/** * Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon * See LICENSE */ #import #import "Logging.h" #import "server_globals.h" #import "NeoVimServer.h" #import "NeoVimUiBridgeProtocol.h" // FileInfo and Boolean are #defined by Carbon and NeoVim: Since we don't need the Carbon versions of them, we rename // them. #define FileInfo CarbonFileInfo #define Boolean CarbonBoolean #import #import #import #import #import #import #import #define pun_type(t, x) (*((t *)(&x))) typedef struct { UIBridgeData *bridge; Loop *loop; bool stop; // FIXME: dunno whether we need this: copied from tui.c bool cont_received; SignalWatcher cont_handle; } ServerUiData; // We declare nvim_main because it's not declared in any header files of neovim extern int nvim_main(int argc, char **argv); static unsigned int _default_foreground = qDefaultForeground; static unsigned int _default_background = qDefaultBackground; static unsigned int _default_special = qDefaultSpecial; // The thread in which neovim's main runs static uv_thread_t _nvim_thread; // Condition variable used by the XPC's init to wait till our custom UI initialization is finished inside neovim static bool _is_ui_launched = false; static uv_mutex_t _mutex; static uv_cond_t _condition; static ServerUiData *_server_ui_data; static NSString *_marked_text = nil; static int _marked_row = 0; static int _marked_column = 0; // for 하 -> hanja popup, Cocoa first inserts 하, then sets marked text, cf docs/notes-on-cocoa-text-input.md static int _marked_delta = 0; static int _put_row = -1; static int _put_column = -1; static NSString *_backspace = nil; static dispatch_queue_t _queue; static inline int screen_cursor_row() { return curwin->w_winrow + curwin->w_wrow; } static inline int screen_cursor_column() { return curwin->w_wincol + curwin->w_wcol; } static inline void queue(void (^block)()) { dispatch_sync(_queue, ^{ @autoreleasepool { block(); } }); } static void set_ui_size(UIBridgeData *bridge, int width, int height) { bridge->ui->width = width; bridge->ui->height = height; bridge->bridge.width = width; bridge->bridge.height = height; } static void sigcont_cb(SignalWatcher *watcher __unused, int signum __unused, void *data) { ((ServerUiData *) data)->cont_received = true; } static void server_ui_scheduler(Event event, void *d) { UI *ui = d; ServerUiData *data = ui->data; loop_schedule(data->loop, event); } static void server_ui_main(UIBridgeData *bridge, UI *ui) { Loop loop; loop_init(&loop, NULL); _server_ui_data = xcalloc(1, sizeof(ServerUiData)); ui->data = _server_ui_data; _server_ui_data->bridge = bridge; _server_ui_data->loop = &loop; // FIXME: dunno whether we need this: copied from tui.c signal_watcher_init(_server_ui_data->loop, &_server_ui_data->cont_handle, _server_ui_data); signal_watcher_start(&_server_ui_data->cont_handle, sigcont_cb, SIGCONT); set_ui_size(bridge, 30, 15); _server_ui_data->stop = false; CONTINUE(bridge); uv_mutex_lock(&_mutex); _is_ui_launched = true; uv_cond_signal(&_condition); uv_mutex_unlock(&_mutex); while (!_server_ui_data->stop) { loop_poll_events(&loop, -1); } ui_bridge_stopped(bridge); loop_close(&loop); xfree(_server_ui_data); xfree(ui); } // FIXME: dunno whether we need this: copied from tui.c static void suspend_event(void **argv) { UI *ui = argv[0]; ServerUiData *data = ui->data; data->cont_received = false; kill(0, SIGTSTP); while (!data->cont_received) { // poll the event loop until SIGCONT is received loop_poll_events(data->loop, -1); } CONTINUE(data->bridge); } #pragma mark NeoVim's UI callbacks static void server_ui_resize(UI *ui __unused, int width, int height) { queue(^{ int values[] = { width, height }; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:values length:(2 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdResize data:data]; [data release]; }); } static void server_ui_clear(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdClear]; }); } static void server_ui_eol_clear(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdEolClear]; }); } static void server_ui_cursor_goto(UI *ui __unused, int row, int col) { queue(^{ _put_row = row; _put_column = col; int values[] = { row, col, screen_cursor_row(), screen_cursor_column() }; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:values length:(4 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetPosition data:data]; [data