.encodeUtf8 $ T.pack (joinPath modulePath):(showt total) showt cols
| (GhcFile{..}, total, cols) <- rows
BSL.writeFile (output </> package <.> "csv")
$ Builder.toLazyByteString bs
-- Prelude.print byPackage
-- Report.
mkHtmlFile (output <> "/index.html")
$ Report.index $ Map.keys stats_by_package
copyFile "files/main.css" (output <> "/main.css") -- TODO use data files
output :: IsString a => a
output = "./tmp"
-- ** Helpers
-- | Find all files that are related to the dump timings.
-- XXX: this method is not effective enough as it eagerly builds a list of FilePath
findDumpTimings :: String -> IO [FilePath]
findDumpTimings input = do
runResourceT $ runConduit $ sourceDirectoryDeep False input
.| CL.filter (\x -> x `endsWith` ".dump-timings")
.| consume
endsWith x y = (reverse y) `isPrefixOf` (reverse x)
mkHtmlFile :: FilePath -> Markup -> IO ()
mkHtmlFile fn markup = do
B.writeFile fn "" -- TODO: properly cleanup the file
(B.appendFile fn) -- TODO: keep handle opened instead of reopening each time.

View File

@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ data Phase = Phase
, phaseAlloc :: Int
, phaseTime :: Double
deriving stock (Generic)
deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Show)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
deriving anyclass (ToNamedRecord, DefaultOrdered)
deriving anyclass (ToNamedRecord, DefaultOrdered, FromNamedRecord)
deriving TextShow via (FromGeneric Phase)
-- | Parse .ghc-timings file timings file and get list of phases.