/** * Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon * See LICENSE */ import Cocoa import XCTest import Nimble @testable import NvimView class TypesetterWithoutLigaturesTest: XCTestCase { func testSimpleAsciiChars() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithoutLigatures( nvimCells: emojiMarked(["a", "b", "c"]), startColumn: 10, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(3)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( (10..<13).map { CGPoint(x: offset.x + CGFloat($0) * defaultWidth, y: offset.y) } )) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 13 * defaultWidth) } func testAccentedChars() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithoutLigatures( nvimCells: emojiMarked(["ü", "î", "ñ"]), startColumn: 20, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(3)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( (20..<23).map { CGPoint(x: offset.x + CGFloat($0) * defaultWidth, y: offset.y) } )) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 23 * defaultWidth) } func testCombiningChars() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithoutLigatures( nvimCells: emojiMarked( ["a", "a\u{1DC1}", "a\u{032A}", "a\u{034B}", "b", "c"] ), startColumn: 10, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(6)) var run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(1)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 10 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y) ] )) run = runs[1] expect(run.font).to(equal(courierNew)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions[0]) .to(equal(CGPoint(x: offset.x + 11 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y))) expect(run.positions[1].x) .to(beCloseTo(offset.x + 11 * defaultWidth + 0.003, within: 0.001)) expect(run.positions[1].y).to(beCloseTo(offset.y + 0.305, within: 0.001)) run = runs[2] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions[0]) .to(equal(CGPoint(x: offset.x + 12 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y))) expect(run.positions[1].x) .to(beCloseTo(offset.x + 12 * defaultWidth, within: 0.001)) expect(run.positions[1].y).to(beCloseTo(offset.y - 0.279, within: 0.001)) run = runs[3] expect(run.font).to(equal(monaco)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions[0]) .to(equal(CGPoint(x: offset.x + 13 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y))) expect(run.positions[1].x) .to(beCloseTo(offset.x + 13 * defaultWidth + 7.804, within: 0.001)) expect(run.positions[1].y).to(beCloseTo(offset.y + 2.446, within: 0.001)) run = runs[4] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 14 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 15 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[5], xPosition: offset.x + 16 * defaultWidth) } func testSimpleEmojis() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithoutLigatures( nvimCells: asciiMarked(["a", "b", "\u{1F600}", "", "\u{1F377}", ""]), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(3)) var run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 2 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) run = runs[1] expect(run.font).to(equal(emoji)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 3 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 5 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertAsciiMarker(run: runs[2], xPosition: offset.x + 7 * defaultWidth) } func testEmojisWithFitzpatrickModifier() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithoutLigatures( nvimCells: asciiMarked(["a", "\u{1F476}", "", "\u{1F3FD}", ""]), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(3)) var run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(1)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) run = runs[1] expect(run.font).to(equal(emoji)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 2 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertAsciiMarker(run: runs[2], xPosition: offset.x + 6 * defaultWidth) } func testHangul() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithoutLigatures( nvimCells: asciiMarked(["a", "b", "하", "", "태", "", "원", ""]), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(3)) var run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 2 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) run = runs[1] expect(run.font).to(equal(gothic)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 3 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 5 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 7 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertAsciiMarker(run: runs[2], xPosition: offset.x + 9 * defaultWidth) } func testHanja() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithoutLigatures( nvimCells: asciiMarked(["a", "b", "河", "", "泰", "", "元", ""]), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(3)) var run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 2 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) run = runs[1] expect(run.font).to(equal(gothic)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 3 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 5 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 7 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertAsciiMarker(run: runs[2], xPosition: offset.x + 9 * defaultWidth) } func testOthers() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithoutLigatures( nvimCells: emojiMarked(["a", "\u{10437}", "\u{1F14}"]), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(4)) var run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(1)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y) ] )) run = runs[1] expect(run.font).to(equal(baskerville)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 2 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) run = runs[2] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(1)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 3 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[3], xPosition: offset.x + 4 * defaultWidth) } func testSimpleLigatureChars() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithoutLigatures( nvimCells: emojiMarked(["a", "-", "-", ">", "a"]), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: fira, cellWidth: firaWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(fira)) expect(run.glyphs).to(equal([133, 1023, 1023, 1148, 133])) expect(run.positions).to(equal( (1..<6).map { CGPoint(x: offset.x + CGFloat($0) * firaWidth, y: offset.y) } )) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 6 * firaWidth) } private func assertAsciiMarker(run: FontGlyphRun, xPosition: CGFloat) { expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.positions).to(equal([CGPoint(x: xPosition, y: offset.y)])) } private func assertEmojiMarker(run: FontGlyphRun, xPosition: CGFloat) { expect(run.font).to(equal(emoji)) expect(run.positions).to(equal([CGPoint(x: xPosition, y: offset.y)])) } } class TypesetterWithLigaturesTest: XCTestCase { func testSimpleAsciiChars() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars(emojiMarked( Array(repeating: "a", count: 20) )), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(20)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( (1..