2016-07-10 19:47:24 +03:00
* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Cocoa
import PureLayout
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
import RxSwift
class MainWindowComponent: NSObject, NSWindowDelegate, NeoVimViewDelegate, Component {
private let source: Observable<Any>
private let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private let subject = PublishSubject<Any>()
var sink: Observable<Any> {
return self.subject.asObservable()
private weak var mainWindowManager: MainWindowManager?
2016-07-28 20:37:39 +03:00
private let fontManager = NSFontManager.sharedFontManager()
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
private let windowController = NSWindowController(windowNibName: "MainWindow")
private let window: NSWindow
2016-07-10 19:47:24 +03:00
2016-08-12 12:05:32 +03:00
private let urlsToBeOpenedWhenReady: [NSURL]
2016-08-11 23:37:41 +03:00
2016-07-28 20:37:39 +03:00
private var defaultEditorFont: NSFont
2016-07-31 00:04:20 +03:00
private var usesLigatures: Bool
2016-07-27 00:40:20 +03:00
2016-07-10 19:47:24 +03:00
var uuid: String {
return self.neoVimView.uuid
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
2016-07-10 19:47:24 +03:00
private let neoVimView = NeoVimView(forAutoLayout: ())
2016-08-11 23:37:41 +03:00
2016-08-12 12:05:32 +03:00
init(source: Observable<Any>, manager: MainWindowManager, urls: [NSURL] = [], initialData: PrefData) {
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
self.source = source
2016-07-10 19:47:24 +03:00
self.mainWindowManager = manager
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
self.window = self.windowController.window!
2016-07-28 20:37:39 +03:00
self.defaultEditorFont = initialData.appearance.editorFont
2016-07-31 00:04:20 +03:00
self.usesLigatures = initialData.appearance.editorUsesLigatures
2016-08-12 12:05:32 +03:00
self.urlsToBeOpenedWhenReady = urls
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
self.window.delegate = self
2016-07-17 15:41:53 +03:00
self.neoVimView.delegate = self
2016-07-24 21:32:07 +03:00
2016-07-10 19:47:24 +03:00
2016-07-24 21:32:07 +03:00
2016-07-11 18:56:55 +03:00
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
2016-07-27 00:40:20 +03:00
deinit {
2016-07-10 19:47:24 +03:00
2016-07-11 18:56:55 +03:00
2016-07-18 23:44:23 +03:00
func isDirty() -> Bool {
return self.neoVimView.hasDirtyDocs()
2016-08-13 00:07:16 +03:00
2016-08-12 19:00:05 +03:00
func closeAllNeoVimWindowsWithoutSaving() {
2016-07-18 23:44:23 +03:00
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
private func addViews() {
2016-07-24 21:32:07 +03:00
private func addReactions() {
.filter { $0 is PrefData }
2016-07-31 00:04:20 +03:00
.map { ($0 as! PrefData).appearance }
.subscribeNext { [unowned self] appearance in
self.neoVimView.usesLigatures = appearance.editorUsesLigatures
self.neoVimView.font = appearance.editorFont
2016-07-24 21:32:07 +03:00
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
2016-08-11 22:19:03 +03:00
// MARK: - File Menu Items
extension MainWindowComponent {
@IBAction func newTab(sender: AnyObject!) {
2016-08-11 23:37:41 +03:00
2016-08-12 15:54:37 +03:00
@IBAction func openDocument(sender: AnyObject!) {
2016-08-11 22:19:03 +03:00
let panel = NSOpenPanel()
panel.canChooseDirectories = true
panel.beginSheetModalForWindow(self.window) { result in
guard result == NSFileHandlingPanelOKButton else {
// The open panel can choose only one file.
2016-08-12 15:54:37 +03:00
self.neoVimView.open(urls: panel.URLs)
2016-08-11 22:19:03 +03:00
2016-08-03 22:02:47 +03:00
// MARK: - Font Menu Items
2016-07-28 20:37:39 +03:00
extension MainWindowComponent {
@IBAction func resetFontSize(sender: AnyObject!) {
self.neoVimView.font = self.defaultEditorFont
@IBAction func makeFontBigger(sender: AnyObject!) {
let curFont = self.neoVimView.font
2016-07-28 20:41:55 +03:00
let font = self.fontManager.convertFont(curFont,
toSize: min(curFont.pointSize + 1, PrefStore.maximumEditorFontSize))
2016-07-28 20:37:39 +03:00
self.neoVimView.font = font
@IBAction func makeFontSmaller(sender: AnyObject!) {
let curFont = self.neoVimView.font
2016-07-28 20:41:55 +03:00
let font = self.fontManager.convertFont(curFont,
toSize: max(curFont.pointSize - 1, PrefStore.minimumEditorFontSize))
2016-07-28 20:37:39 +03:00
self.neoVimView.font = font
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
// MARK: - NeoVimViewDelegate
extension MainWindowComponent {
2016-07-28 23:13:30 +03:00
func setTitle(title: String) {
self.window.title = title
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
2016-07-27 00:40:20 +03:00
func neoVimReady() {
2016-07-28 20:37:39 +03:00
self.neoVimView.font = self.defaultEditorFont
2016-07-31 00:04:20 +03:00
self.neoVimView.usesLigatures = self.usesLigatures
2016-08-11 23:37:41 +03:00
2016-08-12 15:54:37 +03:00
self.neoVimView.open(urls: self.urlsToBeOpenedWhenReady)
2016-07-27 00:40:20 +03:00
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00
func neoVimStopped() {
// MARK: - NSWindowDelegate
extension MainWindowComponent {
2016-07-10 19:47:24 +03:00
func windowWillClose(notification: NSNotification) {
2016-07-18 21:16:56 +03:00
func windowShouldClose(sender: AnyObject) -> Bool {
2016-08-13 00:07:16 +03:00
if self.neoVimView.isCurrentBufferDirty() {
let alert = NSAlert()
alert.addButtonWithTitle("Discard and Close")
alert.messageText = "The current buffer has unsaved changes!"
alert.alertStyle = .WarningAlertStyle
alert.beginSheetModalForWindow(self.window) { response in
if response == NSAlertSecondButtonReturn {
2016-07-18 21:16:56 +03:00
2016-08-13 00:07:16 +03:00
return false
2016-07-18 21:16:56 +03:00
2016-08-13 00:07:16 +03:00
2016-07-18 21:16:56 +03:00
return false
2016-07-18 21:16:56 +03:00
2016-07-21 20:28:58 +03:00