release]; }); } static void server_ui_update_menu(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetMenu]; }); } static void server_ui_busy_start(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdBusyStart]; }); } static void server_ui_busy_stop(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdBusyStop]; }); } static void server_ui_mouse_on(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdMouseOn]; }); } static void server_ui_mouse_off(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdMouseOff]; }); } static void server_ui_mode_change(UI *ui __unused, int mode) { queue(^{ int value = mode; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&value length:(1 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdModeChange data:data]; [data release]; }); } static void server_ui_set_scroll_region(UI *ui __unused, int top, int bot, int left, int right) { queue(^{ int values[] = { top, bot, left, right }; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:values length:(4 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetScrollRegion data:data]; [data release]; }); } static void server_ui_scroll(UI *ui __unused, int count) { queue(^{ int value = count; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&value length:(1 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdScroll data:data]; [data release]; }); } static void server_ui_highlight_set(UI *ui __unused, HlAttrs attrs) { queue(^{ FontTrait trait = FontTraitNone; if (attrs.italic) { trait |= FontTraitItalic; } if (attrs.bold) { trait |= FontTraitBold; } if (attrs.underline) { trait |= FontTraitUnderline; } if (attrs.undercurl) { trait |= FontTraitUndercurl; } CellAttributes cellAttrs; cellAttrs.fontTrait = trait; unsigned int fg = attrs.foreground == -1 ? _default_foreground : pun_type(unsigned int, attrs.foreground); unsigned int bg = attrs.background == -1 ? _default_background : pun_type(unsigned int, attrs.background); cellAttrs.foreground = attrs.reverse ? bg : fg; cellAttrs.background = attrs.reverse ? fg : bg; cellAttrs.special = attrs.special == -1 ? _default_special : pun_type(unsigned int, attrs.special); NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&cellAttrs length:sizeof(CellAttributes)]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetHighlightAttributes data:data]; [data release]; }); } static void server_ui_put(UI *ui __unused, uint8_t *str, size_t len) { queue(^{ NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:str length:len encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; // printf("%s", [string cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]); NSData *data = [string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; if (_marked_text != nil && _marked_row == _put_row && _marked_column == _put_column) { // log4Debug("putting marked text: '%@'", string); [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdPutMarked data:data]; } else if (_marked_text != nil && len == 0 && _marked_row == _put_row && _marked_column == _put_column - 1) { // log4Debug("putting marked text cuz zero"); [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdPutMarked data:data]; } else { // log4Debug("putting non-marked text: '%@'", string); [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdPut data:data]; } _put_column += 1; [string release]; }); } static void server_ui_bell(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdBell]; }); } static void server_ui_visual_bell(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdVisualBell]; }); } static void server_ui_flush(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdFlush]; }); } static void server_ui_update_fg(UI *ui __unused, int fg) { queue(^{ int value; if (fg == -1) { value = _default_foreground; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&value length:(1 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetForeground data:data]; [data release]; return; } _default_foreground = pun_type(unsigned int, fg); value = fg; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&value length:(1 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetForeground data:data]; [data release]; }); } static void server_ui_update_bg(UI *ui __unused, int bg) { queue(^{ int value; if (bg == -1) { value = _default_background; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&value length:(1 