/** * Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon * See LICENSE */ #import "NeoVimAgent.h" #import "NeoVimMsgIds.h" #import "NeoVimUiBridgeProtocol.h" #import "Logger.h" #import "NeoVimBuffer.h" #import "NeoVimWindow.h" static const double qTimeout = 10; #define data_to_array(type) \ static type *data_to_ ## type ## _array(NSData *data, NSUInteger count) { \ NSUInteger length = count * sizeof( type ); \ if (data.length != length) { \ return NULL; \ } \ return ( type *) data.bytes; \ } data_to_array(int) data_to_array(bool) data_to_array(CellAttributes) @interface NeoVimAgent () - (void)handleMessageWithId:(SInt32)msgid data:(NSData *)data; @end static CFDataRef local_server_callback(CFMessagePortRef local, SInt32 msgid, CFDataRef data, void *info) { @autoreleasepool { NeoVimAgent *agent = (__bridge NeoVimAgent *) info; [agent handleMessageWithId:msgid data:(__bridge NSData *) (data)]; } return NULL; } @implementation NeoVimAgent { NSString *_uuid; CFMessagePortRef _remoteServerPort; CFMessagePortRef _localServerPort; NSThread *_localServerThread; CFRunLoopRef _localServerRunLoop; NSTask *_neoVimServerTask; bool _neoVimIsReady; bool _isInitErrorPresent; NSUInteger _requestResponseId; NSMutableDictionary *_requestResponseConditions; NSMutableDictionary *_requestResponses; } - (instancetype)initWithUuid:(NSString *)uuid { self = [super init]; if (self == nil) { return nil; } _uuid = uuid; _useInteractiveZsh = NO; _neoVimIsReady = NO; _isInitErrorPresent = NO; _requestResponseId = 0; _requestResponseConditions = [NSMutableDictionary new]; _requestResponses = [NSMutableDictionary new]; return self; } // We cannot use -dealloc for this since -dealloc is not called until the run loop in the thread stops. - (void)quit { // Wait till we get the response from the server. // If we don't wait here, then the NSTask.terminate msg below could get caught by neovim which causes a warning log. [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdQuit data:nil expectsReply:YES]; if (CFMessagePortIsValid(_remoteServerPort)) { CFMessagePortInvalidate(_remoteServerPort); } CFRelease(_remoteServerPort); if (CFMessagePortIsValid(_localServerPort)) { CFMessagePortInvalidate(_localServerPort); } CFRelease(_localServerPort); CFRunLoopStop(_localServerRunLoop); [_localServerThread cancel]; // Just to be sure... [_neoVimServerTask interrupt]; [_neoVimServerTask terminate]; } - (void)launchNeoVimUsingLoginShell { NSString *shellPath = [NSProcessInfo processInfo].environment[@"SHELL"]; if (shellPath == nil) { shellPath = @"/bin/bash"; } NSString *shellName = shellPath.lastPathComponent; NSMutableArray *shellArgs = [NSMutableArray new]; if (![shellName isEqualToString:@"tcsh"]) { // tcsh does not like the -l option [shellArgs addObject:@"-l"]; } if (_useInteractiveZsh && [shellName isEqualToString:@"zsh"]) { [shellArgs addObject:@"-i"]; } NSPipe *inputPipe = [NSPipe pipe]; _neoVimServerTask = [[NSTask alloc] init]; #ifndef DEBUG NSFileHandle *nullFileHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithNullDevice]; _neoVimServerTask.standardOutput = nullFileHandle; _neoVimServerTask.standardError = nullFileHandle; #endif _neoVimServerTask.standardInput = inputPipe; _neoVimServerTask.currentDirectoryPath = NSHomeDirectory(); _neoVimServerTask.launchPath = shellPath; _neoVimServerTask.arguments = shellArgs; [_neoVimServerTask launch]; NSString *cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"exec \"%@\" '%@' '%@'", [self neoVimServerExecutablePath], [self localServerName], [self remoteServerName]]; NSFileHandle *writeHandle = inputPipe.fileHandleForWriting; [writeHandle writeData:[cmd dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [writeHandle closeFile]; } - (bool)runLocalServerAndNeoVim { _localServerThread = [[NSThread alloc] initWithTarget:self selector:@selector(runLocalServer) object:nil]; [_localServerThread start]; [self launchNeoVimUsingLoginShell]; // Wait until neovim is ready (max. 10s). NSDate *deadline = [[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:qTimeout]; while (!_neoVimIsReady && [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode beforeDate:deadline]); return !_isInitErrorPresent; } - (void)vimCommand:(NSString *)string { NSData *data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdCommand data:data expectsReply:NO]; } - (NSUInteger)nextRequestResponseId { NSUInteger reqId = _requestResponseId; _requestResponseId++; NSCondition *condition = [NSCondition new]; _requestResponseConditions[@(reqId)] = condition; return reqId; } - (id)responseByWaitingForId:(NSUInteger)reqId { NSCondition *condition = _requestResponseConditions[@(reqId)]; NSDate *deadline = [[NSDate date] dateByAddingTimeInterval:qTimeout]; [condition lock]; while (_requestResponses[@(reqId)] == nil) { [condition waitUntilDate:deadline]; } [condition unlock]; [_requestResponseConditions removeObjectForKey:@(reqId)]; id result = _requestResponses[@(reqId)]; [_requestResponses removeObjectForKey:@(reqId)]; // NSLog(@"!!!!!! %lu -> %@", reqId, result); return result; } - (NSString *)vimCommandOutput:(NSString *)string { NSUInteger reqId = [self nextRequestResponseId]; NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBytes:&reqId length:sizeof(NSUInteger)]; [data appendData:[string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdCommandOutput data:data expectsReply:NO]; NSData *resultData = [self responseByWaitingForId:reqId]; NSString *result = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:resultData]; return [result stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]]; } - (void)vimInput:(NSString *)string { NSData *data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdInput data:data expectsReply:NO]; } - (void)vimInputMarkedText:(NSString *_Nonnull)markedText { NSData *data = [markedText dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdInputMarked data:data expectsReply:NO]; } - (void)deleteCharacters:(NSInteger)count { NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&count length:sizeof(NSInteger)]; [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdDelete data:data expectsReply:NO]; } - (void)resizeToWidth:(int)width height:(int)height { int values[] = { width, height }; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:values length:(2 * sizeof(int))]; [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdResize data:data expectsReply:NO]; } - (bool)hasDirtyDocs { NSData *response = [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdGetDirtyDocs data:nil expectsReply:YES]; if (response == nil) { log4Warn("The response for the msg %lu was nil.", NeoVimAgentMsgIdGetDirtyDocs); return YES; } bool *values = data_to_bool_array(response, 1); return values[0]; } - (NSString *)escapedFileName:(NSString *)fileName { return [self escapedFileNames:@[ fileName ]][0]; } - (bool)boolOption:(NSString *)option { NSUInteger reqId = [self nextRequestResponseId]; NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithBytes:&reqId length:sizeof(NSUInteger)]; [data appendData:[option dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdGetBoolOption data:data expectsReply:NO]; NSData *resultData = [self responseByWaitingForId:reqId]; NSNumber *result = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:resultData]; return result.boolValue; } - (void)setBoolOption:(NSString *)option to:(bool)value { NSUInteger reqId = [self nextRequestResponseId]; NSMutableData *data = [NSMutableData new]; bool values[] = { value }; const char *cstr = [option cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [data appendBytes:&reqId length:sizeof(NSUInteger)]; [data appendBytes:values length:sizeof(bool)]; [data appendBytes:cstr length:strlen(cstr)]; [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdSetBoolOption data:data expectsReply:NO]; [self responseByWaitingForId:reqId]; } - (void)selectWindow:(NeoVimWindow *)window { int values[] = { (int) window.handle }; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:values length:sizeof(int)]; [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdSelectWindow data:data expectsReply:NO]; } - (NSArray *)escapedFileNames:(NSArray *)fileNames { NSData *data = [NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:fileNames]; NSData *response = [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdGetEscapeFileNames data:data expectsReply:YES]; if (response == nil) { log4Warn("The response for the msg %lu was nil.", NeoVimAgentMsgIdGetEscapeFileNames); return @[]; } return [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:response]; } - (NSArray *)buffers { NSData *response = [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdGetBuffers data:nil expectsReply:YES]; if (response == nil) { log4Warn("The response for the msg %lu was nil.", NeoVimAgentMsgIdGetBuffers); return @[]; } return [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:response]; } - (NSArray *)tabs { NSData *response = [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdGetTabs data:nil expectsReply:YES]; if (response == nil) { log4Warn("The response for the msg %lu was nil.", NeoVimAgentMsgIdGetTabs); return @[]; } return [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData:response]; } - (void)runLocalServer { @autoreleasepool { CFMessagePortContext localContext = { .version = 0, .info = (__bridge void *) self, .retain = NULL, .release = NULL, .copyDescription = NULL }; unsigned char shouldFreeLocalServer = false; _localServerPort = CFMessagePortCreateLocal( kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFStringRef) [self localServerName], local_server_callback, &localContext, &shouldFreeLocalServer ); // FIXME: handle shouldFreeLocalServer = true } _localServerRunLoop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent(); CFRunLoopSourceRef runLoopSrc = CFMessagePortCreateRunLoopSource(kCFAllocatorDefault, _localServerPort, 0); CFRunLoopAddSource(_localServerRunLoop, runLoopSrc, kCFRunLoopCommonModes); CFRelease(runLoopSrc); CFRunLoopRun(); } - (void)establishNeoVimConnection { _remoteServerPort = CFMessagePortCreateRemote( kCFAllocatorDefault, (__bridge CFStringRef) [self remoteServerName] ); [self sendMessageWithId:NeoVimAgentMsgIdAgentReady data:nil expectsReply:NO]; } - (NSData *)sendMessageWithId:(NeoVimAgentMsgId)msgid data:(NSData *)data expectsReply:(bool)expectsReply { if (_remoteServerPort == NULL) { log4Warn("Remote server is null: The msg %lu with data %@ could not be sent.", (unsigned long) msgid, data); return nil; } CFDataRef responseData = NULL; CFStringRef replyMode = expectsReply ? kCFRunLoopDefaultMode : NULL; SInt32 responseCode = CFMessagePortSendRequest( _remoteServerPort, msgid, (__bridge CFDataRef) data, qTimeout, qTimeout, replyMode, &responseData ); if (responseCode != kCFMessagePortSuccess) { log4Warn("Got response %d for the msg %lu with data %@.", responseCode, (unsigned long) msgid, data); return nil; } if (responseData == NULL) { return nil; } NSData *result = (__bridge_transfer NSData *) responseData; return result; } - (NSString *)neoVimServerExecutablePath { return [[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] builtInPlugInsPath] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"NeoVimServer"]; } - (NSString *)localServerName { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"com.qvacua.vimr.