VimR with NeoVim Most recent changes with links to updates for VimR. en v0.45.1-20231211.195158 20231211.195158 v0.45.1
  • VimR now uses the release Neovim version 0.9.4 and is compatible with external Neovim binary version 0.9.x.
  • Minium macOS requirement is now Monterey (v12).
  • GH-1026: Bugfix: Scroll direction system setting is not respected when trackpad-scrolling.
  • GH-1022: Bugfix: Custom Neovim binary setting is not stored correctly and the alert for incompatible version does not show up.
  • Dependencies updates:
  • sparkle-project/Sparkle@2.5.1
  • Removed: Kitura/BlueSocket
  • ]]> 2023-12-11T19:59:19.895765 12.0