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetBackground data:data]; [data release]; return; } _default_background = pun_type(unsigned int, bg); value = bg; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&value length:(1 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetBackground data:data]; [data release]; }); } static void server_ui_update_sp(UI *ui __unused, int sp) { queue(^{ int value; if (sp == -1) { value = _default_special; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&value length:(1 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetSpecial data:data]; [data release]; return; } _default_special = pun_type(unsigned int, sp); value = sp; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:&value length:(1 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetSpecial data:data]; [data release]; }); } static void server_ui_suspend(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSuspend]; ServerUiData *data = ui->data; // FIXME: dunno whether we need this: copied from tui.c // kill(0, SIGTSTP) won't stop the UI thread, so we must poll for SIGCONT // before continuing. This is done in another callback to avoid // loop_poll_events recursion queue_put_event(data->loop->fast_events, event_create(1, suspend_event, 1, ui)); }); } static void server_ui_set_title(UI *ui __unused, char *title) { queue(^{ NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:title encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetTitle data:[string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [string release]; }); } static void server_ui_set_icon(UI *ui __unused, char *icon) { queue(^{ NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:icon encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdSetIcon data:[string dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]]; [string release]; }); } static void server_ui_stop(UI *ui __unused) { queue(^{ [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdStop]; ServerUiData *data = (ServerUiData *) ui->data; data->stop = true; }); } #pragma mark Helper functions static void force_redraw(void **argv __unused) { must_redraw = CLEAR; update_screen(0); } static void refresh_ui(void **argv __unused) { ui_refresh(); } static void neovim_input(void **argv) { @autoreleasepool { NSString *input = (NSString *) argv[0]; // FIXME: check the length of the consumed bytes by neovim and if not fully consumed, call vim_input again. vim_input((String) { .data = (char *) input.UTF8String, .size = [input lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] }); [input release]; // retain in loop_schedule(&main_loop, ...) (in _queue) somewhere } } static void delete_marked_text() { NSUInteger length = [_marked_text lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:NSUTF32StringEncoding] / 4; [_marked_text release]; _marked_text = nil; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { loop_schedule(&main_loop, event_create(1, neovim_input, 1, [_backspace retain])); // release in neovim_input } } static void run_neovim(void *arg __unused) { char *argv[1]; argv[0] = "nvim"; int returnCode = nvim_main(1, argv); NSLog(@"neovim's main returned with code: %d\n", returnCode); } #pragma mark Public void custom_ui_start(void) { UI *ui = xcalloc(1, sizeof(UI)); ui->rgb = true; ui->stop = server_ui_stop; ui->resize = server_ui_resize; ui->clear = server_ui_clear; ui->eol_clear = server_ui_eol_clear; ui->cursor_goto = server_ui_cursor_goto; ui->update_menu = server_ui_update_menu; ui->busy_start = server_ui_busy_start; ui->busy_stop = server_ui_busy_stop; ui->mouse_on = server_ui_mouse_on; ui->mouse_off = server_ui_mouse_off; ui->mode_change = server_ui_mode_change; ui->set_scroll_region = server_ui_set_scroll_region; ui->scroll = server_ui_scroll; ui->highlight_set = server_ui_highlight_set; ui->put = server_ui_put; ui->bell = server_ui_bell; ui->visual_bell = server_ui_visual_bell; ui->update_fg = server_ui_update_fg; ui->update_bg = server_ui_update_bg; ui->update_sp = server_ui_update_sp; ui->flush = server_ui_flush; ui->suspend = server_ui_suspend; ui->set_title = server_ui_set_title; ui->set_icon = server_ui_set_icon; ui_bridge_attach(ui, server_ui_main, server_ui_scheduler); } void server_start_neovim() { _queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.qvacua.vimr.neovim-server.queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); // set $VIMRUNTIME to ${RESOURCE_PATH_OF_XPC_BUNDLE}/runtime NSString *bundlePath = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[NeoVimServer class]].bundlePath; NSString *resourcesPath = [bundlePath.