%@", _uuid]; } - (NSString *)remoteServerName { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"com.qvacua.vimr.neovim-server.%@", _uuid]; } - (void)handleMessageWithId:(SInt32)msgid data:(NSData *)data { switch (msgid) { case NeoVimServerMsgIdServerReady: [self establishNeoVimConnection]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdNeoVimReady: { bool *value = data_to_bool_array(data, 1); _isInitErrorPresent = value[0]; _neoVimIsReady = YES; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdResize: { int *values = data_to_int_array(data, 2); if (values == nil) { return; } [_bridge resizeToWidth:values[0] height:values[1]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdClear: [_bridge clear]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdEolClear: [_bridge eolClear]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdSetPosition: { int *values = data_to_int_array(data, 4); [_bridge gotoPosition:(Position) { .row = values[0], .column = values[1] } screenCursor:(Position) { .row = values[2], .column = values[3] }]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdSetMenu: [_bridge updateMenu]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdBusyStart: [_bridge busyStart]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdBusyStop: [_bridge busyStop]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdMouseOn: [_bridge mouseOn]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdMouseOff: [_bridge mouseOff]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdModeChange: { int *values = data_to_int_array(data, 1); [_bridge modeChange:(Mode) values[0]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdSetScrollRegion: { int *values = data_to_int_array(data, 4); [_bridge setScrollRegionToTop:values[0] bottom:values[1] left:values[2] right:values[3]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdScroll: { int *values = data_to_int_array(data, 1); [_bridge scroll:values[0]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdSetHighlightAttributes: { CellAttributes *values = data_to_CellAttributes_array(data, 1); [_bridge highlightSet:values[0]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdPut: case NeoVimServerMsgIdPutMarked: { int *values = (int *) data.bytes; int row = values[0]; int column = values[1]; NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:(values + 2) length:data.length - 2 * sizeof(int) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; if (msgid == NeoVimServerMsgIdPut) { [_bridge put:string screenCursor:(Position) { .row=row, .column=column }]; } else { [_bridge putMarkedText:string screenCursor:(Position) { .row=row, .column=column }]; } return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdUnmark: { int *values = data_to_int_array(data, 2); [_bridge unmarkRow:values[0] column:values[1]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdBell: [_bridge bell]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdVisualBell: [_bridge visualBell]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdFlush: [_bridge flush]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdSetForeground: { int *values = data_to_int_array(data, 1); [_bridge updateForeground:values[0]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdSetBackground: { int *values = data_to_int_array(data, 1); [_bridge updateBackground:values[0]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdSetSpecial: { int *values = data_to_int_array(data, 1); [_bridge updateSpecial:values[0]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdSetTitle: { NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [_bridge setTitle:string]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdSetIcon: { NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [_bridge setIcon:string]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdDirtyStatusChanged: { bool *values = data_to_bool_array(data, 1); [_bridge setDirtyStatus:values[0]]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdCwdChanged: [_bridge cwdChanged]; return; case NeoVimServerMsgIdSyncResult: { NSUInteger *values = (NSUInteger *) data.bytes; NSUInteger requestId = values[0]; NSUInteger resultDataLength = data.length - sizeof(NSUInteger); NSData *resultData; if (resultDataLength == 0) { resultData = NSData.new; } else { resultData = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:(values + 1) length:resultDataLength]; } NSCondition *condition = _requestResponseConditions[@(requestId)]; [condition lock]; _requestResponses[@(requestId)] = resultData; [condition broadcast]; [condition unlock]; return; } case NeoVimServerMsgIdStop: [_bridge stop]; return; default: return; } } @end