/** * Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon * See LICENSE */ import Foundation struct Cell: CustomStringConvertible { private let attributes: CellAttributes let string: String var marked: Bool var attrs: CellAttributes { return self.marked ? self.attributes.reversedColor : self.attributes } init(string: String, attrs: CellAttributes, marked: Bool = false) { self.string = string self.attributes = attrs self.marked = marked } var description: String { return self.string.characters.count > 0 ? self.string : "*" } } struct Position: CustomStringConvertible { static let zero = Position(row: 0, column: 0) var row: Int var column: Int var description: String { return "Position<\(self.row):\(self.column)>" } } struct Size: CustomStringConvertible { static let zero = Size(width: 0, height: 0) let width: Int let height: Int var description: String { return "Size<\(self.width):\(self.height)>" } } struct Region: CustomStringConvertible { static let zero = Region(top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0) let top: Int let bottom: Int let left: Int let right: Int var description: String { return "Region<\(self.top)...\(self.bottom):\(self.left)...\(self.right)>" } var rowRange: Range { return self.top...self.bottom } var columnRange: Range { return self.left...self.right } } /// Almost a verbatim copy of ugrid.c of NeoVim class Grid: CustomStringConvertible { private(set) var region = Region.zero private(set) var size = Size.zero private(set) var position = Position.zero var foreground = qDefaultForeground var background = qDefaultBackground var special = qDefaultSpecial var attrs: CellAttributes = CellAttributes( fontTrait: .None, foreground: qDefaultForeground, background: qDefaultBackground, special: qDefaultSpecial ) private(set) var cells: [[Cell]] = [] var hasData: Bool { return !self.cells.isEmpty } var description: String { return self.cells.reduce("<<< Grid\n") { $1.reduce($0) { $0 + $1.description } + "\n" } + ">>>" } func resize(size: Size) { self.region = Region(top: 0, bottom: size.height - 1, left: 0, right: size.width - 1) self.size = size self.position = Position.zero let emptyCellAttrs = CellAttributes(fontTrait: .None, foreground: self.foreground, background: self.background, special: self.special) let emptyRow = Array(count: size.width, repeatedValue: Cell(string: " ", attrs: emptyCellAttrs)) self.cells = Array(count: size.height, repeatedValue: emptyRow) } func clear() { self.clearRegion(self.region) } func eolClear() { self.clearRegion( Region(top: self.position.row, bottom: self.position.row, left: self.position.column, right: self.region.right) ) } func setScrollRegion(region: Region) { self.region = region } func scroll(count: Int) { var start, stop, step : Int if count > 0 { start = self.region.top; stop = self.region.bottom - count + 1; step = 1; } else { start = self.region.bottom; stop = self.region.top - count - 1; step = -1; } // copy cell data let rangeWithinRow = self.region.left...self.region.right for i in start.stride(to: stop, by: step) { self.cells[i].replaceRange(rangeWithinRow, with: self.cells[i + count][rangeWithinRow]) } // clear cells in the emptied region, var clearTop, clearBottom: Int if count > 0 { clearTop = stop clearBottom = stop + count - 1 } else { clearBottom = stop clearTop = stop + count + 1 } self.clearRegion(Region(top: clearTop, bottom: clearBottom, left: self.region.left, right: self.region.right)) } func goto(position: Position) { self.position = position } func put(string: String) { self.cells[self.position.row][self.position.column] = Cell(string: string, attrs: self.attrs) self.position.column += 1 } func putMarkedText(string: String) { // NOTE: Maybe there's a better way to indicate marked text than inverting... self.cells[self.position.row][self.position.column] = Cell(string: string, attrs: self.attrs, marked: true) self.position.column += 1 } func unmarkCell(position: Position) { print("!!!!! unmarking: \(position)") self.cells[position.row][position.column].marked = false } private func clearRegion(region: Region) { // FIXME: sometimes clearRegion gets called without first resizing the Grid. Should we handle this? guard self.hasData else { return } let clearedAttrs = CellAttributes(fontTrait: .None, foreground: self.foreground, background: self.background, special: self.special) let clearedCell = Cell(string: " ", attrs: clearedAttrs) let clearedRow = Array(count: region.right - region.left + 1, repeatedValue: clearedCell) for i in region.top...region.bottom { self.cells[i].replaceRange(region.left...region.right, with: clearedRow) } } }