// Install the following plugins in addition to recommended plugins when installing Jenkins // - Job DSL // - AnsiColor // // And set the "Markup Formatter" in "Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security" to "Safe HTML". def buildSnapshotJob = freeStyleJob('vimr_build') buildSnapshotJob.with { description '''\ Builds a new snapshot of VimR and pushes the tag:
''' logRotator { numToKeep(10) } parameters { booleanParam('PUBLISH', true, 'Publish this release to Github?') stringParam('BRANCH', 'develop', 'Branch to build; defaults to develop') stringParam('MARKETING_VERSION', null, 'If IS_SNAPSHOT is unchecked, you have to enter this.') textParam('RELEASE_NOTES', null, 'Release notes') booleanParam('IS_SNAPSHOT', true) booleanParam('UPDATE_APPCAST', true) booleanParam('UPDATE_SNAPSHOT_APPCAST_FOR_RELEASE', true) } scm { git { remote { url('git@github.com:qvacua/vimr.git') } branch('*/${BRANCH}') } } wrappers { colorizeOutput() } steps { shell('./bin/build.sh') } publishers { archiveArtifacts { pattern('build/Build/Products/Release/**') onlyIfSuccessful() } } }