DISABLE_TUI := DISABLE ENABLE_CUSTOM_UI := ENABLE # Sets the build type; defaults to Debug. Valid values: # # - Debug: Disables optimizations (-O0), enables debug information and logging. # # - Dev: Enables all optimizations that do not interfere with # debugging (-Og if available, -O2 and -g if not). # Enables debug information and logging. # # - RelWithDebInfo: Enables optimizations (-O2) and debug information. # Disables logging. # # - MinSizeRel: Enables all -O2 optimization that do not typically # increase code size, and performs further optimizations # designed to reduce code size (-Os). # Disables debug information and logging. # # - Release: Same as RelWithDebInfo, but disables debug information. #CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE := Dev CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE := Release # The log level must be a number DEBUG (0), INFO (1), WARNING (2) or ERROR (3). #CMAKE_EXTRA_FLAGS += -DMIN_LOG_LEVEL=0