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources"]; NSString *runtimePath = [resourcesPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"runtime"]; setenv("VIMRUNTIME", runtimePath.fileSystemRepresentation, true); uv_mutex_init(&_mutex); uv_cond_init(&_condition); uv_thread_create(&_nvim_thread, run_neovim, NULL); log4Info("NeoVim started"); // continue only after our UI main code for neovim has been fully initialized uv_mutex_lock(&_mutex); while (!_is_ui_launched) { uv_cond_wait(&_condition, &_mutex); } uv_mutex_unlock(&_mutex); uv_cond_destroy(&_condition); uv_mutex_destroy(&_mutex); _backspace = [[NSString alloc] initWithString:@""]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdNeoVimReady]; } void server_delete(NSInteger count) { queue(^{ _marked_delta = 0; // Very ugly: When we want to have the Hanja for 하, Cocoa first finalizes 하, then sets the Hanja as marked text. // The main app will call this method when this happens, thus compute how many cell we have to go backward to // correctly mark the will-be-soon-inserted Hanja... See also docs/notes-on-cocoa-text-input.md int emptyCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { _marked_delta -= 1; // TODO: -1 because we assume that the cursor is one cell ahead, probably not always correct... schar_T character = ScreenLines[_put_row * screen_Rows + _put_column - i - emptyCounter - 1]; if (character == 0x00 || character == ' ') { // FIXME: dunno yet, why we have to also match ' '... _marked_delta -= 1; emptyCounter += 1; } } // log4Debug("put cursor: %d:%d, count: %li, delta: %d", _put_row, _put_column, count, _marked_delta); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { loop_schedule(&main_loop, event_create(1, neovim_input, 1, [_backspace retain])); // release in neovim_input } }); } void server_redraw() { loop_schedule(&main_loop, event_create(1, force_redraw, 0)); } void server_resize(int width, int height) { queue(^{ set_ui_size(_server_ui_data->bridge, width, height); loop_schedule(&main_loop, event_create(1, refresh_ui, 0)); }); } void server_vim_input(NSString *input) { queue(^{ if (_marked_text == nil) { loop_schedule(&main_loop, event_create(1, neovim_input, 1, [input retain])); // release in neovim_input return; } // Handle cases like ㅎ -> arrow key: The previously marked text is the same as the finalized text which should // inserted. Neovim's drawing code is optimized such that it does not call put in this case again, thus, we have // to manually unmark the cells in the main app. if ([_marked_text isEqualToString:input]) { // log4Debug("unmarking text: '%@'\t now at %d:%d", input, _put_row, _put_column); const char *str = [_marked_text cStringUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; size_t cellCount = mb_string2cells((const char_u *) str); for (int i = 1; i <= cellCount; i++) { // log4Debug("unmarking at %d:%d", _put_row, _put_column - i); int values[] = { _put_row, MAX(_put_column - i, 0) }; NSData *data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:values length:(2 * sizeof(int))]; [_neovim_server sendMessageWithId:NeoVimServerMsgIdUnmark data:data]; [data release]; } } delete_marked_text(); loop_schedule(&main_loop, event_create(1, neovim_input, 1, [input retain])); // release in neovim_input }); } void server_vim_input_marked_text(NSString *markedText) { queue(^{ if (_marked_text == nil) { _marked_row = _put_row; _marked_column = _put_column + _marked_delta; // log4Debug("marking position: %d:%d(%d + %d)", _put_row, _marked_column, _put_column, _marked_delta); _marked_delta = 0; } else { delete_marked_text(); } // log4Debug("inserting marked text '%@' at %d:%d", markedText, _put_row, _put_column); server_insert_marked_text(markedText); }); } void server_insert_marked_text(NSString *markedText) { _marked_text = [markedText retain]; // release when the final text is input in -vimInput loop_schedule(&main_loop, event_create(1, neovim_input, 1, [_marked_text retain])); // release in neovim_input } bool server_has_dirty_docs() { FOR_ALL_BUFFERS(buffer) { if (buffer->b_changed) { return true; } } return false; }