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synced 2024-12-28 08:13:17 +03:00
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220 lines
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* Tae Won Ha - http://taewon.de - @hataewon
import Cocoa
extension NeoVimView: NSTextInputClient {
override public func keyDown(event: NSEvent) {
self.keyDownDone = false
let context = NSTextInputContext.currentInputContext()!
let cocoaHandledEvent = context.handleEvent(event)
if self.keyDownDone && cocoaHandledEvent {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(event)")
let modifierFlags = event.modifierFlags
let capslock = modifierFlags.contains(.AlphaShiftKeyMask)
let shift = modifierFlags.contains(.ShiftKeyMask)
let chars = event.characters!
let charsIgnoringModifiers = shift || capslock ? event.charactersIgnoringModifiers!.lowercaseString
: event.charactersIgnoringModifiers!
if KeyUtils.isSpecial(key: charsIgnoringModifiers) {
if let vimModifiers = self.vimModifierFlags(modifierFlags) {
self.agent.vimInput(self.wrapNamedKeys(vimModifiers + KeyUtils.namedKeyFrom(key: charsIgnoringModifiers)))
} else {
self.agent.vimInput(self.wrapNamedKeys(KeyUtils.namedKeyFrom(key: charsIgnoringModifiers)))
} else {
if let vimModifiers = self.vimModifierFlags(modifierFlags) {
self.agent.vimInput(self.wrapNamedKeys(vimModifiers + charsIgnoringModifiers))
} else {
self.keyDownDone = true
public func insertText(aString: AnyObject, replacementRange: NSRange) {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(replacementRange): '\(aString)'")
switch aString {
case let string as String:
case let attributedString as NSAttributedString:
// unmarkText()
self.lastMarkedText = self.markedText
self.markedText = nil
self.markedPosition = Position.null
self.keyDownDone = true
public override func doCommandBySelector(aSelector: Selector) {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aSelector)");
// FIXME: handle when ㅎ -> delete
if self.respondsToSelector(aSelector) {
Swift.print("\(#function): calling \(aSelector)")
self.performSelector(aSelector, withObject: self)
self.keyDownDone = true
// NSLog("\(#function): "\(aSelector) not implemented, forwarding input to vim")
self.keyDownDone = false
public func setMarkedText(aString: AnyObject, selectedRange: NSRange, replacementRange: NSRange) {
if self.markedText == nil {
self.markedPosition = self.grid.putPosition
// eg 하 -> hanja popup, cf comment for self.lastMarkedText
if replacementRange.length > 0 {
switch aString {
case let string as String:
self.markedText = string
case let attributedString as NSAttributedString:
self.markedText = attributedString.string
self.markedText = String(aString) // should not occur
// NSLog("\(#function): \(self.markedText), \(selectedRange), \(replacementRange)")
self.keyDownDone = true
public func unmarkText() {
// NSLog("\(#function): ")
self.markedText = nil
self.markedPosition = Position.null
self.keyDownDone = true
// TODO: necessary?
self.setNeedsDisplayInRect(self.cellRectFor(row: self.grid.putPosition.row, column: self.grid.putPosition.column))
/// Return the current selection (or the position of the cursor with empty-length range). For example when you enter
/// "Cmd-Ctrl-Return" you'll get the Emoji-popup at the rect by firstRectForCharacterRange(actualRange:) where the
/// first range is the result of this method.
public func selectedRange() -> NSRange {
// When the app starts and the Hangul input method is selected, this method gets called very early...
guard self.grid.hasData else {
// NSLog("\(#function): not found")
return NSRange(location: NSNotFound, length: 0)
let result = NSRange(location: self.grid.singleIndexFrom(self.grid.putPosition), length: 0)
// NSLog("\(#function): \(result)")
return result
public func markedRange() -> NSRange {
// FIXME: do we have to handle positions at the column borders?
if let markedText = self.markedText {
let result = NSRange(location: self.grid.singleIndexFrom(self.markedPosition),
length: markedText.characters.count)
// NSLog("\(#function): \(result)")
return result
NSLog("\(#function): returning empty range")
return NSRange(location: NSNotFound, length: 0)
public func hasMarkedText() -> Bool {
// NSLog("\(#function)")
return self.markedText != nil
// FIXME: take into account the "return nil"-case
// FIXME: just fix me, PLEASE...
public func attributedSubstringForProposedRange(aRange: NSRange, actualRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSAttributedString? {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aRange), \(actualRange[0])")
if aRange.location == NSNotFound {
// NSLog("\(#function): range not found: returning nil")
return nil
guard let lastMarkedText = self.lastMarkedText else {
// NSLog("\(#function): no last marked text: returning nil")
return nil
// we only support last marked text, thus fill dummy characters when Cocoa asks for more characters than marked...
let fillCount = aRange.length - lastMarkedText.characters.count
guard fillCount >= 0 else {
return nil
let fillChars = Array(0..<fillCount).reduce("") { (result, _) in return result + " " }
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aRange), \(actualRange[0]): \(fillChars + lastMarkedText)")
return NSAttributedString(string: fillChars + lastMarkedText)
public func validAttributesForMarkedText() -> [String] {
return []
public func firstRectForCharacterRange(aRange: NSRange, actualRange: NSRangePointer) -> NSRect {
let position = self.grid.positionFromSingleIndex(aRange.location)
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aRange),\(actualRange[0]) -> \(position.row):\(position.column)")
let resultInSelf = self.cellRectFor(row: position.row, column: position.column)
let result = self.window?.convertRectToScreen(self.convertRect(resultInSelf, toView: nil))
return result!
public func characterIndexForPoint(aPoint: NSPoint) -> Int {
// NSLog("\(#function): \(aPoint)")
return 1
func vimModifierFlags(modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlags) -> String? {
var result = ""
let control = modifierFlags.contains(.ControlKeyMask)
let option = modifierFlags.contains(.AlternateKeyMask)
let command = modifierFlags.contains(.CommandKeyMask)
if control {
result += "C-"
if option {
result += "M-"
if command {
result += "D-"
if result.characters.count > 0 {
return result
return nil