only_rules: - colon - fatal_error_message - force_cast - force_try - force_unwrapping - implicitly_unwrapped_optional - legacy_cggeometry_functions - legacy_constant - legacy_constructor - legacy_nsgeometry_functions - operator_usage_whitespace - redundant_string_enum_value - return_arrow_whitespace - trailing_newline - type_name - unused_optional_binding - vertical_whitespace - void_return - custom_rules excluded: - Carthage - .build - .deps - build - NvimView/Sources/NvimView/NvimAutoCommandEvent.generated.swift - NvimView/Sources/NvimView/NvimCursorModeShape.generated.swift - RxPack/Sources/RxPack/RxNeovimApi.generated.swift colon: apply_to_dictionaries: false indentation: 2 custom_rules: no_objcMembers: name: "@objcMembers" regex: "@objcMembers" message: "Explicitly use @objc on each member you want to expose to Objective-C" severity: error no_direct_standard_out_logs: name: "Writing log messages directly to standard out is disallowed" regex: "(\\bprint|\\bdebugPrint|\\bdump|Swift\\.print|Swift\\.debugPrint|Swift\\.dump)\\s*\\(" match_kinds: - identifier message: "Don't commit `print(…)`, `debugPrint(…)`, or `dump(…)` as they write to standard out in release. Either log to a dedicated logging system or silence this warning in debug-only scenarios explicitly using `// swiftlint:disable:next no_direct_standard_out_logs`" severity: warning