<21).map { CGPoint(x: offset.x + CGFloat($0) * defaultWidth, y: offset.y) } )) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 21 * defaultWidth) } func testAccentedChars() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars(emojiMarked(["ü", "î", "ñ"])), startColumn: 10, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(3)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 10 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 11 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 12 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 13 * defaultWidth) } func testCombiningChars() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars( emojiMarked(["a\u{1DC1}", "a\u{032A}", "a\u{034B}"]) ), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(4)) // The positions of the combining characters are copied from print outputs // and they are visually checked by drawing them and inspecting them... var run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(courierNew)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions[0]) .to(equal(CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y))) expect(run.positions[1].x) .to(beCloseTo(offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth + 0.003, within: 0.001)) expect(run.positions[1].y).to(beCloseTo(offset.y + 0.305, within: 0.001)) run = runs[1] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions[0]) .to(equal(CGPoint(x: offset.x + 2 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y))) expect(run.positions[1].x) .to(beCloseTo(offset.x + 2 * defaultWidth, within: 0.001)) expect(run.positions[1].y).to(beCloseTo(offset.y - 0.279, within: 0.001)) run = runs[2] expect(run.font).to(equal(monaco)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(2)) expect(run.positions[0]) .to(equal(CGPoint(x: offset.x + 3 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y))) expect(run.positions[1].x) .to(beCloseTo(offset.x + 3 * defaultWidth + 7.804, within: 0.001)) expect(run.positions[1].y).to(beCloseTo(offset.y + 2.446, within: 0.001)) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[3], xPosition: offset.x + 4 * defaultWidth) } func testSimpleEmojis() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars( asciiMarked(["\u{1F600}", "", "\u{1F377}", ""]) ), startColumn: 0, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(emoji)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 0, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 2 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertAsciiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 4 * defaultWidth) } func testEmojisWithFitzpatrickModifier() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( // Neovim does not yet seem to support the Fitzpatrick modifiers: // It sends the following instead of ["\u{1F476}\u{1F3FD}", ""]. // We render it together anyway and treat it as a 4-cell character. nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars( asciiMarked(["\u{1F476}", "", "\u{1F3FD}", ""]) ), startColumn: 0, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(emoji)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 0, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertAsciiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 4 * defaultWidth) } func testEmojisWithZeroWidthJoiner() { // Neovim does not yet seem to support Emojis composed by zero-width-joiner: // If it did, we'd render it correctly. let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars(asciiMarked( [ "\u{1F468}\u{200D}\u{1F468}\u{200D}\u{1F467}\u{200D}\u{1F467}", "", ] )), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(emoji)) expect(run.glyphs).to(haveCount(1)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertAsciiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 3 * defaultWidth) } func testHangul() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars( asciiMarked(["하", "", "태", "", "원", ""]) ), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(gothic)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 3 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 5 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertAsciiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 7 * defaultWidth) } func testHanja() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars( asciiMarked(["河", "", "泰", "", "元", ""]) ), startColumn: 1, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(gothic)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 3 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), CGPoint(x: offset.x + 5 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertAsciiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 7 * defaultWidth) } func testOthers() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars( emojiMarked(["\u{10437}", "\u{1F14}"]) ), startColumn: 0, offset: offset, font: defaultFont, cellWidth: defaultWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(3)) var run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(baskerville)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 0, y: offset.y), ] )) run = runs[1] expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: offset.x + 1 * defaultWidth, y: offset.y), ] )) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[2], xPosition: offset.x + 2 * defaultWidth) } func testSimpleLigatureChars() { let runs = typesetter.fontGlyphRunsWithLigatures( nvimUtf16Cells: utf16Chars( emojiMarked(["-", "-", ">", "a"]) ), startColumn: 0, offset: offset, font: fira, cellWidth: firaWidth ) expect(runs).to(haveCount(2)) let run = runs[0] expect(run.font).to(equal(fira)) // Ligatures of popular monospace fonts like Fira Code seem to be composed // of multiple characters with the same advance as other normal characters. expect(run.glyphs).to(equal([1614, 1614, 1063, 133])) expect(run.positions).to(equal( (0..<4).map { CGPoint(x: offset.x + CGFloat($0) * firaWidth, y: offset.y) } )) self.assertEmojiMarker(run: runs[1], xPosition: offset.x + 4 * firaWidth) } private func assertAsciiMarker(run: FontGlyphRun, xPosition: CGFloat) { expect(run.font).to(equal(defaultFont)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: xPosition, y: offset.y), ] )) } private func assertEmojiMarker(run: FontGlyphRun, xPosition: CGFloat) { expect(run.font).to(equal(emoji)) expect(run.positions).to(equal( [ CGPoint(x: xPosition, y: offset.y), ] )) } } private let defaultFont = NSFont(name: "Menlo", size: 13)! private let fira = NSFont(name: "FiraCode-Regular", size: 13)! private let courierNew = NSFont(name: "Courier New", size: 13)! private let monaco = NSFont(name: "Monaco", size: 13)! private let emoji = NSFont(name: "AppleColorEmoji", size: 13)! private let gothic = NSFont(name: "Apple SD Gothic Neo", size: 13)! private let baskerville = NSFont(name: "Baskerville", size: 13)! private let defaultWidth = FontUtils .cellSize(of: defaultFont, linespacing: 1).width private let firaWidth = FontUtils.cellSize(of: fira, linespacing: 1).width private let offset = CGPoint(x: 7, y: 8) private let typesetter = Typesetter() private func asciiMarked(_ strings: [String]) -> [String] { return strings + ["a"] } private func emojiMarked(_ strings: [String]) -> [String] { return strings + ["\u{1F600}"] } private func utf16Chars(_ array: [String]) -> [[Unicode.UTF16.CodeUnit]] { return array.map { Array($0.utf16) } }