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* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Foundation
class Matcher {
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
static let uppercaseCharSet = CharacterSet.uppercaseLetters
enum ExactMatchResult {
case none
case exact
case prefix
case suffix
case contains
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
static func exactMatchIgnoringCase(_ target: String, pattern: String) -> ExactMatchResult {
let ltarget = target.lowercased()
let lpattern = pattern.lowercased()
if ltarget == lpattern {
return .exact
if ltarget.hasPrefix(lpattern) {
return .prefix
if ltarget.hasSuffix(lpattern) {
return .suffix
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
if ltarget.contains(lpattern) {
return .contains
return .none
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
static func numberOfUppercaseMatches(_ target: String, pattern: String) -> Int {
var tscalars = target.unicodeScalars.filter { self.uppercaseCharSet.contains($0) }
2016-09-08 21:16:37 +03:00
let count = tscalars.count
guard count > 0 else {
return 0
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
let pscalars = pattern.uppercased().unicodeScalars
pscalars.forEach {
if let idx = tscalars.index(of: $0) {
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
tscalars.remove(at: idx)
2016-09-08 21:16:37 +03:00
2016-09-08 21:16:37 +03:00
return count - tscalars.count
/// Matches `pattern` to `target` in a fuzzy way.
/// - returns: number of matched characters where first character match gets a bonus of 5
static func fuzzyIgnoringCase(_ target: String, pattern: String) -> Int {
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
let tlower = target.lowercased()
let plower = pattern.lowercased()
let tchars = tlower.unicodeScalars
let pchars = plower.unicodeScalars
var result = 0
var pidx = pchars.startIndex
for tchar in tchars {
if pchars[pidx] == tchar {
result += 1
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
pidx = pchars.index(after: pidx)
if tchars.first == pchars.first {
result += 5
return result
/// Wagner-Fischer algorithm.
/// We use the 32 bit representation (`String.unicodeScalars`) of both parameters to compare them.
/// - returns: the distance of pattern from target
/// - seealso: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WagnerFischer_algorithm
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
static func wagnerFisherDistance(_ target: String, pattern: String) -> Int {
let s = target.unicodeScalars
let t = pattern.unicodeScalars
let m = s.count
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
var prevRow = Array(repeating: 0, count: m &+ 1)
var curRow = Array(repeating: 0, count: m &+ 1)
for i in 0 ... m {
prevRow[i] = i
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
for (j, tchar) in t.enumerated() {
curRow[0] = j &+ 1
2016-09-25 18:50:33 +03:00
for (i, schar) in s.enumerated() {
if schar == tchar {
curRow[i &+ 1] = prevRow[i]
} else {
curRow[i &+ 1] = min(curRow[i] &+ 1, prevRow[i &+ 1] &+ 1, prevRow[i] &+ 1)
prevRow = curRow
return curRow[m]